University of Rajshahi

Department of Computer Science and Technology

Syllabus for BSc (Hons)

Session 2001-2002


1 st Year 2002

2 nd Year 2003

3 rd Year 2004

4 th Year 2005

The BSc (Honours) Courses in Computer Science and Technology shall be offered over the period of FOUR academic years, and Degree must be completed within SIX academic years. Courses consist of Theoretical, Practical, Viva-Voce, Tutorial/Terminal/Class Test and Attendance, and courses are of 3200 Marks. Marks 75 and 50 represent ONE and HALF unit respectively. One unit makes FOUR credit. The Examination of one unit theoretical course shall be of three hours duration and half unit shall be of two hours. Practical Examination shall be with the duration of (i) 6 hours (one day) for less than one unit, (ii) 6x2 hours (two days) for 1-2 unit and (iii) 6x3 hours (3 days) for more than 2 unit. Marks of Tutorial/Terminal/Class Test and attendance will be distributed as 80% for Tutorial/Terminal/Class Test and 20% for class attendance. Practical marks will be distributed as follows: 30% of the practical marks will be of continuous assessment and 70% marks will be from annual examination.

Year-wise distribution of Courses along with title, Unit , Marks and Credit are follows:

1st Year

Unit / Marks / Credit
CST 101: Computer Fundamentals / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 102: Computer Programming / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 103: Digital Systems / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 104: Electronics / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 105: English (Optional) / 0.5 / - / 0

Related Courses:

CST 110R : Algebra, Trigonometry and Vectors (Math-111) / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 111R : Integral and Differential Calculus (Math-112) / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 112R : Elementary Statistics & Probabilities / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 106P: Programming Lab / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 107P: Digital Systems and Electronics Lab / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 107V: Viva-Voce / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 108T: Tutorial, Terminal , Attendance and Class Performance / 0.5 / 50 / 2
9.5 / 750 / 38

2nd Year

CST 201: Data Structure and Algorithms / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 202: Computer Architecture and Organization / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 203: Object Oriented Programming / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 204: Communication Engineering / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 205: Discrete Mathematics & Numerical Methods / 1 / 75 / 4

Related Course:

CST 210R : Matrices and Differential Equations (Math-113) / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 211R : Theory of Statistics / 1 / 75 / 4


CST 206P: Data Structure and Algorithms Lab / 1 / 75 / 4
Object Oriented Programming Lab
CST 207P: Computer Architecture and Communication Lab / 0.5 / 25+25 / 2
CST 208V: Viva-Voce / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 209T: Tutorial, Terminal, Attendance and Class Performance / 0.5 / 50 / 2
9.5 / 750 / 38

3rd Year

CST 301: Operating System and System Programming / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 302: Automata Theory and Compiler Design / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 303: Artificial Intelligence and Neural Computing / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 304: Database Management Systems / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 305: Network Engineering / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 306: Microprocessor and Assembly Language / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 307: GUI Programming and Multimedia System / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 308: Information System and System Analysis / 1 / 75 / 4


CST 309P: System Programming, GUI Programming & Multimedia System / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 310P: DBMS, Microprocessor and Assembly Language / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 311P: Compiler, AI, and ANN Lab / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 312V: Viva-Voce / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 310T: Tutorial, Terminal , Attendance and Class Performance / 0.5 / 50 / 2
10.5 / 850 / 42

4th Year:

CST 401: Web Engineering and E-Commerce / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 402: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 403: Software Engineering / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 404: Parallel Processing and Distributed System / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 405: Simulation and Modelling / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 406: Computer Graphics / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 407: Digital Signal and Image Processing / 1 / 75 / 4


CST 408P: Web Engineering, E-Commerce and Software Engineering Lab / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 409P: Computer Peripherals and Interfacing, Parallel Processing and Distributed System, Simulation and Modelling Lab / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 410P: Computer Graphics, Digital Signal and Image Processing / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 411J: Project / 1 / 75 / 4
CST 412V: Viva-Voce / 0.5 / 50 / 2
CST 413T: Tutorial, Terminal , Attendance and Class Performance / 0.5 / 50 / 2
10.5 / 850 / 42
Grand Total = / 40 / 3200 / 160

1st Year

CST 101: Computer Fundamentals.

Marks: 75

Computer Basics: Introduction to Studying Computers, History and development of Computers, Generation of Computers, Types of Computers, Impact of Computers on Society.

Computer Hardware and Peripherals: Basic Units of Computer Hardware, Keyboard, Mouse and Different types of Monitors, Different parts of system unit, Internal structure of CPU, Functions of RAM, ROM and Cache memory, Basic functional mechanism of FDD, HDD and CD-ROM, Impact and Non-impact printers, Modem, Power supply stability, Handling of computer cards and chips, Typical Computer specifications.

Information & data processing: Data organization, types of data processing, data processing cycle, data processing system, database concepts

Software: Classifications, System software, Operating system concepts and importance, components and basic functions of DOS, Windows/Windows-NT/Windows-XP and UNIX and LINUX, X-window system operating system, Application softwares and Utility programs, Computer Virus, Software troubleshooting and maintenance.

Applications: Computer networks and its goals, Basic concept on LAN, MAN, WAN and Internet systems, Internet services, E-mail, E-Commerce,M-Commerce,WAP,WWW, Multimedia system.

Books Recommended

1. Warford : Computer Science

2. L. Rosch : Hardware Bible, Braddy Publishing, Indianapolis

3. P. Norton, : Inside the PC

4. Subramanian : Introduction to Computers

5. P. Norton : Introduction to Computer

6. V. K. Jain : Switching theory and Digital Electronics.

CST 102: Computer Programming

Marks: 75

Programming Preliminaries: Problem solving techniques, Algorithm, Flowchart, debugging, documentation, Classifications of programming Languages, Compiler and Interpreter, Loader and Linker, Source and Object programs, Modular programming techniques.

Programming Language C : Program creating, Compiling, Debugging and Running; Data types,Variables and Constants, Data Input and Output, Statements and Operators, Control Structures, Arrays, Record/Structure, Procedure and Functions, Recursive function, User-Defined data types, Pointers, External File handling, Uses of Graphics functions. Introduction to GUI programming, editing, compiling, linking and running programs on Windows and UNIX platforms, make files.

Books Recommended

1. Kernighan and Ritchie : The C Programming Language

2. Gotfreid : Programming with C, Schaum's Outline Series, TMH

3. M. Keller : Afirst Course on Computer Programming using Pascal, McGraw-hill, 1987

4. D.E. Knuth: : The Art of Computer Programming

5. H. Shield : The complete reference, Turbo C/C++

6. E. Balagurusamy : Programming with ANSI C

CST 103: Digital Systems

Marks: 75

Fundamentals of Digital Logic System: Number Systems and Codes, Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra, Logic Circuit Design, Minimization Techniques: Algebraic Simplification, Karnaugh Map Method, Quine-McCluskey method, Consensus method.

Switching Devices: Switching concepts of Diodes, Transistors and FETs.

Flip-Flops and related Devices: Transistor Latch, NAND gate latch, NOR gate latch, D latch. Clock signals and Clocked F.Fs: Clocked S-C, J-K and D Flip-Flops. F.F timing considerations, Master/Slave F.Fs. F.F T-F.F. applications, Frequency division and counting. Schmitt Trigger devices, Monostable and Astable Multivibrators.

SSI Logic Circuits: BCD to decimal decoders, BCD to 7 segment decoder/drivers. Encoders, Multiplexers and their applications. Demultiplexers. Trouble shooting case studies.

Analog to digital conversion, digital ramp, successive approximation, flash and tristate ADC. digital to analog conversion: circuits, specifications, applications, Sample and hold circuits. Analog multiplexers. Data acquisition, digital voltmeter.

Integrated Circuit Logic Families: DTL & TTL logic family, standard TTL series characteristics, other TTL series, TTL loading rules, TTL open-collector outputs, tristate TTL. The ECL family. Digital MOSFET circuits, characteristics, CMOS circuits, CMOS tristate logic, TTL driving CMOS, CMOS driving TTL.

Introduction to sequential circuits: formal representation of sequential circuits, Moore and Mealy models, analysis and synthesis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits. Counters and Registers: Asynchronous (Ripple) up and down counters, Synchronous up and down Counters. Counters with MOD number <2N. Propagation delay in Ripple counters. Presettable counters. The 74193 counter. Counter applications. Shift registers. IC shift-registers, shift-register counters.

Books Recommended

1. R.J. Tocci : Digital Principles, 5th ed., PHI

2. D.V. Hall : Digital Circuits and systems, McGraw-Hill, 1989

3. F.P. Prosser and D.E. Einkel : The Art of Digital Design, Prentice-Hall

4. V. K. Jain : Switching theory and Digital Electronics

5. Moris Menno : Digital Logic and Computer Design

CST 104: Electronics

Marks: 75

Circuit analysis: Consepts of Electrical Networks; Kirchhoff’s law; Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems; Superposition Theorem; Maximum Power Transfer Theorem; Equivalence of Pi, T, Star, Delta Conversions; Lattice Networks; Constant K-Type Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass and Band-Elimination Filters.

Semiconductor Diode and Rectifiers: N- and P- Type Semiconductors; P-N Junction Diodes and their V-I Characteristics; Zener Diode; Ideal Rectifier Concept; P-N Junction Diode as a Rectifier; Half-wave and Full-wave Rectifier; Voltage Regulator Using Zener Diode.

Transistor: PNP and NPN Junction Transistor; V-I Characteristics; CB, CE and CC Configurations; Bias Stabilization; Different Types and Biasing; Operating Point; Transistor an amplifier, Transistor as an high speed switch, DC and AC Load Lines; JFET; MOSFET.

Amplifiers: Transistor DC amplifiers, CE, CB and CC amplifiers and their equivalent circuits and computation of current, voltage and power Gains, class A, class B and class C amplifiers, Feed back amplifiers and Oscillators, Operational amplifiers.

Micro-Electronics: Microelectronic Technology; Planer Process; Introduction to VLSI; Bipolar Transistor, ; FET and IC Technique, Fabrication; CMOS Technology; Monolithic Diodes; Metal-Semiconductor Contract; IC Resistor and Capacitor; IC Packaging; Characteristics of IC Components; Micro-Electronic Circuit Layout; Printed Circuit Board.

Books Recommended

1.  Mortershed, A : Electronic Devices and Circuits

2.  Milman and Helkias : Integrated Electronics

3.  Theraja, B L : Basic Electronics

4.  Grobe, Bernard : Basic Electronics

5. Mehta, V K : Principles of Electronics

6. Illiot : Microelectronics Fabrication Technology

Related Course:

CST 105: English


Basic Terminologies of Physical Sciences

CST 110R : Algebra, Trigonometry and Vectors

Marks: 75

1. a) Algebra of sets, De Morgan's rule, Relation and Function. b) Determinants : Properties and Crammer's


2. Theory of Equations:

a) Theorems, Relation between roots and coefficients. b) Solution of cubic Equations.

3. a) De Moiver's Theorem. b) Deduction from De Moiver's Theorem.

4. a) Functions of Complex Arguments. b) Gregory's Series.

5. a) Summation of Series. b) Hyperbolic Functions.

6. Vector Addition, Multiplication and Differentiation.

7. Vector Differential Operator - Grad., Div. and Curl.

Books Recommended

1. Barnside and Panton : Theory of Equations

2. Bernard and Child : Higher Algebra

3. Hall and Knight : Higher Algebra

4. Das and Mukherje : Higher Trigonometry

5. Spigel : Vector Analysis

CST 111R : Integral and Differential Calculus

Marks: 75

1. Functions: Domain, Range, Inverse Function and Graphs of

Function; Limits, Continuity and Indeterminate Form.

2. Ordinary Differentiation: Differentiability, Differentiation and Leibnitz Theorem.

3. a) Expansions of Functions: Rolle's Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Taylor's and

Maclaurin's Formulae.

b) Maxima and Minima of Functions of one variable.

4. a) Partial Differentiation: Euler's Theorem, Tangents and Normals.

b) Asymptotes.

5. Indefinite Integral: Methods of Substitutions, Integration by Parts, Special

Trigonometric Functions and Rational Fractions.

6. Definite Integral: Fundamental Theorem, General Properties, Evaluation of

Definite Integral and Reduction Formulas.

7. Multiple Integral: Determination of Length, Areas, and Volumes.

Books Recommended:

1. Ayres, F : Calculus

2. Das and Mukherjee : Differential Calculus

3. Das and Mukherjee : Integral Calculus

4. Edwards : Differential Calculus

CST 112R : Elementary Statistics & Probabilities

Marks: 75

Statistics: Meaning & Scope, Variables and Attributes, Collection and presentation of Statistical data, Frequency Distribution and Graphical Representation.

Analysis of Statistical Data: Location, Dispersion and their measures. Skewness, Kurtosis and their measures. Moment and cumulants.

Elements of Probabilities: Concept of probality, Sample Space, Events. Union and Intersection of Events. Probability of Events. Laws of probability. Conditional Probabilities. Bose Einstein Statistics. Bays probability. Chebysec's Inequality.

Random Variables and Probality Distribution: Basic concepts. Discrete and continuous Random variables. Density and distribution functions. Mathgematical Expectation and variance. Conditional Expectation and conditional variance. Expected values and variances of the density distributions. Moments and Cumulant generating functions. Characteristic function. Study of Binomial, Poisson, Normal. Geometric, Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric, Multinomial, uniform, exponential, Log normal, Logirithmic, Beta and Gamma, cauchy and Weibul distributions.

Books Recommended:

1. Anderson, A. J. B. : Interpreting Data. Chapman and Hall, London.

2. Cramer, H. : The Elements of Probability Theory. Wiley, N. Y.

3. Hoel, P. : Introductory Statistics, Wiley and Sons, N. Y.

4. Lindley, D. V. : Introduction to Probalility and Statistics. Vol-1 C. U. P. London

5. Lipschutz, S : Probalility, McGraw-Hill, N. Y.

6. Mosteller, Rourke and Thomas : Probability With Statistical Applications. 2nd Ed. Addison-


7. Wolf, F. L. : Elements of Probability, and Statistics McGraw-Hill, N. Y.

8. Wonnacot, T. H. and Wonnacot, R. J. : Introductory Statistics, 3rd Ed. Wiley and Sons. N. Y.

9. Yule, G.U. and Kendall M. G. : An Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. Fourteenth Ed.

Charles Griffin, London

2nd Year

CST 201: Data Structure and Algorithms

Marks: 75

The design and analysis of efficient algorithms for important computational problems. Emphasis on the relationships between algorithms and data structures and on measures of algorithmic efficiency.