Educator University FAQ

Can my principal create an activity, invite a guest speaker, submit a course proposal and require our entire staff to attend?

No. Educator University is your opportunity to focus on your own professional growth and teacher learning.

How do I submit a proposal to present PD on EQ PD Day? When will the course catalog be available?

Since everyone is collaboratively creating their own learning opportunity this year, there isn’t a need to seek proposals at the district level, find presenters, or generate a list of courses being offered. If you need ideas for Educator University and how you can further your knowledge, understanding and work towards ensuring all students are learning, please click HEREto access sample proposals and examples/non-examples T-chart.

If we aren’t holding a mini conference with district facilitators, what are we doing and how do I participate? Where do I submit my proposal?

The EQ PD Steering Committee looked very closely at the feedback and attendance rates from previous EQ PD Days and discovered that a new format was in order. Educator University was created to give all FTE’s the opportunity to design a personalized learning opportunity. Each FTE will collaboratively create a proposal and submit it to their own building principal by September 30th. Building Leadership Teams will review the proposals. Proposals will either be accepted by the team or returned for revisions by October 24. To access the proposal form in Word or PDF format, click HERE.

Can I work from home on February 19th?

No. Everyone is expected to be in a DMPS facility for Educator University. However, you may find yourself across town at another school if you are collaborating with a colleague and choose to work at their school instead of yours. For example, all of the AP English teachers may plan to meet at East.

What if I just want to work alone for Educator University?

The professional development structure that we are implementing this year is collaborative in nature. There are endless options when deciding who you want to learn and grow with. You might consider your teammates, a PLC group that you belong to, in classroom support personnel, grade level colleagues in another building, job-alike colleagues, etc.

How will payment work this year?

The EQ PD Committee has allocated part of our district EQ funds to pay you for the day. You will receive your per diem rate on either the last paycheck in March or first paycheck in April.