UAC Executive Board Meeting



Rudder 302

Attending: Allison Rivera (President Elect), Analicia Leiva (Secretary), Angela Winkler (Student Affairs), Ann Pool (Immediate Past President), Betsy Hardi (Nursing), Bridgette Ingram (Financial Aid), Brie Garcia (Academic Affairs), Brittany Hensley (Treasurer), Cami Rhome (Mays), Casey Schumacher (VP Programs), Christina Escamilla (Historian), Clint Crampton (Science), Debbie Starnes (OGAPS), John Robert (Registrar), Kaitlyn McCanna (Athletics), Kayla McGee (Education), Kelli Edmunds (Architecture), Kristin Harper (Undergraduate Studies), Lanice Bennett (Student Affairs), Laura Olivarez (VP Communications), Lisa Stewart (Galveston), Lucinda Pritchard (Academic Affairs), Meredith Simpson (Corps of Cadets), Michael Outland (SBS), Morgan Jones (Parliamentarian), Rafael Almanzar (Agriculture), Roxanna Russell (Geosciences), Russ Graves (TAP), Shedrick Johnson (Liberal Arts), Sophia Polk (Blinn), Tammie Smith (Veterinary), Tarah Kennedy (Engineering), Tracey Rueschhoff (Study Abroad), Vince Hernandez (President)

Meeting Called to Order: 10:04am

I.  Minutes Approval: Brittany moved, Casey seconded.

II.  Officer and Committee Reports

●  President-Vince Hernandez

i.  SSC

a.  Tim Scott is the new owner of SSC. He is leading the efforts to increase information about SSC and including why and how we can use it to help reach certain goals.

1.  The plan is to have a representatives all across campus come together to create a committee.

ii.  Banner 2

a.  Committee is working on getting the system up and running. This new system will no longer use Java.

iii.  Parliamentarian

a.  Christopher Cantrell resigned from his position as Parliamentarian. Dr. Morgan Jones accepted the appointment.

iv.  Troops to College

a.  Christopher Cantrell was also the representative on the Troops to College committee. Betsy Hardi volunteered to be the new representative.

●  President Elect- Allison Rivera

i.  Athletics

a.  Siting on the hiring committee for new athletic director.

●  VP Programs- Casey Schumacher

i.  Advisor Briefing Day

a.  September 7

b.  Spring ABD date TBD. Pllanning will start after September 7.

ii.  Symposium

a.  November 14, 2017

b.  Proposals needed.

c.  Updates needed for the UAC website for those not on the bulletin.

iii.  Holiday Social

a.  Proposed to either cancel or reschedule due to lack of interest

1.  Brittany moved to host after Spring ABD, Morgan seconded.

●  VP Communications- Laura Olivarez

i.  Bulletin

a.  Going back to weekly emails on Monday. Send items before Monday at 10am to ensure it goes out that week. ONLY time sensitive items need to go immediate to the bull.

b.  Analicia to take over after Laura goes on maternity leave unless she can get a technology committee going this year.

c.  Email her with any updates needs for the website.

d.  Outlook calendar needs updating but this was something the last VP Programs did. Casey will ask Jennifer R-C about this and see if they can continue it for this year.

1.  Potential we can create a UAC Board Google Drive to help with items and keeping things up to date.

●  Secretary- Analicia Leiva

i.  Membership Committee

a.  Allison started the Mentorship Program. Designed to help new advisors pair with a veteran advisor to help them transition into the institution and the profession. First year so there will be kinks and a reevaluation process in December/January to see what can be done to improve or change.

1.  Application is due September 15 for mentors and mentees. Pairings will be made and announced September 29.

●  Treasurer- Brittany Hensley

i.  Budget

a.  ABD funds dropped down since not hosting lunch.

b.  Awards Breakfast is the same.

c.  Executive retreat was under budget

d.  Holiday Social- If not a paid event anymore, Brittany needs to know so she can move funds.

e.  Webinars are done through Rebecca Hapes still so low fees.

f.  Brown bag is changing so the budget is flexible.

g.  Symposium 2.0 took fund from ABD to make it more worth the money paid. Marketplace charges are high this year because there was 2 symposiums hosted in the same fiscal year since registration or the 2nd opened in June.

h.  Vases were bought for all events and are housed in Brittany’s office. These are for all members to use for the events. Potential extra funds to buy items for inside the vases or for table runners. Hopefully small items until storage solution is found.

1.  Budget moved by Allison for approval, seconded by Brittany.

●  Historian- Christina Escamilla

i.  Needs anyone attending NACADA St. Louis to take photos since she will not be able to attend.

●  Parliamentarian- Morgan Jones

●  Immediate Past President- Ann Pool

i.  EIS Committee

a.  Meeting covered Banner 2 system.

b.  SSC- Swan and SSC are not transferring notes as well as anticipated. As of now the notes put in SSC are not available to students as the system is not available to them just yet.

c.  Call for committee members for technology committee. Sign up at ABD or email Ann. Meet every 4th Tuesday of every month in HEAP 413.

1.  Questions on SSC included tagging, differences between notes and reports: answered by Laura.

(i)  Tagging used for reports, notes are searchable by the whole body while reports you only look by the items used for tagging.

d.  Howdy 2

1.  Howdy 2 is a system that students are not accessing. Big offices on campus use this during busy times since the system is not overworked. Bridgette is going to ask if this is something advisors should also be using since primarily only SBS, F. Aid, and Registrar use it.

ii.  New Advisor Orientation

a.  August 27th was the most recent training. 30 new advisors attended.

b.  October 25th is the next training.

iii.  Harvey

a.  54 students were called up to active duty for the National Guard. Some we asked to serve as soon as August 22nd. Please be diligent with the orders as some students may doctored them. Some student will be out 72 hours, while others can be out for 4 months.

1.  Student Life, Housing, Admissions, Vet Services and Financial Aid are all prepared on how to handle the situation. Please refer students to the appropriate locations.

(i)  Students can NR Drop or Military Withdrawal from the semester if they choose. Must provide copy of orders.

(ii)  Students admitted in Fall can defer their admissions, and come back when they can. All fees would be waived. They should contact the Karens for help with readmission. All financial aid questions should be deferred to the Pavilion since Karens are for admissions only.

III.  Old Business

IV.  New Business

V.  Announcements

●  Morgan- Academic Success Center

i.  StudyHub updated as they are getting dates, times and location.

a.  Email them to let them know to add things or if you see things missing.

ii.  More SI leaders and tutors because they got more students to help, so more subject being covered

iii.  Workshops start today, 9/6, due to space, only one time for now.

iv.  Academic Fresh Start: 6 more left for the semester, all dates are on ASC website and ERS

v.  Academic Success Workshops, students can apply for workshops to work towards certificates, round 2 will start end of September,

vi.  Transfer students are having tailgate this weekend

vii.  Academic coaching starts next week and they will take all students

●  Bridgette- Financial Aid

i.  Presenting at ABD but will host workshops in spring to help advisors understand the processes for their department

ii.  Harvey influenced students need to contact SBS about potential deferment. Bill is still due September 8th but the late fee deadline was extended. Michael Outland mentioned this as he knows some students are currently pressed for funds.

iii.  Census date changes have a huge influence on financial aid currently since Galveston and CS are no in sync.

●  John Roberts- Registrar

i.  Please refer to the emails sent out about Certificate programs since the process is now different

a.  Primary advisor starts process and if certificate is in different department/college, the secondary advisor take over for approval before sending back.

b.  What If Analysis should have certificates available to view just like minors

c.  Bridgette interjects to remind us that financial aid will not cover courses on the certificate unless the course is also on their major curriculum. Just certificate courses are not counted.

1.  Certificates can go through the process of getting approval for aid but must do a 5 year long gainful employment approval. Their website lists certificates already approved that count towards aid.

●  Tracey Rueschhoff- Study Abroad

i.  Study Abroad Fair September 20th, 10-2pm in Rudder

VI.  Executive Board Meeting Adjourned: 11:34am

●  Moved by Brittany, seconded by Ann.