April 14, 2013


Missy Walton,Staci Dowdell, Denise Lutz, Dan Dankowski, Luann Todd, Paul

Johnson, Tim Giardina, Jeff Grundey, Brian Walton

The meeting was called to order at 7:07 atDairy Queen

Approval of prior minutes:

-Denise motioned to approve minutes with the change that George gave the

North girls report for Dan, not Dan.

-Brian second the motion

-all yea’s

No Public Input

Presidents Report: Tim Giardina:

-working on field issues

-still trying to set up a meeting to discuss

-also, working on moving the school board “agreement” forward

-30 Day Raffle: C. Girls, 100%

C. Boys, 1 needs turned in

N. Girls, 100%

N. Boys, 1 player needs a packet

-Denise suggested offering a discount for PYAA families for the N vs C game

-discussed offering a discount for anyone bringing canned goods

Vice President Report: No report

Treasurers Report: Tim for Janet

-2nd coaches payment is scheduled for 4/15/13

Membership: Paul Johnson

-131 registrations out of 140 projected. 94%

-98% paid in full

-16 quit

-no more full refunds, partial only, if warranted

-6 N. boys had to purchase helmets due to a shortage, however, we

Are checking storage, etc. to be sure there are not additional helmets


-Paul is working with Janet on tax form 990, due 4/15/13

-Janet is using Quickbooks

-there is 1 hardship that paid but should have qualified for a hardship. Player also

Completed the 30 day raffle requirements

-requesting a refund of those fees

-Dan motioned to refund registration fees

-Jeff second the motion

-all yea’s

Publicity: Denise Lutz

-an email was received for one of the team emails but shows as a blank email.

Denise is trying to determine who it came from and who it should be directed to

-Luann found the email and the issue is resolved

-there are 5 sites so it depends which site they log in to and send the email

-Denise asked if anyone could have the N vs C games put on the school district website/calendar.

-Laurie is doing the planning and holding meetings to get organized

-may have N. choir sing the National Anthem

Fundraising: Staci Dowdell

-So far, we’ve raised approx. $9770 from the 30 day raffle, approx. $7500 profit after expenses

-Spirit Sprint is next week, 4/21 at 9:00 am. Keep spreading the word

-Jeff is still talking to Coughlin Auto group regarding a potential sponsor for

The N vs C games.

-Jeff showed a Roosters card as a possible fund raiser for next year

Equipment: No Report

Central Boys: Brian Walton

-Lined JV and Varsity fields today

-rolled the JV field

-Gray wall field is in good shape

-if we need to have games at the gray wall field, no gate is really doable.

Could set up a table and go on the honor system.

-Central boys last game had a $628 gate

-need to complete incident reports for a couple of minor injuries.

North Boys: George for Jeff Grundey

-1 too many games on N Boys schedule, planning to remove the Bexley game

-need game balls

-Last Fridays game was not originally scheduled as a stadium game and they

Still have their 3 stadium games.

North Girls: Dan Dankowski

-Grass needs cut shorter on fields

-Wanted to acknowledge the trainers this year. Very good.

Central Girls: Luann Todd

-5-1 at this point. Good season so far.

-2 injuries yesterday, will fill out incident reports

-Luann wants Tim to go check out the JV field / condition

Old Business:

-Strategy / planning program committee

-Tim would like board to nominate individuals for the committee

New Business:

-Phys Ed Credit: It was brought to our attention that there is a “Credit Flex

Plan” where students write a credit flex plan and ask for it to be approved for

Gym credit.

-Dan said that 2 JV games need corrected on the arbiter web site

-Concessions Plan:

-North uses the concession stand, but would like a better plan

-Dan revisited the topic of cameras for the teams for game filming

-Dan made a motion for each team to get a camera, tripod, etc

Up to $300/team. Head Coach will be responsible for the camera

-Jeff second the motion

-7 yea’s

-1 nay

-1 abstain

-motion passes

Meeting adjournedat 8:46

-Paul motioned to adjourn


-all yeas