Unofficial Third Edition Adaptation
Table of Contents
1 Mechanics 3
2 Kata 4
1 Mechanics
The skill list presented in this document is a kata list, converted from previous rule sets, to match the Third Edition rule set. These kata are from the unadapted kata presented in the First and Second Edition rule set. If AEG has a problem with these conversion rules or the information therein, please let me know.
2 Kata
Falling Stars
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Mirumoto Bushi 2
Cost: 2
Special: Must have Willpower and Void 3
Effect: The kata is useable with the daisho. The practitioner must completely focus on his strike, loosing all view of his/her surroundings. The result is that distracting the samurai from his/her action is difficult (increasing the TN of any feint, magical or normal attempt to mentally distract him from his strike by 15), but the samurai is completely unaware to anything outside of 6 feet around him/her. The samurai’s TN increases by 5 in melee and decreases the TN by 10 for ranged attacks.
Void: N\A
Heaven’s Claw
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Bayushi Bushi 3 and Bayushi Saboteur 3
Cost: 4
Special: N\A
Effect: The kata must employ cutting weapons to function. The practitioner must assume the full defense stance for at least one turn (i.e. the dance). This kata then increases your TN by 10 for one targeted opponent, until the practitioner gives the final strike. The samurai then may dance around his/her opponent, earning a + 5 to his/her Attack roll for every turn the practitioner dances, (maximum + 15) until the strike is made. If the attack is successful by more than 5 points, the strike cuts legs tendons and the opponent cannot stand up until healed, additionally the practitioner’s TN to be hit is reduced by 20 for others opponents. Opponents that have already seen this kata are immune to its effects.
Void: N\A
Soul of the Stone
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Hida Bushi 1, Hida Berserker 1, any Crab Bushi School 3
Cost: 2
Special: Must have Earth 3
Effect: The practitioner concentrates on this kata by keeping the palms on his/her tummy to concentrate the practitioner’s chi. The user then earns a bonus TN to be hit equal to his/her Insight rank, but may only move at half his/her normal speed.
Void: By spending one Void point, the user may move normal speed.
Sword of the Sun
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Akodo Bushi 2, Akodo Sentry 2, Seppun Miharu 2
Cost: 6
Special: Must have Honor Rank 2+
Effect: The kata is a complex move that makes the sword goes over the practitioner’s head and reflects the light to blind one’s opponent. One targeted opponent at 10 feet must make a Perception roll against the user’s Agility x 5 or be blinded for one die in turns. The user’s damage is increased by 1k1 when striking the blinded target.
Void: N\A
Palm of Fury
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: any Lion Bushi School 1
Cost: 6
Special: Must have Jiujutsu 3
Effect: Only Akodo Iyasu de Mimura teaches the kata during the Clan Wars. This kata lets the user focus his/her chi for an unarmed strike. The practitioner increases the TN to be hit by 10 for his/her opponents, but if the practitioner succeeds his/her opponent must make a TN 30 Willpower roll or be considered Crippled for an number of rounds equal to the difference between the Willpower roll and the TN. Normal unarmed damage is still inflicted.
Void: By spending one Void point, the TN of the Willpower roll is increased by 5.
To Hide In the Darkness
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: any [Ninja] School 2, any [Scout] School 2
Cost: 3
Special: N\A
Effect: The practitioner gains the ability to walk in the shadows. The user gains 2 additional rolled dice for Stealth, but suffers a –5 penalty to all Damage rolls.
Void: By spending one Void point, reduce the damage penalty to 3.
Poisoned Wind
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: any [Ninja] School 2, any [Scout] School 2
Cost: 6
Special: Must have Reflexes 3
Effect: The practitioner gains +3 Initiative, but the user’s TN to be hit is reduced by 5.
Void: N\A
The Dark Caress
Preparation Time: 40 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: any [Ninja] chool 5, Insight Rank 6
Cost: 12
Special: Must have Jiujutsu 5
Effect: The kata delivers an unarmed attack that needs to hit the flesh. This cannot be used, if the user is holding something in his/her hand. The opponent must then make a contested Earth Roll TN equal to the user’s Insight x 5 or be immediately reduced to the Out Wound level.
Void: By spending one Void point, the practitioner may make the attack fatal or increase the contested roll by 5.
Lotus Kiss
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: any [Ninja] School 4, any [Scout] School 4
Cost: 6
Special: Must have Jiujutsu 4
Effect: This unarmed strike need to hit a part of the body uncovered by armor. This kata then can create a chi imbalance inside the target for a number of rounds equal to the user’s Insight rank. The target is then considered to have his/her wounds level increased by 2 ranks (target may not be killed by this increase). This kata is stopped, if the user suffers more than 2 Wounds ranks.
Void: N\A
Thunder Dagger
Preparation Time: 30 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Bayushi Bushi 2, Shinobi Shosuro 2
Cost: 2
Special: Must have Knives 2
Effect: When using a wakizashi, ninja-to, aiguchi or tanto, the user’s Initiative increases by 1k0. Secondly, the user may receive one free raise for the purposes of gaining an extra attack with an aiguchi or tanto. The user must be in an attack stance as long as the kata is active. The kata reduces the practitioner’s Initiative by one die if the practitioner ever stops attacking while the kata is active. Furthermore, if the user utilizes any other weapon during the kata, the Damage roll is reduced by 1k0.
Void: N\A
To Fight Back the Darkness
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Duration: 120 minutes
Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 3, Insight Rank 3 Ronin with the Unbroken technique.
Cost: 5
Special: Must have Willpower 3
Effect: Only Yoritomo Kumiko knows this kata. The user gains 2 free raises to resist all attempts to corrupt the soul, mind or body (i.e. the Shadowlands taint, Shadow taint, or Spirit Realm control). This kata ends if the user voluntarily accepts the corruption.
Void: By spending one Void point, the practitioner gains one additional free raise for the whole length of the kata.
Wings of Inspiration (Homebrew)
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Duration: 60 minutes
Rank: any artisan school rank 2
Cost: 6
Effect: Choose two performances or artisan skills. The first skill earns a free raise for the duration of the kata if you succeed an awareness / second skill roll TN equal to your rank in the first skill X 5.
Channeling the Void (Homebrew)
Preparation Time: 60 minutes
Duration: 60 minutes
Rank: any bushi school with iaijutsu as school starting skill rank 1 or any school rank 3
Cost: 6
Effect: during the duration of this kata, outside of a duel, all raises (free or not) on a iaijutsu roll increase the TN by + 1. During a duel, you can reduce your number of maximum focus by 1 to have a + 3 on 1 and only 1 iaijutsu roll. You can’t use more than one focus in this manner per roll.
Wrath of the Crab
Rank: Hida Wrestler 2, Hida Bushi 4 or Hiruma Scout 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 32
Shell of the Crab
Rank: Hida Wrestler 2, Hida Bushi 4 or Hiruma Scout 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 32
Eyes of the Dragon
Rank: Dragon Bushi 2, Kitsuki Courtier 2 or Kitsuki Investigator 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 59
Forest of Blades
Rank: Mirumoto Swordmaster or Mirumoto Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 59
Spirits and Steel
Rank: Tamori Yamabushi (Path), Mirumoto Bushi 1, Tamori Shugenja 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 59 (Previous Version Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 198)
Armed Brilliance
Rank: Any Lion Bushi School 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 71
Emptying the Soul
Rank: Kensai 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 72
The Paragon of the Defense
Rank: Kensai 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 72
The Perfect Stance
Rank: Any Lion Bushi School 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 72
Soul’s Readiness
Rank: Any Lion Bushi School 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 72
Whirlwind Barrier
Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 84
Whirlwind Storm
Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 84
The Beak Pierces
Rank: Shiba Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 95
The Phoenix’s Haven
Rank: Shiba Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 95
Storm of Shards
Rank: Any Shadowland Bushi School 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 136
The Black Veil
Rank: Any Shadowlands Bushi School 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 136
The Claw Strikes Deep
Rank: Any Shadowlands Bushi School 4
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 136
In Hantei’s Honor
Rank: Seppun Bushi 1, Toturi Bushi 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 150
Chrysanthemum Petals in Rain
Rank: Seppun Bushi 3, Toturi Bushi 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 151
The Crushing Earth
Rank: Ichiro Bushi 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 153
Reichin’s Stance
Rank: Usagi Bushi 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 153
One Soul’s Triumph
Rank: Toku Bushi 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 153
Ride With the Thunder
Rank: Morito Bushi 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 153
In the Weaver’s Web
Rank: Weavers 2
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 157
Death in the Shinomen
Rank: Ronin Bushi School 3
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 157
Path of the Hidden Sword
Rank: Any Ronin Bushi School 1
Source: Art of the Duel, Page 157
Hida’s Jade Fist
Rank: Hida Bushi 4 or Hiruma Scout 4
Source: the Four Winds, Page 148
Nothing Can Save You
Rank: Any Crab Bushi School 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 149
Spirit of Iron
Rank: Daidoji Yojimbo 4
Source: the Four Winds, Page 153
Wind in Darkened Skies
Rank: Daidoji Harrier 3 or Kakita Bushi 2
Source: the Four Winds, Page 153
Borrow the Next Breath
Rank: Mirumoto Bushi 2 or Mirumoto Swordmaster 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 157
Tapping the Void
Rank: Any Dragon Clan Bushi Schools 5
Source: the Four Winds, Page 157
Hand of Akodo
Rank: Any Lion Clan Bushi School 2
Source: the Four Winds, Page 161
Motso’s Method
Rank: Akodo War College 3 or Ikoma Tactician 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 161
The Cresting Wave
Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 3 or Tsuruchi Archer 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 166
Twin Mantis Strike
Rank: Yoritomo Bushi 2
Source: the Four Winds, Page 166
Eyes of the Trickster
Rank: Bayushi Bushi 2
Source: the Four Winds, Page 176
Kachiko’s Kiss
Rank: Bayushi Bushi 4
Source: the Four Winds, Page 176
East Wind Kata
Rank: Moto Bushi 3 or Shinjo Bushi 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 180
Wind Borne Strike
Rank: Shinjo Bushi 3 or Utaku Battle Maiden 3
Source: the Four Winds, Page 180
Blood of the Innocents
Rank: Daigotsu’s Legion 2
Source: the Four Winds, Page 192
Fu Leng’s Fury
Rank: Daigotsu’s Legion 4
Source: the Four Winds, Page 192
Striking As Earth
Rank: Any Bushi School 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 193
Striking As Fire
Rank: Any Bushi School 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 193
Striking As Water
Rank: Any Bushi School 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 193
Striking As Wind
Rank: Any Bushi School 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 193
Striking As Void
Rank: Any Bushi School 2
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 194
The Empire Rest On Its Edge
Rank: Any Bushi School 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 194
Victory of the Wind
Rank: Any Bushi School 2
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 194
The World Is Empty
Rank: Any Bushi School 3
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 194
Victory of the River
Rank: Any Bushi School 4
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 194
Standing on the Heavens
Rank: Any Bushi School 5
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 195
Hida’s Avalanche
Rank: Hida Bushi 5
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 195
Shards of Earth
Rank: Hida Bushi 3 or Hiruma Scout 4
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 195
Shell of Stone
Rank: Hida Bushi 1 or Hiruma Scout 2
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 195
Stance of the Wall
Rank: Hida Bushi 2, Hiruma Scout 3
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 196
Unyielding Fury
Rank: Hida Bushi 4
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 196
Kakita’s First Stance
Rank: Kakita Bushi 1
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 196
One Leg Stance
Rank: Kakita Bushi 3, Daidoji Bushi 4
Source: Legend of the Five Rings 3rd Edition Corebook, Page 197
One Strike Blade
Rank: Kakita Bushi 4 or Daidoji Bushi Schools 5