CMRS Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Page 4
September 20, 2002
September 20, 2002
Capt. Thomas Miller, Chair / Department of State PoliceChief James Bartholomew / Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police
Mr. Hugh Crawford / Michigan Association of Counties
Mr. Paul Styler / Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Mr. Scott Temple / Commercial Mobile Radio Service
Denise Fox / Department of State Police
Mary Jo Hovey / Department of State Police
Ms. Mary Boyd / Intrado
Ms. Frith Sellers / TCS Seattle
1. Third Party Billing
Ms. Mary Boyd of Intrado and Ms. Frith Sellers of TCS Seattle attended the meeting to present information on Stand Alone Database Systems and to ask for reconsideration of the subcommittees’ denial of invoices submitted for reimbursement of their costs through a billing agreement with a commercial wireless service provider.
Intrado had previously sought an Attorney General’s opinion through the Michigan State Police Director’s Office to determine if they would be eligible for reimbursement directly from the CMRS fund. It was determined in that opinion that only CMRS providers were eligible for reimbursement.
Subcommittee members asked for clarification on the chance that billings could be received from both companies for the same connections. The representatives advised they currently have an agreement in place that whichever company is ready to install circuits first will be the one to bill for reimbursement of their costs as they can share the circuits. They currently give the wireless service provider quarterly estimated billings and have checks and balances in place.
The subcommittee excused the third party representatives to discuss the presentation. It was determined that if the wireless service providers were willing to act as a billing agent for the companies, the committee would allow it.
A MOTION was made to approve the previously submitted invoices 02-0010, 02-0016, and
02-0019 for payment, and to draft a letter to both Intrado and TCS Seattle instructing them should they in any way change their protocol for billing these costs, notification is to be made to the CMRS subcommittee of the change. The MOTION passed unanimously.
Mr. Scott Temple recommended that any future billings on behalf of a third party vendor be clearly identified on the bill. The committee agreed with the recommendation. The representatives from Intrado and TCS Seattle will adhere to including the language.
2. Resubmission of Invoices Previously Denied
The committee discussed procedures for reconsidering previously denied invoices. It was determined an invoice will be reconsidered for payment without submission of a new invoice as long as it is within a four month period from the date originally submitted. Staff will draft language in this regard for approval at the next subcommittee meeting.
3. CMRS Definition
Ms. Lois Reed (a co-worker of Mr. Temple’s who works closely with legislative initiatives) compiled statutory language on a definition of CMRS. It was determined an Attorney General opinion should be sought for a condensed version of a definition. Language will be brought back to the sub-committee prior to presenting to the full ETSC committee. Captain Miller will make appropriate contacts through the Director’s Office for a formal opinion of a CMRS provider.
4. Approval of Invoices
Voucher 02-0023, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $31,399.00.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020023 in the amount of $31,399.00
Voucher 02-0024, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $26,004.57.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020024 in the amount of $26,004.57
Voucher 02-0025, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $50,196.00.
A question was raised regarding third party invoicing SCP recurring fees. It was determined SCP recurring fees would not be third party invoicing.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020025 in the amount of $50,196.00.
Voucher 02-0026, No action was taken on this voucher as the Department of Treasury reports sufficient funds are not available to cover it at this time.
Voucher 02-0027, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $119,363.28.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020027 in the amount of $119,363.28.
Voucher 02-0028, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $22,653.00.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020028 in the amount of $22,653.00.
Voucher 02-0029, Subcommittee members were provided with a copy of this invoice. Michigan State Police staff had previously removed all information identifying the CMRS supplier from the document.
MSP staff have contacted Department of Treasury representatives and confirmed that this CMRS supplier has deposited sufficient funds into the CMRS fund to be eligible to receive reimbursement in the recommended amount of $35,346.08.
Subcommittee members voted to recommend to the full committee that this invoice be approved for payment.
Action: The CMRS Subcommittee recommends the ETSC approve payment of Voucher020029 in the amount of $35,346.08.
5. Other Business
Captain Miller noted he had received the lawsuit filed September 4, 2002, by the Michigan Communications Directors Association (MCDA) and Barry County Central Dispatch Authority. They are asking for a preliminary injunction and restraining order to stop the Ameritech tariff.
Mr. Temple advised the Wireless Implementation Sub-committee chairperson will be holding a meeting in the near future.
Capt. Thomas J. Miller, Chair
CMRS Subcommittee