Clarksburg High School Choral Music Handbook
Clarksburg High School
Concert Choir Handbook
Mrs. Vanek Kurtz
Music Office: (301)-444-3071
Front Office: (301) 444-3000
Facebook: CHS Sings
Welcome to the Clarksburg
Grade Level: 10-12, Audition/Teacher Permission
Prerequisite: At least one year of high school choral singing recommended.
Lab Fee: $10 /Payable to OOMPAH or
Texts: Hal Leonard Essential Sight Singing Series, Prescribed Choral Arrangements
Required Materials: Pencil with Eraser, Composition Journal with Lined Paper, Choral Music Folder, Sheet Music
Course Outline/How this class works:
♫ This course explores music through the medium of vocal performance.
♫ Students will apply vocal techniques, music literacy, historical and cultural styles through classical, world and contemporary choral repertoire.
♫ Students will explore their creativity by expressing themselves in a positive way.
♫ All singers will rehearse daily in order to perform for school and community concerts, festivals and events.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to:
♫ Vocalize using proper technique
♫ Perform alone and with others
♫ Read music notation
♫ Demonstrate and recognize various music styles
♫ Make historical and cultural connections to vocal repertoire
♫ Listen to, analyze, and describe music
♫ Evaluate music and music performance
♫ Perform publicly with professionalism and outstanding stage presence
♫ Understand the relationship between music and the world beyond the school setting
Course Materials:
Students will receive a sight singing method book, sheet music and a choral folder that will be used daily in class. These materials will remain in the student’s designated folder slot. All materials must be returned at the end of the year. Any student that does not return books, folders or sheet music will be charged an itemized replacement fee. Photo copies can be made available for at home practice.
Ø Be at your assigned seat with all of your materials within 1 minute after the bell.
Ø You will be given 2 minutes before the end of the period to put away your music.
Ø You may not leave before the bell rings.
Ø Each student will be given a numbered folder to store their journal, sheet music, worksheets, & music.
Ø Students should always keep a pencil in their folder to mark their music.
Ø Each student will treat the school instruments and materials with respect and do their utmost to prevent damage.
Course Website:
Ø Students will frequently have listening, music theory and blog assignments on the choral music website.
Ø Students and parents are expected to check the website frequently to remain updated on performances and events.
Concert Attire and Performance Requirements
Concert Choirr Attire:
Ø The General Chorus singers are responsible for finding and purchasing the required items on the list below.
Ø This attire must be worn for all performance events. Students not dressed appropriately will not be permitted to perform.
Ø Families in need of financial assistance should contact Mrs. Kurtz directly so accommodations can be made.
Men’s Attire:
· Solid White, long sleeve button up dress shirt
· Solid Black, Long Tie
· Black Dress Pants
· Black Socks
· Black Dress Shoes ( no sneakers)
Women’s Attire:
· Solid White, Button up dress shirt
· Solid Black Skirt ( must reach the knee)
· Black, Closed Toe, Dress Shoes
Performance Expectations:
· Parents and students should write down all dates on the performance calendar. Concerts and festivals are mandatory for all students.
· Students will be required to arrive at least 1 hour before the performance time.
· Students are expected to attend the entire performance and must demonstrate excellent audience etiquette.
· Students will be graded on their performance attendance and will be expected to perform repertoire from memory.
· Parents and family are encouraged to attend all performances
Clarksburg High School Choral Music Handbook
Choral Grading Policy
Performance Grades/Skills Assessments…..…………………………… 45%
* Students perform assigned repertoire in groups and alone for a grade.
* Students demonstrate excellent performance techniques including: posture, diction, breath support,
memorization, and engagement.
* Students participate in all required concerts and performances.
* Students demonstrate excellent audience etiquette in all concerts and performances
Classroom Performance……….………………………………………… 45%
* Students come to class prepared and have all necessary materials at the beginning of class.
* Students demonstrate excellent rehearsal techniques such as: vocalization, music marking, posture, engagement and active involvement in discussions and activities.
* Students complete group work and individual classroom assignments.
* Students exemplify choral excellence by demonstrating vocal growth, musical vocabulary and contextual knowledge.
To achieve success, students must practice. While concerts are culminating activities, daily practice constitutes the most intense learning period. Evidence of effective practice skills must be demonstrated daily. Students must have their materials on a daily basis. Students without a folder, pencil, or sheet music are still responsible for all the material.
Written Assignments/Quizzes/Blog……………….…………………… 10%
* Students will be given a Journal that stays in the chorus classroom.
* Written evaluations may entail vocal / music theory worksheets, critical listening evaluations, historical research and participation in the online blog.
*Quizzes may cover vocal techniques, music theory and cultural research.
Absence Policy:
* If a student is absent for an in-class assessment they will be able to reassess for full credit if the absence is excused. If the absence is not excused, they will be able to take the assessment for a 50% during a scheduled detention.
All assignments, concerts and event information will be updated weekly on Edline and the class website:
For all Concerts/Performances/Rehearsals
There are very few absences which are considered valid reasons for missing any required performances. Your grade will be lowered one letter grade for not participating in a mandatory event without an excused absence. If the absence IS excused, then the student will be required to make-up the activity, just as a student who misses a test would need to make-up the test. Since it is not possible to recreate the performance, the make-up activity will be for the student to record the following requirement onto a CD or emailed in an mp3 file format:
- Acapella performance of assigned choral music that demonstrates student’s mastery of performance objectives (to be chosen by music director)
Once the performance selection has been assigned, it is the student’s responsibility to record the selection either at school or at home onto a CD or mp3 format. Once the recording is complete, along with handing in the CD or emailing the mp3 file, the student must also complete a Rubric for Performance Assessment sheet. This sheet requires the student to assess their own performance based on a standard set of requirements. The teacher will then moderate the student’s marks. The student’s make-up grade of the performance will be derived from this Rubric for Performance Assessment sheet and assigned to the performance that was missed due to an excused absence.
Excused absences may include a student illness, death in the immediate family, or other emergencies that will be discussed on an individual basis. Montgomery County attendance policy states that an excused note must be turned in no later than three days after the absence. For night school and athletic event conflicts, the music director must be consulted prior to the concert. In most cases, the performance program can be rearranged or make-up classes can be worked out to satisfy all parties.
Performances that occur outside of the regular school day are an extension of all performing ensembles. These performances are co-curricular activities, not extra-curricular. This means that performances are part of the student’s grade for the class.
All make-up assignments for a missed performance must be completed and handed in by within one week of the missed performance. Make-ups turned in after the deadline will only receive up to 50%.
Unexcused absences may include, but are not limited to, babysitting, lack of transportation, sports practices, and work related employment. Unexcused absences may be made up, but will only receive a maximum of 50%.
If you have questions concerning the validity of any situation, please consult the music director as soon as possible:
CHS Choral Music Ensembles
Reassessment Policy
Reassessment is a functional part of daily rehearsals. When we rehearse sections and parts, we are reassessing the main components of a quality music ensemble.
When an individual performance exam is required, advance notice will be given prior to the date of performance. If a student is absent when they are required to sing an assessment, upon return, the student must contact the instructor and determine a date for the make-up exam.
If a student would like an additional opportunity for reassessment on a performance, s/he must meet with the instructor at least once to review the material for guidance and direction. This review meeting must be within one week of the initial assessment date. After this meeting, a mutual time may be set between the student and instructor for reassessment.
Performance Grading Criteria
Listed below is a criterion by which students will receive credit for a performance. If all the criteria are met, in addition to the individual’s playing standard, students will receive the maximum credit for each performance. Performances include, but are not limited to, evening concerts, in school concerts, and community performances.
100% - Maximum grade
· Punctual for call time
· Wears proper attire
· Has necessary materials
20% - Reduction in grade
· Student attire does not meet specified requirements for performance
10% - Reduction in grade
· Student is late to specified call time
10% - Reduction in grade
· Student is missing necessary materials for the specified performance
Clarksburg High School Choral Department
22500 Wims Road Clarksburg, MD 20871 (301) 444-3071
Contract of Agreement
After reading the choral syllabus, please read and sign the contract below. This contract is to be returned no later than Friday, September 4th 2015.
I, ______have read the choral program syllabus
and understand the expectations and commitment that is needed to be in this ensemble. I have reviewed the choral calendar and know that I must be present at all required performances. In addition, I agree to take responsibility for all musical resources in my use and will be financially responsible for any damages that may come to these materials while in my possession.
Student Signature: ______
Student Email: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Choral Boosters and VOlunteering
The choral program is in need of parent volunteers!
1. Join Our OOMPAH Music Boosters-
This music booster organization is led by parents that provides the music program with much needed support. We need parents to fill leadership positions and committees. Join us at our first informational meeting! Information about our first booster meeting with be provided soon!
2. Volunteer Your Time-
If you are available to volunteer for events please contact Mrs. Kurtz! We need parents to measure students for attire, advertise to the community and chaperone our events. These is always something to do and your help is greatly appreciated.
3. Donate and Fundraise!
This year we will be participating in several fundraisers in order to supply the students with much needed resources. With your help, we will be able to raise money for piano tunings, accompanists, awards banquets and travel expenses for festivals and field trips. Your contribution will make all the difference.
4. Become Involved In Your Child’s Music Education-
The best way to help your child to grow musically is to get involved. Ask them about what they are singing and encourage them at home to share their voices and talents. Explore the possibility of private lessons and encourage them to audition for all opportunities.
♫ For more details on volunteering and the Choral Boosters please check our parent links on the choral website: or email Mrs. Kurtz at