Consultant -Education and Gender Equality

UNESCO Ha Noi Office

UNESCO Viet Nam is seeking a qualified, service-oriented and proactive professional to serve as a Consultant on Education and Gender Equality.

The consultancy will be based in HaNoi for nine months starting from late-January to October 2017.

Overall duties and responsibilities:

Under the overall authority of the Head of Office of UNESCO Ha Noi and under the technical supervision of the Education Programme Specialist, the Consultant will undertake the following activities:

I. Work closely with the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) to carry out activities related to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV), gender equality and HIV and AIDS, assisting with planning, implementation and results based-reporting, in response to the priority needs of Viet Nam. The Consultant will support country-level advocacy activities to advance use of evidence in policy and decision-making and strengthen joint UN and national responses on these priority issues in close collaboration with the staff of the Education Sector at UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education (UNESCO Bangkok).

II. Assist the Education Programme Specialist and coordinate with the MOET in the preparation and organization of a joint education sector forum where the findings of the Education Sector Analysis Report will be presented and discussed to facilitate a policy dialogue among education sector stakeholders. The Consultant will also assist MOET in revising and finalizing the Education Sector Analysis Report based on the findings and recommendations from the joint education sector forum.

III. Assist the Education Programme Specialist and coordinate with the MOET in the preparation and organization of a National Conference on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 to have in-depth discussions to understand SGD4 and its relevance in the context of Viet Nam in light of existing plans, policies and programmes, identify gaps and opportunities and plan actions to implement and monitor SDG4 in Viet Nam within the framework of the national action plan on SDGs.

IV. Contribute to activities related to UNOne Strategic Plan (OSP), UN Joint Programme, SDGs, and Development Partners Coordination. The Consultant will participate in and contribute to the UN OSPimplementation and monitoring process as well as UN Joint programme development, implementation and monitoring process to ensure the incorporation of education priorities and the implementation of programmes/projects to address such priorities.

V. Assist the Education Programme Specialist in, and contribute to, the preparation, implementation and monitoring of other regular programme and extra-budgetary project activities such as Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and ECCE-STEP (Survey on Teachers of Pre-primary School).

VI. Ensure the integration of gender equality and cultural diversity perspective, and human rights-based approach in programme/activity design, implementation and reporting and provide assistance towards a cross-sectoral approach with Culture, Science and Communications and Information sectors.



-Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in education, gender-related studies or relevant fields.

Work Experience

-At least five (5) years of professional experiences in education, gender equality or relevant fields;

-At least three (3) years of professional experiences at the international level, preferably in an international organization such as UN agencies and bilateral or multi-lateral donors;

-Sound knowledge of the major development issues with regards to education and gender equality in Viet Nam; and

-Previous working experience and knowledge of UNESCO and/or any other UN agency will be an asset.

Skills, Competencies and Availability

-Excellent analytical skills;

-Strong interpersonal, communication, networking and advocacy skills;

-Highly organized and self-motivated;

-Capacity to collaborate and positively engage with a range of partners and beneficiaries, including national/local authorities as well as key stakeholders in civil society, national and international NGOs;

-Demonstrated personal sensitivity and commitment to the values and principles of equity, gender equality and cultural diversity;

-Familiarity with the political, social and cultural context of Viet Nam;

-Excellent computing skills including MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and related programmes; and

-Immediate availability for hire.


-Excellent written and spoken English.

How to apply:

A completed UN Personal History form (P11) and CV should be sent by 19 January 2017 to the following address:

By email: t.matsumoto(at)


By mail:

Administrative Section

UNESCO Ha Noi Office

23 Cao Ba Quat Street, Ha Noi

Please contact Mr. Toshiyuki Matsumoto (t.matsumoto(at) if you have any further questions or inquiries in regards to this consultancy.