Landing Pages

A landing page is a special type of content page, which aims to showcase its subpages.

The first three subpages under any landing page are displayed as tiles and the remainder are displayed as bulleted links.

The following diagram illustrates this:

To create a landing page:

Firstly, click on ‘Add New’(the green button at the top left hand corner of the page).

Then, select whether you'd like the landing page on the top level or under another page (page within a page).

Secondly, choose the Landing Page option and select "Create".

Once this is done, you'll be taken to the setup page and be able to name your page accordingly.

Help with Content Pages

Content Pages are where your information will be displayed along with any diagrams or images you wish to add.

To begin, select the page you wish the content page to be ‘inside’. Then select “Add new” and choose the "under another page" option.

Then select the content page option and then select "Create".

Once on the set up page, you'll be able to name, insert your media and write up your text.

At any time you wish to leave the page before you want to publish, simply click "Save draft" and the page will save your work so you can carry on for next time.

Once you are happy with the page and with the information inside, simply click "Save and publish" and the page should end up published in the Landing page you required.

Remember, when creating Content pages you must make sure that page is going into the correct folder. It's easy to get confused, so double check and your page won't get lost!

Editing and deleting pages

Editing content pages once they've been published is a simple process, simply select the page you wish to change and you can continue to edit.

After you've finished editing, i.e. inputting text, rearranging images or fixing broken links, then simple select "Save and Publish" and all your changes should be published.

As a side note, if you have finished editing and wish to save and the "Save and publish" button says "Published", then simply click it and it should change back.

Deleting a page begins with selecting the "More options" button on the bottom of the page.

Select "unpublish", which will take the page offline. Proceed then to delete it from the draft site and the page will be effectively rubbed out .