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Application form international projects

1. The intervention / 1.1 Date of application
1.2 Applying organisation / 1.3 Application number (to be filled out by Radiohjälpen)
1.4 Project name / 1.5 Project country
1.6 Amount applied for / 1.7 From which fund (if applicable, leave empty otherwise) Select from drop-down menuChildren of the World (guaranteed share)Children of the World (Radiohjälpen's share)Music Aid (Musikhjälpen)Hunger Aid (Hungerhjälpen)Refugees (Flykt)Disaster fundsGeographic budget linesAll available budget linesFor our planetA combination of budget lines

2. Formal details applying organisation

2.1 Contact information2.2 Information

2.1.1 Project officer in charge in Sweden / 2.2.1 Established when? / 2.2.2 Active in development/humanitarian work since?
2.1.2 Address / 2.2.3 Number of members / 2.2.4 Number of active members
2.2.5 Authorised signatories (name and function)
2.1.3 E-mail address, project officer in Sweden / 2.2.6 Org’s total budget last year / 2.2.7 Funds collected last year
2.1.4 Phone number, project officer in Sweden / 2.2.8. Organisational reg. number
2.2.9. ”90” account / 2.2.10. Disbursement account
2.2.11 Partnership status granted until

3. Summary

3.1 Starting date of intervention / 3.2 End date of intervention / 3.3 Request for date for final reporting
3.4 Summarising description of the intervention

4. Project rationale

4.1 Describe the situation or the problem addressed by the intervention.
4.2 What is the overall goal of the intervention?
4.3 Describe the theory of change of the intervention, i.e. how the intervention will address the identified problems and to reach the overall goal of the project described under question 4.1 & 4.2 above
4.4Target group of the intervention. Specify direct and indirect target groups disaggregated by age, number of people as well as women, girls, boys and men. Also specify other vulnerable target groups that will be included in the project
4.5How has the target group been selected? What criteria for selection is used? Who will be included in the selection process? Who does the final selection of beneficiaries?

5. Activities

Annex a results matrix, Annex 1, that, at a minimum, includes the following information:

-Overall goal of the intervention

-Outcomes & outputs


-Baseline information

-Measurable targets and indicators. Specify quantitative and qualitative targets that are measurable and which the activities aim to lead to

6. Budget

Fill in the budget in Annex 2 to the application

7. Implementing partner

7.1 Which organisation(s) is responsible for the implementation of the described activities?
7.2 Describe the division of labour and the roles between the applying organisation and the implementing partner. A description of the applying organisations active role in the projects must be specified if the applying organisation is not the implementing organisation. Who is responsible for what?
7.3 What are the contractual relationships between the applying organisation and the implementing partner?
7.4For how long has the implementing partner been active in the geographical area concerned?
7.5 How many employees does the implementing partner have in their entire organisation as well as in the specific project?
7.6 Systems for internal management and control
The applying organisation has conducted a review of the implementing partners administrative capacity as well as systems for internal management and control
The applying organisation has ensured that the implementing partner has the capacity, and sufficient internal systems to prevent, detect and manage corruption
7.7.1Project financing
Radiohjälpen is the sole donor.The intervention has several donors (specify below).
Radiohjälpen’s funds constitute the organisation’s own contribution to a project co-funded by Sida (only possible if Radiohjälpen’s funds come from the organisation’s guaranteed share of the Children of the World fundraiser).
Radiohjälpen’s funds will be reported as part of the organisation’s total self-contribution towards a Sida/CIVSAM co-funded portfolio.
Radiohjälpen’s funds constitutethe organisation’s own contribution to a project co-funded by the European Union (requires written approval by Radiohjälpen).
7.7.2 Specify how much funding the implementing partner received from international donors the previous budget year
7.7.3If the intervention has several donors please specify the other donors
7.7.4If the intervention is co-financed, please specify the total budget for the intervention
7.7.5The intervention has received previous funding from Radiohjälpen
If yes, please state project number, source of funding and amount
If yes, has the final project report been submitted to Radiohjälpen?
If no, briefly describe the implementation and results of the previously funded project

8. Monitoring and evaluation

8.1 How will the intervention be continuously monitored during the implementation period? Also describe the applying organisation and the implementing organisations different active roles. Who is responsible for what?
8.2 How will the results of the intervention be evaluated upon completion? Internally and/or externally?
8.3 How will you ascertain that the intervention’s achievements remain upon completion of the activities?
8.4 Describe the plan for phasing out and handing over the project to local structures/organisations (exit strategy)?

9. Risk analysis

If a risk analysis exists for the specific project, and that fulfils the criteria in the questions below, it can be annexed to the application. If annexed, the below fields can be left blank.

9.1 What internal risks to a successful completion of the interventionhas been identified by the applying as well as the implementing organisation?
9.1.2 What external risks to a successful completion of the intervention has been identified by the applying as well as the implementing organisation?
9.2 How does the organisation minimise the identified risks and how are they being followed up continuously during the project?

10. Annexes(A results framework as well as the budget template from Radiohjälpen are mandatory annexes to the application)

Annex 1: Results framework in accordance to headline five in the application

Annex 2: Budget template from Radiohjälpen

11. Signature

Through my signature I verify that I am authorised to submit this application on behalf of my organisation

11.1 City / 11.2 Date
11.3 Signature by project officer in Sweden / 11.4 Function of signatory
11.5 Name in block letters / The completed application should be sent to:

Application form RadiohjälpenVersion 2.0 (en)September 2017