Biological Chemistry

Fall Semester, 2015

Mondays:2:00 pm –3:40 pm; Thursdays: 10:00 am-11:40 am

Middle Hall (Zhong-Yuan)105

Course Description

This is an undergraduate biochemistry course. The course introduces the structure and the function of proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids. Concepts and researches related to the flow of genetic information, protein synthesis, enzymology, metabolism, and membrane channelswill also be discussed (4 credits).


Profs. Yongting Wang and Weihai Ying

School of Biomedical Engineering and Med-X Research Institute
Office: Med-X Room211, Xu-Hui Campus
Campus Phone Number: 62933291 (Wang), 62933075 (Ying)


Overseas Guest Lectures:
C. James Ingles, Ph.D. <>
Professor (Emeritus)
University of Toronto
Jimmy Zhou, Ph.D. <
Marvin L. Sears Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Yale University School of Medicine

Textbook: Biochemistry, 7th Edition (2012), by J. M. Berg, J. L. Tymoczko, & L. Stryer.

Recommended Reading: Molecular Biology, 5th Edition (2012), by R. F. Weaver.

Exams and Final Grades:

Two Midterm Exams:25% each
Final Exam: 50%
# / Date / Topic / Instructor / Reading
1 / Sep / 14 / Mon / Course Logistics and Introduction/Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics review / Wang
2 / 17 / Thu / Flow of Genetic Information / Ingles
3 / 21 / Mon / DNA Replication / Ingles
4 / 24 / Thu / DNA Repair and Recombination / Ingles
5 / 28 / Mon / Amino Acids and Protein Structure / Wang
6 / Oct / 8 / Thu / Protein Folding and Dynamics / Wang
7 / 12 / Mon / Protein Purification, Analysis and Detection / Wang
8 / 15 / Thu / Enzymes: Basic Concepts / Wang
9 / 19 / Mon / Enzymes:Kinetics and catalytic strategies / Wang
10 / 22 / Thu / Enzymatic regulation / Wang
26 / Mon / First Examination
11 / 29 / Thu / Lipids and Membranes / Zhou
12 / Nov / 2 / Mon / Channels and Pumps (I) / Zhou
13 / 5 / Thu / Channels and Pumps (II) / Zhou
14 / 9 / Mon / Kinases and Signal-Transduction Pathways / Zhou
15 / 12 / Thu / Metabolism: Basic Concepts and Design / Ying
16 / 16 / Mon / Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis / Ying
17 / 19 / Thu / Citric Acid Cycle / Ying
18 / 23 / Mon / Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation (I) / Ying
19 / 26 / Thu / Electron Transport and Oxidative Phosphorylation (II) and the Pentose Phosphate Pathway / Ying
20 / 30 / Mon / Photosynthesis and the Calvin Cycle / Ying
21 / Dec / 3 / Thu / Glycogen Metabolism / Ying
7 / Mon / Second Examination
22 / 10 / Thu / Transcription (I) / Ingles
23 / 14 / Mon / Transcription (II) / Ingles
24 / 17 / Thu / Transcription (III) and RNA Processing / Ingles
25 / 21 / Mon / Catalytic and Non-Coding RNAs / Ingles/Wang
26 / 24 / Thu / Protein Synthesis / Wang
27 / 28 / Mon / Fatty Acid Metabolism / Ying
28 / 31 / Thu / Nucleotide Biosynthesis and Metabolism / Ying
Final Exam (Comprehensive) (Between Jan. 5-10)

Note:Final Exam Dates to be decided based on the final week notice from the University.