Beginning Band
1st Six Weeks Objectives
Welcome to beginning band class at Highland Middle School. This page will inform you of things we will be doing for the first six weeks of the school year. Students will need to have a spiral notebook and a pencil every day in band class. This will be kept in the band hall and used on a daily basis.
Week One
· Introductions – Class Roll – Are we in the right class?
· Classroom Procedures– On Back
· Take T-shirt Sizes for T-shirt order
· Basic Music Theory – Notes in spiral notebook – don’t forget to bring a pencil every day!
· Papers Sent Home in Folder: Handbook, Private Lesson Packet and Forms to be signed and returned.
*If all goes as scheduled students will be asked to bring in their instruments at the end of week one or the beginning of week two
*Instruments rented from Music and Arts will be sent home with students once they have learned the basics of assembly and care in week two. Students will be told when it is safe to bring home their instrument for Daily Practice
Week Two
· Assign Lockers / Practice Opening Locks / School Owned Instruments checked out
· Identify Parts of the Instrument
· Assembly of Instrument
· Care of Instrument
· Posture / Breathing
· Hand Position / Holding the instrument
· Basics of producing a sound
Week Three through Six
· Begin playing out of band book and review and reinforce basic fundamentals
End of Six Weeks Exam – Exact Date to be Announced – Test comprised of the following grades:
· Locker Check – Is locker kept clean and free of trash?
· Instrument Check – Is instrument in good working condition / clean / polished / supplies?
· Spiral Check – Have you been writing down the word of the day every day?
· Word of the Day Test – Open Note Test of words given during the six weeks
Forms to be returned as soon as possible: Student Information Page, Permission Slip, Mass Email Information, Band Handbook Receipt/ Photo Release, Band Fees and Instrument Contract for those who play on school owned instruments
Grades: 50% Participation / 25% Daily Grades such as worksheets and Playing Tests / 25% Six Weeks Exam
Other: We welcome any donations of tissue boxes to be used in the band hall throughout the year
Please Email or call anytime with Questions or Concerns:
Melissa Danforth :
Beginning Flutes, Oboes, Bassoons, Clarinets and Alto Saxes
Lisa Dodd:
Beginning Cornet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone and Tuba
Derrick Doyle: – Beginning Percussion
Highland Middle School Band Hall Phone Number: 817-847-5143 Ext. 4130
Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the Band Hall without talking
We ask that students enter without talking so that students are focused on preparation for class and getting started quickly.
2. Question Table at the front of the room
Questions – Write down things you need to tell us or ask us and put them in the “ question basket”
Things you need to turn in go in the “turn in basket”
Items that may have been left are placed in the “return to you basket”
Passes may be found on this table as well – Passes should be placed in the question basket
If for some reason you are not participating in class you will need to sign the clipboard on the table with your name, date and reason why you will not be playing/participating in class that day
3. Exit Doors
Please use the doors the doors that go into the hallway at all times. Do not use the double blue doors that go outside. You may only use the double blue doors for before or after school sectionals or rehearsals
4. Trash
Please help us keep the band hall clean by throwing out your trash. This includes tissues, band aids and used reeds, and reed holders please.
5. Percussion Equipment
Percussion Equipment is to be used by percussion students only. Please refrain from touching, playing on or setting your books on the percussion equipment
6. Music Stands
Music Stands are for your music. Students are not to write on the music stands, spin them,lean on them or place heavy objects on them.
7. Band Students only in the band hall
In order to keep all of our instruments and equipment safe it is essential that only band students enter the band hall. Students that are not in band should remain outside the band hall and wait for you.
8. Office Area
Please knock and wait for a director to give you permission to enter the director’s office.
9. Practice Rooms
Practice Rooms are for private lessons and individual practice. Students must have permission from a director to use a practice room. Please do not play on the pianos without permission
10. Never touch anyone else’s instrument
11. Never Touch anyone else’s locker / lock
12. Lost and Found
Clothing and large items left in the band hall will be placed in the lost and found bin located by
the question table at the front of the room
13. Morning Practice – 8:00-8:30 am
The band hall is open for morning practice on days that sectionals are not scheduled in the band hall. In the beginning of the year morning practice will be for 7th and 8th grade students only. Beginners will be allowed to come to the band hall for morning practice when the directors feel that they have acquired enough skills and maturity to participate in this open practice session.
14. Treat Others with Respect at All Times
Lying, cheating, stealing, fighting, bullying and destruction of property will not be tolerated. We are a family and want everyone to feel safe and have a place to belong. We hope you will help nurture this environment and respect those around you as well as their personal belongings.
Honor Band Objectives – First Six Weeks Grading period
Congratulations on being selected as an Honor Band Member for the 2011 – 2012 School Year! You have worked very hard to earn your spot in this band and will represent the school at numerous functions and contests this year. You are considered the Varsity group for the Highland Middle School Band Program and are expected to be role models at all times. I hope that you all work together to make this year’s Honor Band the best ever! We will discuss things that we can do to make this band enjoyable, educational and incredible to be in. It will take practice, teamwork and leadership to make things work. We are looking forward to an awesome year with you!
Week One
· Pass out binders
· Assign lockers / locks / Check out school owned instruments
· T-shirt Sizes / Tuxedo Shirt Sizes
· Pass out handbooks, private lesson papers, band fees, forms to be signed and returned, school owned instrument contracts and drug testing form
· Discuss purchasing of reeds and supplies for this year.
· Discuss Drug Form
· Discuss Eligibility
· Sectional Survey – get sectionals scheduled so we can begin in week two
Weeks Two Through Six
· Sectionals Begin
· Warm Ups
· Scales – F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db , partial Chromatic
· Alma Mater (School Song) / Fight Song / Star Spangled Banner / Go Big Red / Pop Music
· All District / All Region Music
· 50% Participation
· 25 % Sectional Attendance
· 25% Daily Grades / Playing Tests
Uniforms – All students need to have the following for their “formal concert attire”
· Tuxedo Shirt – paid for by student - school will order – see band fee list
· Bow Tie – provided by school - checked out at concerts
· Black Pants, Black Socks and Black Shoes– Student needs to purchase solid black tuxedo type dress pants, socks and shoes
· Band T-shirt for informal performances
All students are expected to attend one sectional per week for one hour. During this time students will be working on their region and district try out music. This is the only time we will work on this music. Attendance is essential in order to prepare for try outs. Athletics practices for their games 5 days a week. We are asking for one day in order to be competitive at our band competitions. Coaches will typically allow students to miss one day a week for band sectionals. We work very closely with the coaches to make this possible. Morning sectionals are from 7:30 – 8:30 am. Afternoon sectionals are from 4:00-5:00 pm. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to communicate with a director regarding any absences of sectionals. Sectionals are 25% of the student’s band grade. Sectional grades will be lowered for excessive tardies and unexcused absences. Students needing to miss a sectional will need to either fill out a sectional absence form, bring a note from a parent/teacher or have a parent email or call us to let us know the reason for your absence. Please try very hard to communicate an absence in advance when possible.
Band Calendar
A band calendar will be sent home in the first two weeks of school. All events on the band calendar are required performances and considered part of our band curriculum. All performances/contests are required and part of a student’s band grade.
Other Information
Honor Band students are expected to maintain good citizenship, practice habits, and attendance at all scheduled rehearsals, sectionals and performances/contests in order to remain a member of the honor band. Students that are unable to fulfill honor band requirements may be placed in Symphonic Band at any time during the school year.
Please refer to the band handbook for more detailed information regarding band expectations and guidelines.
Please Email or call anytime with Questions or Concerns:
Melissa Danforth :
Honor Band, Symphonic Band Woodwind/Percussion Class, Beginning Flutes, Oboes, Bassoons, Clarinets and Alto Saxes
Lisa Dodd:
Symphonic Brass Class, Beginning Cornet, French Horn, Trombone, Baritone and Tuba
Derrick Doyle: – Beginning Percussion / 7th and 8th grade percussion instruction
Highland Middle School Band Hall Phone Number: 817-847-5143 Ext. 4130
Classroom Procedures
1. Enter the Band Hall without talking
We ask that students enter without talking so that students are focused on preparation for class and getting started quickly.
2. Question Table at the front of the room
Questions – Write down things you need to tell us or ask us and put them in the question basket
Things you need to turn in go in the turn in basket
Items that may have been left are placed in the return to you basket
Passes may be found on this table as well – Passes should be placed in the question basket
If for some reason you are not participating in class you will need to sign the clipboard on the table with your name, date and reason why you will not be playing / participating in class that day
3. Exit Doors
Please use the doors the doors that go into the hallway at all times. Do not use the double blue doors that go outside. You may only use the double blue doors for before or after school sectionals or rehearsals
4. Trash
Please help us keep the band hall clean by throwing out your trash. This includes tissues, band aids and used reeds, and reed holders please.
5. Percussion Equipment
Percussion Equipment is to be used by percussion students only. Please refrain from touching, playing on or setting your books on the percussion equipment
6. Music Stands
Music Stands are for your music. Students are not to write on the music stands, spin them, lean on them or place heavy objects on them.
7. Band Students only in the band hall
In order to keep all of our instruments and equipment safe it is essential that only band students enter the band hall. Students that are not in band should remain outside the band hall and wait for you.
8. Office Area
Please knock and wait for a director to give you permission to enter the director’s office.
9. Practice Rooms
Practice Rooms are for private lessons and individual practice. Students must have permission from a director to use a practice room. Please do not play on the pianos without permission
10. Never touch anyone else’s instrument
11. Never Touch anyone else’s locker / lock
12. Lost and Found
Clothing and large items left in the band hall will be placed in the lost and found bin located by
the question table at the front of the room
13. Morning Practice – 8:00-8:30 am
7th and 8th grade band students may practice in the band hall from 8:00-8:30am providing there is not a sectional in the band hall. Students are expected to be actively practicing on appropriate music at this time.
14. Treat Others with Respect at All Times
Lying, cheating, stealing, fighting, bullying and destruction of property will not be tolerated. We are a family and want everyone to feel safe and have a place to belong. We hope you will help nurture this environment and respect those around you as well as their personal belongings.