SMS/E-mail notification in Raiffeisen Business Online system

9 Leskova Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine

In order to configure SMS or e-mail notification after this service is activated at the Bank’s level in Raiffeisen Business Online system, Monitoring menu item will appear. After you click this menu item, the information message configuration window will be opened.

Three tabs: “Channels”, “My notifications” and “Security notifications” will be displayed in the window.

§  Channels – after the setting phone numbers or e-mail addresses, to which notifications will be sent, will be displayed.

§  My notifications – after the setting, events, on which it is necessary to receive information, will be displayed.

§  Security notifications are displayed if the Bank has set SMS-notifications on the following events:

·  Key activation – when changing any enterprise’s key, SMS-notification will be sent to the specified phone number with the information on the key activation and the specification of the signature group whose key was activated;

·  Log-in – at each successful log-in to the system, SMS-notification will be sent to the specified phone number;

·  One-time password for log-in – during an attempt to log in with the key, for which the service of one-time password was set, SMS-notification containing the password, without which it is impossible to log in, is sent to the specified phone number.

·  One-time password for payment order confirmation – during an attempt to apply the signature on the payment order, SMS-notification will be sent to the specified phone number. It is possible to configure order confirmation in such way that the password will be used for all payment orders or for orders exceeding a certain amount, for example, UAH 1,000.

IMPORTANT! You have to contact your servicing branch of the Bank for the setting of security notifications.

In order to create the notification delivery channel, press the button (Create). The window for creating of the notification delivery channel will be opened.

The following fields must be filled in:

§  Name – the name for the delivery channel is specified, the field may be filled in with any data.

§  In order to activate the delivery channel immediately, it is necessary to put the mark (Activate).

§  It is necessary to select the notification delivery path, for which purpose you have to select the item “SMS notification” or “E-mail notification” from the drop-down list. The selected item will be marked.

§  If the item “SMS notification” is selected, it is necessary to enter the phone number in the international format, for example, +380501234567.

IMPORTANT! If the phone number has been incorrectly entered, the field remains blank.

§  If the item “E-mail notification” is selected, it is necessary to enter the e-mail address.

§  The language, in which you want to receive notifications, is selected from the drop-down list.

§  If necessary, (Transliteration) mark is put. Usually, this mark is used when selecting the item “SMS notification” in order to extend the text (the standard SMS-notification in Cyrillic characters contains 60 symbols, in Latin characters – 210 symbols).

After all necessary fields are filled, it is necessary to press (Save) button. The fields will be disabled. If errors are detected upon saving, it is necessary to press (Change) button and correct the errors.

If the entered information is authentic, press the link (Return to the list). After pressing of the specified link, the page of the delivery channels with the newly created channel will be displayed.

After creating the delivery channel, you have to specify the events, on which the system has to notify the user. In order to create events, it is necessary to switch to the tab (My notifications) and press the button (Create). The event configuration window will be opened.

Automatic notifications on the following events can be sent:

§  Document rejection – if any of the documents created in the system are rejected, the notification will be sent.

§  Incoming bank letters – the notification informs that the Bank sent a letter in the system.

§  Cash flow – the notification will be sent in case of the debiting or crediting of funds to the specified account.

§  Account statement – a short account statement will be sent.

§  Current balances – the notification on the balances of the selected account as of the selected date will be sent.

Configuration of notifications on document rejection

In order to set notifications on document rejection, it is necessary to select the respective item in the list “Send notifications”. The data input form will be displayed.

The created delivery channel will be displayed in the field «по каналу» (“via the channel”). If several channels are created, it is possible to select the channel by pressing the channel’s name.

If the selected channel is a channel for E-mail notifications, then it is possible to select the notification format in the field «у форматі (“in the format”).

There is no such opportunity for SMS-notifications.

It is necessary to select document types, on the rejection of which notifications will be sent.

The account is selected and in case that the document is rejected from this account, the notification will be sent.

The minimum amount of the document is selected and in case that the document is rejected, the notification will be sent. By default, this amount is UAH 0.00.

In order to enable notifications immediately, put the mark (Activate).

For customers who are signatories in certain enterprises or who have accounts with different banks, in order to avoid confusion it is possible to add the enterprise’s name in the notification by putting the mark (Customer’s name).

Configuration of notification on incoming bank letters

In order to configure notifications on incoming bank letters, it is necessary to select the respective item in the «Відправляти повідомлення» (“Send notifications”) list. The data input form will be displayed.

The created delivery channel will be displayed in the field «по каналу» (“via the channel”). If several channels are created, the channel can be selected by pressing the channel’s name.

If the selected channel is a channel for E-mail notifications, then it is possible to select the notification format in the field «у форматі» (“in the format”).

There is no such opportunity for SMS-notifications.

In order to enable notifications immediately, you have to put the mark (Activate).

It is possible to add information regarding the letter subject and the customer’s name for convenience.

Configuration of notifications on cash flow

In order to configure notifications on cash flow, you have to select the respective item in the «Відправляти повідомлення (“Send notifications”) list. The data input form will be displayed.

The created delivery channel will be displayed in the field «по каналу» (“via the channel”). If several channels are created, you can select the channel by pressing the channel’s name.

If the selected channel is a channel for E-mail notifications, then it is possible to select the notification format in the field «у форматі» (“in the format”).

There is no such opportunity for SMS-notifications.

It is necessary to select an account and in case that the balance of this account is changed, a notification will be sent.

Choose the type of operation, on which you have to be informed.

The following options are possible: All operations – notifications will be sent in case of crediting and debiting of funds from the account; Debiting – notifications will be sent in case of any debiting of funds from the account; Crediting – notifications will be sent in case of any crediting of funds to the account.

In order to make notifications active immediately, you have to put the mark (Activate).

You can add the following information to the notification:

§  Document number – number of the document, on which the information is sent;

§  Correspondent – recipient/payer specified in the document;

§  Purpose of payment;

§  Document date, document creation date;

§  Correspondent account – account, from or to which the funds are transferred;

§  Customer’s name – enterprise’s name.

Configuration of notifications (account statements)

With a view to configure notifications on account statements, it is necessary to select the respective item in the list “Send notifications”. The data input form will be displayed.

It is recommended to use the channel type configured for the receipt of e-mail notifications for the specified notification type.

It is necessary to select the notification format in the field «у форматі» (“in the format”).

Select the account, the statement on which will be sent.

Select the date, for which the statement will be sent. The possible options are as follows: for the previous date or for the current date.

The time, at which it is convenient to receive the statement, is selected.

In order to enable notifications immediately, you have to put the mark (Activate).

Configuration of notifications on current balances

In order to configure notifications on current balances, you have to select the respective item in the list «Відправляти повідомлення» (“Send notifications”). The data input form will be displayed.

The created delivery channel will be displayed in the field «по каналу» (“via the channel”) field. If several channels are created, it is possible to select the channel by pressing the channel’s name.

If the selected channel is a channel for E-mail notifications, then it is possible to select the notification format in the field «у форматі» (“in the format”).

There is no such opportunity for SMS-notifications.

Select the account, on the balance of which the notifications will be created.

The time, at which it is convenient to receive the statement, is selected.

In order to enable notifications immediately, you have to put the mark (Activate).

After filling of all the necessary fields, you have to press (Save) button. The fields will be disabled. If errors are detected after saving, press the button (Change) and correct the errors.

If the entered information is authentic, it is necessary to press the link (Return to the list). Upon pressing the specified link, the page of notifications with the newly created notification will be displayed.

We wish you successful operations.

With best regards, Raiffeisen Bank Aval JSC.

0 (800) 505-770,