Fire Station #20, 6755 Rangewood Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80918

August 9, 2017


I. Roll Call: 6:27pm – JoAnn Scott, Bruce Brian, Matthew Wirt, Leea DiPentino

II.  Owner’s Comments:

A.  Laurie Mortenson – 7375 Chancellor

i.  May need extension for fence staining

ii.  Drainage – spoke with the city; suggested check for blockage.

B.  Tracy Harrison – 7660 Manston

i.  Concerns that certain folks are being targeted

ii. Katie still on letterhead – Tammy, please correct

III.  Consent Agenda

A.  Approval of Minutes 1-2

i.  July 12, 2017 Meeting Minutes – Unanimously approved

B.  Treasurer's Report 3-19

i.  July Financials – Approval Needed Pending Audit

1.  Current CD Rate Sheet – For CD maturing 8/25 – Tabled pending treasurer input

C.  Reports of Manager 20-182

i.  E-Mail List - (not e-mailed) - quarterly – next is October

ii.  Punchlist – June and July including violation spreadsheet from new system

1.  Lot 008 - Repair rock bed? Board needs more information; cannot tell the issue from photo and description

2.  Lot 104 – no further violation needed

3.  Lot 044 – Board denied ARC request to allow post/chicken wire structure for hockey

4.  Lot 089 – Pod has been removed

5.  Lot 015 – motion to attach lien to the property unanimously approved

6.  Lot 104 – need more information; cannot tell the problem

7.  Lot 120 Pascal – did we approve shed? Shed does not meet approved specifications at this time. If approved, it needs to be finished. If not approved, please submit for approval.

8.  Lot 018 – Are now in compliance. Was our decision sent to them?

9.  Lot 024 – add NOV for fence and deck that needs to be stained

10. Lot 080 – send NOV for weeds in the rocks

iii.  It was noted at the last drive through that some of the driveways are getting pitted. Does the Board wish for these addresses to be sent a notice? Board would like Haley to take photos of those they consider significantly pitted before we make any decisions. Please add to next agenda.

1.  Compliance reports

a.  Lot 010 – fence stained and corrected – Leea to look at the fence for verification of compliance

b.  Lot 045 – started process of re-seeding lawn – send in pictures of improvement

c.  Lot 032 - weeds – compliance not accepted; continue with violations

d.  Lot 025 – landscape unsightly – Please send photos of improvement

e.  Lot 017 – unsightly Condition – compliance not accepted, continue violations

f.  Lot 069 – fence stain – compliance accepted

g.  Lot 121 – mowing – compliance accepted

h.  Lot 121 – pruning – compliance accepted

i.  Lot 104 – fence stain – compliance not accepted; fence has been stained a grey color. They need to submit a wood tone color for approval or stain the pre-approved Honey Gold.

j.  Lot 104 – back yard – compliance accepted

k.  Lot 015 – dead bush or bush needs to be pruned – compliance not accepted; continue with violations

l.  Lot 021 – fence repair – please complete within 30 days and send photos

m.  Lot 021 - weeds – compliance not accepted; continue with violations and request pictures upon completion

n.  Lot 030 – weeds – compliance partially accepted; weeds need to be cleaned out of rock beds and bare spots filled in.

o.  Lot 030 – fence stain – compliance not accepted; fence needs to be properly repaired and stained

p.  Lot -063– unapproved structure – compliance not accepted; continue with violations

q.  Lot 090 – mow and unsightly condition of landscape – compliance not accepted. Here are issues that were noted by board member upon compliance report:

i.  I still see tall, dead weed on the left of the house near the fence. The paper sits in the driveway and well as trash can. The fence does not look recently stained. A few weeds in the rock's. I don't see any new bushes? I cannot see in the backyard. Overall the grass is a bit better but only because of the rain. I don't see any effort to improve grass with new seeding

r.  Lot 076 – painting of home – compliance accepted

s.  Lot 008 – landscape fabric showing – please send photo of compliance

t.  Lot 074 – painting – please send photos upon completion

u.  Lot 053 – water lawn/unsightly – please send photos of improvement

v.  Lot 052 – weeds – compliance accepted

w.  Lot 123 – weeds – compliance accepted

x.  Lot 044 – weeds – stated only received 2nd vio, does Board wish to move vio back to a first – approval for moving back to 1st violation; however, compliance is not accepted until photos show improvement

y.  Lot 042 – water lawn – please send photos of improvement. Rabbits are not HOA responsibility

z.  Lot 055 – unsightly and weeds – compliance accepted

aa. Lot 098 – fence repair – compliance not accepted; continue with violations

bb. Lot 033 – weeds, mow, fence – please submit fence plan for approval

cc. Lot 016 – fence repair – compliance not accepted; continue violations. Please send photo upon completion

dd. Lot 038 – weeds planting beds – compliance accepted

ee. Lot 093 – Bush pruning and dead tree –compliance not accepted; continue violations - tree approved; bush needs to be replaced

ff.  Lot 095 – weeds in rocks – compliance accepted

gg. Lot 009 – dead plants – compliance not accepted, continue violations; please send photos upon completion

hh. Lot 071 – RV parking – compliance accepted

IV.  Committee Reports 183-184

A.  Lot 008 – extension request for landscape issues (received two approvals need one more) - Extension approved

V.  Unfinished Business 185-204

A.  Rule Change for timeline on violations to be 14 days throughout – RECONFIRMATION VOTE – unanimously approved

B.  Lot 034 – Fence - Leea to look at fence and advise

C.  Lot 078 – violation on unapproved structure – RECONFIRMATION VOTE – send violation; ask to submit color for approval

D.  Lot 089 – violation for the POD unit on the driveway – Removed so not action needed

E.  Lot 121 – violation for partially disassembled trampoline – RECONFIRMATION VOTE – unanimously approved

F.  Lot 054 – shrubs – not dead pruned, weeds sprayed. Please send photos of improvement; need to see growth on shrubs

VI.  Open Business 205- 281

A.  Mail box covers – The post office will need to see what you are wanting to put over the mail boxes, they can then approve the design. – JoAnn to get bids and will submit.

B.  Reserve Study Bids – Motion to take the Economy Full Reserve ($1520) study from Association Reserves bid unanimously approved

C.  CD Renewal – Continue with RBC or different company – enclosed is the CD information brochure RBC sent – Tabled for John

D.  Email address and communication with homeowners and tenants – Tabled; we don’t know what this is? Please advise for next meeting/agenda

E.  Time Frame/Due Process for Homeowner Complaints - Board will respond within 14 days – unofficial process for the board; not changing our rules

F.  Hearing for Homeowner Complaints - Enclosed are rules set up by an attorney and WP rules - Discussion held; will use for unofficial process’ when necessary

G.  Dead trees along Descartes - Replaced

H.  2018 Budget – Tabled for annual meeting

I.  Next newsletter – would like it to go out this month; include lots of tips on how to prune trees and shrubs, take care of grass, weeds, etc. Also fire mitigation by cutting down weeds behind fencing for those homes facing Woodmen – Reach out if more details needed

J.  HOA intends to cover training for board members; cost will be approved on a case by case basis and only one or two members will be approved for each training. They can then share with the rest of the board.

K.  Legal issue - Laurie Mortenson (7375 Chancellor) filed complaint with the department of regulatory. Leea to draft response

VI. Tentative Date of Next Meeting: September 13, 2017 – Annual Meeting

VII. Adjournment 9:53pm

Managed By: Haley Realty, Inc., 109 E. Fontanero, Colorado Springs, CO 80907, 719-634-3785