Tender Enquiry Document for

Hosted eMail Solution for BPCL Customers


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

IIS Department

Bharat Bhavan II, 2nd Floor,

Currimbhoy Road,

Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001

CRFQ NO. 1000133130 Dated 21.03.2011

Due on 21.04.2011 at 1600 Hours


This ‘Tender for Hosted email_id Solution for BPCL Customers’is Strictly Confidential. It is being made available to your organization purely for the purposes of submitting Tender on the strict understanding that the information provided in this document will not be shown, read or passed on to any person who is not a current employee of your organization.

This tender document has been developed based on BPCL businesses and technology requirements. It remains sole property of BPCL and as such the contents of this tender shall not be shared by your organization with others. BPCL shall have the right to proceed with the project, or to decide alternate Solution Provider or execute the project by itself.

Should there be any breach of confidentiality at any time, BPCL shall have the right to disqualify the bidder and/or may initiate any disciplinary action as may deem fit.

Executive Overview

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, one of the Fortune 500 companies is a leading Public Sector Oil enterprise engaged in exploration, production, refining and marketing of petroleum products. BPCL is often referred to as an ‘MNC in PSUs’

With a turnover of Rs. 133,749.10 crores for 2009-10it is an Oil Giant in India. It has an all-India presence through 2 refineries, 133 Oil installations & depots and 49 LP Gas bottling plants. Its extensive marketing network comprises of around 8,400 retail outlets, over 2187 LPG distributors & 1000 SKO/LDO dealers.

The six key businesses or SBUs (Strategic Business Units) of BPCL are:

  • Refining,
  • Aviation,
  • Lubricants,
  • Retail,
  • LPG and
  • Industrial & Commercial (I&C)

Some of the popular BPCL brands developed successfully over the last few years include “Speed”, High Speed Diesel, MAK, “Pure for Sure” and “PetroCard”. Some other brands of the BPCL portfolios are ‘Bharatgas’, ‘Beyond LPG’, BMCG, GHAR, ‘In & Out’, ‘Smartfleet card’ etc. Innovation, Care and Reliability (INCARE) are the core values around which all of BPCL’s offerings have been designed.

BPCL has always been on the forefront of harnessing technology initiatives for maximizing efficiency and achieving greater customer satisfaction. Bharat Petroleum is constantly providing value to stake holders!

BPCL recognizes the importance of business communication with its customers mainly Dealers, Distributors who are spread across various regions all over India. We prefer current means of communications which are secured, faster and paperless. Keeping this in mind, BPCL intends to provide a hosted email_id’s to its Retail / LUBs dealers and LPG distributors numbering around 12,000 with proper domain name which can be accessed over internet.

BPCL, for its internal usage is using Microsoft Exchange 2007 as a messaging system.

It is with this background that the tender is being floated in three part bids (Pre qualification, technical and commercial) to provide a web based Hosted Email_id Solution for BPCL Customer for 12000 usersextendable up to 15000 emailids during next 3 years at the discretion of BPCL.

This document also covers the objectives, scope of work and deliverables of the proposed project, and outlines the broad framework within which BPCL invites Solution Providers to submit their tender bids.


Dear Sir / Madam

  1. We are pleased to invite quotations for Hosted e-Mail ids’ Solution for BPCL customers. Detailed scope of work is as per attached ANNEXURE II.
  1. Only parties meeting the eligibility criterion specified in clause 1 of Annexure IV (Vendors pre-qualification criteria) will be considered for technical evaluation.
  1. This tender document consists of the following Annexures which are enclosed:

3.1Pre Qualification Bid DocumentAnnexure I

3.2Technical Specifications (Scope of work)Annexure II

3.3Terms & conditions of Agreement.Annexure III

3.4Tender Evaluation CriteriaAnnexure IV

3.5Unpriced commercial FormatAnnexure V

3.6Non Disclosure Agreement (to be submitted at

the time of award of PO)Annexure VI

We request you to carefully go through all the Tender documents before submitting your quotation.In-complete documents are liable to be rejected.

You are requested to submit your offer in three-part bid i.e. Pre qualification criteria, Technical Bid & Commercial Bid Each page of document should be duly signed and stamped, in separate sealed self addressed envelopes, with the superscription HOSTED EMAIL_ID SOLTUION FOR BPCL CUSTOMERS’, "Tender Number/ Due Date/Type of bid".

a)Pre-qualification bid shall contain documents as per Annexure I.

The Vendors who are qualified in Pre qualification criteria are eligible for technical bid

opening. The date, time & venue will be intimated to the successful bidder of pre qualification criteria.

b)The technical bid should contain the following

  • Your cover note
  • Your Functional scope
  • Technical details of the solution / Compliance sheet in our format. You can use Photocopy of our RFQ
  • Unpriced Commercial bid. (As per Annexure V)
  • Acceptance of Terms & conditions. (Photocopy of Annexure III to stamped and signed with date on each page)
  • Deviation statement, if any. (All deviations must be given in a separate statement marked as 'Deviation statement')
  • EMD of Rs. 1,00,000/- in the form of DD drawn in favour of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd., Mumbai (This is applicable only to unregistered vendors)
  • The Vendors meeting the technical specifications shall be qualified for opening price bids.

The date, time & venue will be intimated to the qualified bidders for opening technical bids.

c)The commercial bid should contain the following

  • Your cover note
  • commercial bid

Rates should be quoted both in words and figures along with applicable Taxes & levies.

The sealed envelopes should be marked ‘Tender for HOSTED EMAIL_ID SOLTUION FOR BPCL CUSTOMERS’ . These envelopes containing Pre Qualification, technical & commercial bids should be placed in another self addressed envelopes with the superscription "CRFQ No. RFQ No. Number/ Date/ Due Date" and should be deposited in the tender box available at the following address, on or before the due date and time.

Mr. Sudhir M Kulkarni

Sr. Manager IIS (Procurement & Contracts),

Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.,

Bharat Bhavan II, 2nd Floor, 4 & 6 Currimbhoy Road,

Ballard Estate, Mumbai – 400 001

Phone Number: 022-22714214

Email id:

Bids are to be submitted on or before 21.04.2011 1600 hours. Pre qualification bids shall be opened on 21.04.2011 at 16.30 hours at the abovementioned address in the presence of the bidders.

Representatives of the bidders who wish to participate in Pre qualification bid opening should carry authority letter from their employer authorizing them to attend the same and company identity card.

Should you require any clarifications, please contact Mr. Sudhir Kulkarni/ Mr.Swaminathan KS on any working day from Monday to Friday on Telephone nos.22714214 / 22714264 or on email ID

/ respt.

For Technical clarifications, if any, please contact Mr. Atul Patil Tel no. 22713804 or 9892420079 not later than 2 days before the opening of the tender.

The successful bidder has


Pre Qualification Bid Document

Please provide the following information in the sealed envelope super-scribing ‘Tender for HOSTED EMAIL_ID SOLTUION FOR BPCL CUSTOMERS’ “Pre Qualification Bid” alongwith CRFQ No. as part of your Tender bid. All information requested herein must be provided. If the information provided is found to be incomplete or incorrect at any stage of the tender the bid is liable to be rejected.

Solution Provider’s Company Profile:

(a) Name of the company

(b) Date of Establishment of company and Age of the company.

(c) Head Office / Registered Office Address & Telephone Numbers.

(d) Name of the Contact Person and his email address.

(e) Company’s PAN No.

(f) Partnership Deed / MOU

(g) Organizational Structure with name of Promoters / Firm Partners

(h) Last 3 years audited balance sheet & P&L A/c. along with auditor’s report.

(i) Information about Annual Turnover during last 3 Years.

(j) Technical Strength of Solution Provider,

  • Number of Datacenters in India OR Information about the datacenters in India wherein your servers/applications are hosted which will be providing services to BPCL. Also state the Tier Level of datacenter.
  • Provide details about the DR / Arrangements made for ensuring minimum 99% uptime of solution.
  • Customer base and list of 3 major customers who are subscribing your email services for 4000+ email ids and overall 24000+ email_ids for past 2 years.
  • Provide details on Help Desk facility provided by you and provision for resolution of calls logged in.


  1. Scope of the Work

1.0Mailbox related General Requirements

1.1Email IDs created should support following minimum criteria / parameters :

1.1.1Mailbox size per user minimum 200 MB

1.1.2Solution should support attachment size minimumof 5 MB for incoming / 5 MB for outgoing or more

1.1.3Option to configure ‘out of office notice’ and auto reply

1.1.4Calendar and task scheduling facility (optional)

1.1.5Facility should be made available for users to create rules at the server side e.g rules to forward email received, to move mails to some folder.

1.1.6User should get an alert when their mail box size utilization reaches 80% of allotted space for deleting unwanted / old media.

1.23 Terabyte (for 15000 mailboxes) space should be allocated for the domain for mailbox allocation; mail box size allocation per user will be done by BPCL.

1.3Global Address Listto be accessible from webmail and Mail Client like Outlook

1.4Creation of Distribution List (DL)and Moderation Or Authorization should be provided to BPCL.

1.5Auto DL update (based on the defined attributes) should be made possible. BPCL will provide required inputs for creation of DL, which are to be auto updated

1.6 Provision should be made available to define maximum recipient size limits for email ids. This can be implemented with a provision to define exception rules allowing selected email ids to send mails without any restriction. BPCL will identify such ids wherever required.

1.7Each mail box should support atleast 40 attributes which can be set according to BPCL requirement. BPCL will provide list of attributes to be defined with each id (e.g customer id, location, region, contacts…..etc.).The bidder needs to confirm the above.

1.8Backup of mailboxes– Vendor has to ensure that backups are taken regularly with retention of minimum 90 days. Restoration of full or mailbox level should be possible. Provide information on backup frequency and facilities available.

2.0Mails Services related Requirements

2.1User idshould support both Numeric / alphanumericcharacters. Length of user id should support minimum of 20 characters.

2.2User id should be password protected and password length should support minimum 8 characters consisting alphabets, numbers and special characters.

2.3The vendor should have email application servers hosted in minimum Tier 3 datacenters located in India

2.4These datacenters should have different ISP backbone and should be in geographically two different areas in India. - mention the locations

2.5Confirm that Mails are not routed or stored outside India (both Incoming & Outgoing mails).

2.6Facility should be provided for BPCL to do free ‘Ad services’(BPCL can publish campaign as alerts or Ad on its web interface) – please mention about how this functionality will be provided and process, procedure for using it.

2.7Each mail Account Should get POP,IMAP, Webmail & SMTP Functionality and also should facilitate Administrator disabling any of the above functionalities for selected mail boxes

2.8Provide details about the webmail interface and screens available.

2.9Webmail should have essential features like LDAP integration for address Auto Completion, Large File Attachment Feature & Full HTML Support

2.10Vendor must have multiple SMTP Servers for Outbound email with different IP ranges – pl provide the details about the provision.

3.0Spooling & Spam quarantine management

3.1Solution should spool mails for minimum 36 hours in case of Recipient server outage. This period can be extended on request without additional charges for space

3.2Facility should be provided to put a restriction based on the type of attachment (e.g. .exe, ..mp3 etc list will be provided by BPCL)

3.3Vendors to ensure that mails are not bounced for the reason of Blacklisting of domain (domain assigned to BPCL under this contract) for outbound mails.

3.4Should guarantee an SLA of minimum 99 % plus accuracy in spam scanning

3.5Spam mails from Blacklisted Source IPs should be rejected. The RBL (Real-time Black List) used should be managed RBL by reputed IT Security Firm. Whereas Spam from Bad Source IP’s should be rightly identified and quarantined

3.6Ensure that SPAM not generated from our hosted services

3.7Vendor to assure that required privileges and Interface will be provided to BPCL Administrator to perform following activities:

3.7.1Access to entire domains spam quarantine and functionality to release mail from quarantine without involving the vendor.

3.7.2Content filtering to create new rules to filter inbound, outbound and internal email.

3.8Users will be provided facility to:

3.8.1Define own blacklist/white list facility.

3.8.2Digest mail listing the spam, quarantined for the user in the last 24 hours.

3.8.3To view his/her spam quarantine and to release mail from quarantine without administrator intervention.

3.9Vendor to provide facility by which passwords will be reset for mail ID where spam is found in outbound mail and intimation to be send to BPCL Administrator.

4.0Anti-spam & Anti-Virus Scanning

4.1Vendor to confirm that mail system is protected against New Virus Outbreaks & Zero Day attack – Please mention the Anti-virus and Anti Spam software(s) being deployed at your end.

4.2Antivirus/Anti spam providedto ensure that

4.2.1Comprehensive protection from Known viruses

4.2.2Each Mail should be scanned by multiple Anti-spam & Anti-Virus engines

4.2.3Virus affected mail should be detained and intimation should be forwarded about the same to the user.

4.3Vendor to confirm that virus and spam checking is done for both inbound and outbound mails

5.0Administrative Controls

5.1BPCL Administrator will be allowed to perform following tasks

5.1.1Add/delete/populate Ids and create Aliases

5.1.2To delegate some of the admin tasks

5.1.3To create Forwarding for specific mail boxes

5.1.4Mail tracking facility - administrator should be able to search and find the status of every mail traversed through the setup up to 90 days

5.1.5To search emails on the basis of keywords – provide steps, process, procedure for this functionality

5.1.6Should have facility to block some emails on the basis of some specific words or content.

5.1.7To be provided with an interface to manage BPCL defined white/Black list domains / email ids. Mails should be quarantined / not quarantined accordingly.

5.1.8Should have interface to assign different mailbox size limit for different groups of users or for some specific users.

5.1.9Provision should be available to restrict email sending to some domains or specific email ids as and when instructed by BPCL.

5.1.10Provision should be available to attach different footer messages for different group of email ids. Group to be created on the basis of different attributes (e.g. business unit, location etc)for which BPCL will provide the inputs


6.1Vendor to provide information about Helpdesk Call logging and tracking system available for email_id users.

6.2Vendor to concur on the following:

6.2.1Reported problems need to be attended in maximum of 1 hour time

6.2.2Provide escalation matrix details for calls not resolved in 3 hours

6.2.3Telephonic / Remote support if required to be delivered


7.1Vendor needs to provide Various MIS reports for health monitoring and usage analysis. We list below few sample reports which need to be provided monthly/quarterly/yearly basis. You have to provide information on types of reports you will provide to BPCL over and above listed below

7.1.1Detailed report on spam / virus reports - sender wise, recipient wise.

7.1.2General report on top senders, top recipients etc

7.1.3Report on notification to Administrator given wherein spam is originating

7.1.4Service Uptime report

7.1.5Reports related to mail delivery / delayed mails etc

7.1.6Report on Helpdesk Call resolution stating escalation if any / SLA met etc

7.1.7Reports on additions / deletions /disabled mail ids


8.1Vendor to provide and configure API for displaying mail boxes information (such as new mails / unread mails) on BPCL portal which running on Java and .Net platform.

8.2Global Access List (GAL) should be made available to BPCL

9.0Other Responsibilities

9.1Should guarantee an uptime SLA of minimum 99% computed on quarterly basis

9.2Mass Email id and mailboxes will be created first time by vendor based on the input given by BPCL team. Vendor to commit the creation of mail ids within 2 weeks time post receipt of list from BPCL.

9.3Users should be prompted to change password on logging first time to system while activation or whenever password reset done.

9.4Vendor to adhere to the Password change process as defined by BPCL which will allow users to change even expired password after due authentication.

9.5Vendor will share a process to reset forgotten / expired passwords of users.

9.6Incase of change of vendor at the time of expiry of contract – vendor will make data (user accounts, mail boxes and email data) available on server in a format that can be used to on any platform / messaging application selected by BPCL that time.

9.7BPCL will provide registered domain name. Vendor to use the same

9.8Terminated dealers / distributors’ mails should be archived till the contract expiry period or 3 years whichever is earlier. These mail ids subscription should be stopped

9.9Vendor to provide full documentation (Administrative, Operational, User level, Support level etc) alongwith design architecture of setup and components deployed at each level to fulfill deliverables mentioned 1 through 8 above.

10.0Additional Information about Infrastructure

10.1Provide more information on Infrastructure Service Provider is having for Email Services :

  1. Messaging applicationused.
  2. Operating System used for messaging application
  3. Provision made for Redundancy, if any.
  4. Disaster Setup availability
  5. Network bandwidth
  6. SPAM filter accuracy
  7. Scalability option provided interms of Number Email_ids / Storage space per Mail Box.
  8. Whether or not dedicated server will be used for BPCL
  9. Security infrastructure available at ISP end to protect proposed messaging solution.


Terms and Conditions

  1. Terms of Delivery:

1.1.Vendor has to provide 3 months period to create e-mails Ids and activation of the same. During this period vendor shall confirm infrastructure readiness and create email ids as per the list provided by BPCL. Further BPCL will intimate their customers about the e-mail id details to enable them to login and activate the account.