Presentation Secondary School Listowel

Agreed Report

Board of Management Tuesday 4th April 2017

·  The Board discussed curriculum plans for September 2017

·  The Principal updated the Board on Lenten activities 2017

·  The Board approved the application for additional accommodation(a new building to replace the old prefabs) which will be submitted to the Building Unit in the DES shortly

·  The Board reviewed the challenging financial position of the School.

·  The Principal updated the Board on Teaching and Learning issues since the last Board meeting.

·  The Board expressed its appreciation to staff who are involved in Theme Weeks and extracurricular activities with students

·  The Board reviewed the following policies:

  • Attendance and Participation Policy
  • The Pastoral Care Policy
  • Fire Safety Policy
  • Vetting Policy

The Board approved:

  • The Social Media Policy
  • The CCTV Policy

·  The Board will be approving the Relationships and Sexuality and Health and Safety Policies at the May meeting. A consultation process with parents, students and staff will take place before then.

·  The Board acknowledged the very generous sponsorship of €1,000 from local Solicitors Pierse and Fitzgibbon for the football gear.

·  The Board thanked the Parents’ Association for the fundraising efforts (Pub Quiz in John B’s)

·  The Board reviewed the reports received from the LCVP, LCA and Transition Year Coordinators.

·  The Board will began planning a strategy for the school 2017-2020

·  The Principal updated the Board on issues relating to the School Self Evaluation and School Improvement Planning.

·  The Principal updated the Board on school activities since the last Board meeting.

·  The Bingo fundraising event will be held on Sunday 14th May

·  The Board congratulated Niamh Moloney Transition Year on her Mental Health Ireland Award

·  The Board congratulated Erin Halpin on winning the Fresh Film Festival 2017 Award.

·  The Board will be inviting representatives from Parents’ Association and the Student Council to the May 2017 Board meeting to review the activities and plans 2016-2017

·  The next meeting will be held on Wednesday May 10th 2017.