AThe name of the organization is Berkshire County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (BCCOAD)

BThe Jurisdiction is BerkshireCounty in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

CBCCOAD is a local counterpart of the Western Massachusetts Regional Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD).

DWestern Massachusetts Regional VOAD is a sub-unit of the Massachusetts Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster ((MAVOAD), which is a unit of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD).

EIn order for BCCOAD to understand, appreciate, and be responsive to the needs and concerns that exist within the region, BCCOAD shall conduct meetings and function in accordance with the by-laws of MAVOAD.

FThe mailing address of the BCCOAD shall be that of the Chairperson, as provided by the Chairperson, or be determined by the Executive Committee.


BCCOAD is a consortium of recognized organizations active in disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation. BCCOAD is not a competing or exclusionary organization, and each BCCOAD Member Organization shall maintain its own identity and independence. The goal of BCCOAD is to foster cooperation, communication, coordination, and collaboration when its Members respond to disasters, minimizing duplication of services and ineffective use of resources and volunteers, and improving Members’ service delivery programs to communities imperiled, impaired, or impacted by disasters. Member Organizations support the efforts of federal, state, and local governments and agencies.

BCCOAD accomplishes its Mission by adhering to the following Principles:

ACooperation: To foster cooperation among BCCOAD Members at all levels and in all phases of disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation.

BCommunication: To exchange and disseminate information among BCCOAD Member Organizations, the public and local governments and agencies; to publish a directory of Member Organizations; and to develop mechanisms for better information sharing.

CCollaboration: To form positive working partnerships between Member Organizations, and between Member Organizations and outside entities and agencies to successfully respond to the needs of those affected by disasters.

DEducation: To increase mutual awareness and understanding of each organization between BCCOAD Members as well as the public and local governments and agencies. To provide effective and efficient disaster-related training, across organizational lines when possible, and to increase awareness and preparedness in each organization.

ELeadership Development: To share resources, when possible, to support activities to build better leadership within Member Organizations.

FMitigation: To embark upon activities that will lessen the impact of disasters on communities in Berkshire County.

GOutreach: To conduct proactive efforts to bring new members to the organization and encourage representation throughoutBerkshire County.

HConvention Mechanism: To arrange for such meetings, task forces, and conferences, as necessary, to accomplish the purpose of BCCOAD. This applies to planning and preparedness as well as initiating direct response.

The BCCOAD accomplishes its Mission by adhering to the following Values:

AMaintaining a commitment to caring and compassion for all people is the foundation for all we do.

BHaving a coordinated, inclusive approachto preparing for and providing disaster services is the basis for a nurturing environment in which disaster response agencies will flourish.

CAchieving excellence in BCCOAD efforts by encouraging best practices and mutual accountability that result in operational synergies.

DAccomplishing our work in a respectful, non-judgmental, and non-discriminatory manner.


ADefinition of Membership

1General Membership in BCCOAD is voluntary and does not require a membership fee or application. Membership is available only to organizations, not individuals.

2Member Organizations must demonstrate a commitment (e.g., personnel, funds, or equipment) to meet the needs of people affected by a disaster, when possible, without discrimination, or a demonstrated commitment to fulfill the Mission, Principles, and Values of BCCOAD.

BConditions of Membership

1Member Organizations must actively support the BCCOAD’s Mission, Principles, and Values.

2Member Organizations must appoint and authorize a representative and alternate to receive, review, and respond to BCCOAD e-mails and other correspondence, and to attend Regular, Annual, Special, and Standing Committee meetings of BCCOAD.Based on the ruling of the Executive CommitteeMember organizations who attend less than 2 meetings a year may acquire non voting status.

3Member Organizations may designate multiple representatives to attend BCCOAD meetings, but each organization shall have only a single vote at any meeting on any issue.

4Member Organizations will avoid any conflict of interest in the conduct of BCCOAD business, and will recues themselves from any vote that the Executive Committee determines to be a conflict of interest.


CCategories of Membership either or both categories below are considered member organizations

1Non-Profit Organization: A not-for-profit 501(c) (3) organization having a voluntary membership and constituency, interested in having a disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, or Mitigation program, and located inBerkshire County.

2Associate Organization: An organization, government agency, faith-based organization, or business not meeting the criteria of C1 above,but meeting the Definition of Membership and located inBerkshire County. Associate Organizations may include regional partners.


Meetings of BCCOAD shall be guided by the principle of consensus to the greatest degree possible. Failing such consensus, it will be the prerogative of the Chairperson to invoke and announce the application of Robert’s Rules of Order (latest edition), provided that all such actions are consistent with these by-laws. All BCCOAD meetings, including Regular Meetings, the Annual Meeting, Special Meetings, and Committee Meetings, shall be open to the public, with the exception of Executive Committee Meetings.

AFrequency of Meetings and Notification

1Regular Meetings shall be held no less than on a quarterly basis either in person or by teleconferencing or at such other times as the Executive Committee shall schedule, and shall include an Annual Meeting.

2The Secretary shall provide a minimum of twenty (20) days’ notice to Members of all Regular or Annual Meetings. Notice may be sent via e-mail or other electronic or facsimile transmissions, and may also be delivered by phone contact.

3The Secretary shall provide Members with the Agenda to all Regular and Annual Meetings prior to the meetings.

4The Annual Meeting shall be held in October of each year, unless scheduled otherwise by the Executive Committee.

5Special Meetings, excluding Emergency Meetingto meet the needs of disaster events or drills, may be called at any time by the Chairperson or a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

6A Special Meeting may be proposed to the Executive Committee by any three (3) Members, and shall be convened if approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

7Special Meetings are open to all Members and other organizations, agencies, or entities with specific response and recovery responsibilities that concern BCCOAD members that the Executive Committee deems critical or desirable under the circumstances.

8The Secretary shall seek to provide sufficient notification of Special Meetings to Members. In the event of an emergency the secretary may notify Members of such meetings with minimal notice. Notice may be sent via e-mail or other electronic or facsimile transmissions or be delivered by phone contact.

9Teleconferencing is an option for Special Meetings to facilitate the work of BCCOAD when the technology is available.

10The Secretary, or a Member designated by the Chairperson in the secretary’s absence, shall record minutes of all Regular Meetings and the Annual Meeting. Meeting minutes shall be distributed and approved at the following Regular or Annual Meeting unless previous distribution is arranged with the Secretary.

11Robert’s Rules of Order shall be considered the general rules for the conduct of meetings.


AEach Member Organization shall appoint one identified representative to act as its official voting delegate. Each Member Organization shall have only one vote on any issue.

BMembers may formally represent more than one organization at BCCOAD meetings, but that individual has one vote regardless of the number of organizations he/she may represent.

CMember Organizations may not vote by proxy but may by sending an alternate approved by theidentified representative in A.

DMember Organizations may vote by teleconference.

EAll votes (formal or consensus reached) shall be recorded in the meeting minutes.

FAll voting, except as otherwise provided for in these by-laws, shall pass by a simple majority vote.

GMembers present at a properly noticed meeting shall constitute a quorum to do business, minimumof 25%of the membership.


The Executive Committee may terminate the participation of a member organization for:

AFailure to meet the Conditions of Membership, as determined by the Executive Committee.

BConduct contrary to the Mission, Principles, or Values of BCCOAD, as determined by the Executive Committee.


AOfficers shall be nominated and elected at the Annual Meeting of BCCOAD. The term of office for the officers will begin immediately upon their election.

BAny Member of BCCOAD may nominate Members as Officers, Chairs of Standing Committees, and At-Large Members of the Executive Committee. Nominations must be seconded to be accepted.

CNo Member shall be allowed to hold more than one position on the Executive Committee at the same time.

DWhen an Officer’s position is vacated for whatever reason, the Chairperson shall call for nominations and an election for said position shall be held at the next properly noticed meeting. The newly elected Officer shall serve the unexpired term of the withdrawing or withdrawn Officer.

EThe Officers of BCCOAD shall consist of:




FTerms of Office shall be one year, and no person shall serve more than three consecutive terms.


AThe Duties and Responsibilities of the Chairperson are:

1Presides at Regular, Annual, and Special meetings and acts as BCCOAD spokesperson.

2Represents BCCOAD at the Western Massachusetts Regional VOAD level.

3Delegates tasks as pertain to BCCOAD business, convenes meetings, and provides overall leadership.

4Approves Agendas for Regular, Annual, and Special meetings.

BThe Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice-Chairperson are:

1Acts on behalf of the Chairperson in the absence of or at the request of the Chairperson.

2In the event that the Chairperson is no longer able to serve in that capacity, the Vice-Chairperson shall perform his/her duties until the next election for the open seat.

CThe Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary are:

1 Provides timely notice and meeting agendas to all Members of Regular, Annual, and Special Meetings and of other communications.

2Provide timely notice to all Members of all proposed amendments to and repeals of BCCOAD By-Laws.

3Records minutes and votes, with the assistance of designated Members of all Regular, Annual, and Special Meetings.

4Maintains records of all meetings.

5Maintains a permanent file of the minutes and votes from all meetings.

6Maintains a current list of all BCCOAD Members.


AThe Executive Committee of BCCOAD shall consist of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, and two At-Large Members selected by the membership at the annual meeting. Within the executive committee there will be reasonable representation from each of the three areas of thecounty.

BThe terms of the At-Large Members of the Executive Committee shall be 1 year. Can only serve 1 term.

CAt-Large Members of the Executive Committee may not serve consecutive terms Executive Committee Meetings shall be held regularly, at such as the Chairperson shall schedule.

DThe Executive Committee shall have the power to act for BCCOAD between Regular Meetings within the adopted guidelines of the organization.

EThree Member Organizations must be present to constitute a quorum at any Executive committee Meeting.


BCCOAD will annually establish operational committees to meet the needs of disaster response in all 3 areas of thecounty as needed.

AAll Member Organizations are expected to participate in at least one Standing Committee. Standing Committee Meetings will be held no less than quarterly.In person or by teleconferencing.

BEach committee shall elect a Chair.

CEach Committee shall determine the respective terms of the Chair.

DEach Committee Chair shall and coordinatethe meeting schedule of the Committee.

EEach Committee Chair shall appoint a Recording Secretary for each meeting.

FEach Recording Secretary shall record all minutes and votes, and provide those minutes and votes to the BCCOAD Secretary.

GTechnical advisors may attend Committee meetings at the request of the BCCOAD Chairperson.


ABCCOAD is neither a fund-raising nor disbursing organization. No funds shall be collected or accepted.


AAny Member Organization may propose amendments to or repeal of BCCOAD by-laws.

BAmendments and proposals to repeal must be moved and seconded at a properly noticed Regular, Annual, or Special meeting.

CAmendments and proposals to repeal moved and seconded at a properly noticed Regular, Annual, or Special meeting shall be voted on at the following meeting.

DAmendments and proposals to repeal must be distributed no less than three (3) weeks prior to a meeting at which the amendment or proposal to repeal shall be considered.

EAmendments to and repeals of BCCOAD by-laws shall be made by a two-thirds majority voteof thoseconsidered in attendance at a properly called meeting with a quorum.

Formally adopted and approved on June 26, 2013 at Pittsfield, Massachusetts.


Chairperson, BCCOAD


Vice Chairperson, BCCOAD


Secretary, BCCOAD

BerkshireCounty COAD By-Laws06/26/2013