Free Athena is a web platform that aggregates all of the free educational content across the internet: documentary films, lectures, full university courses, apps, websites, and podcasts, all within a social platform for users to share and connect around.

The Problem

Each year thousands of lectures, documentaries, and other educational materials are released from a wide variety of sources without a legitimate filter to organize them. For the average consumer, searching for content through 100’s of sources isn’t practical or realistic.

Some websites do a decent job organizing a single type of educational content such as Open University courses or documentary films, however they are often cluttered with unrelated banner ads, disorganized catalogs and broken links which make it an unpleasant experience. Additionally, if consumers want to find educational videos across the various content types, they are simply out of luck.

Our Solution

Free Athena is a website that filters and organizes all of the free learning content on the web. We include every kind of content type so users can pursue all their educational interests in one place. Online learning should be engaging and exciting so we’re creating a social environment where our users can connect with each other around shared academic interests.

Free Athena offers the best of all things learning. We are to online education what Pitchfork is to the indie music scene.

Current Development

We're entering the most exciting yet most difficult phase of Athena's growth. Developing curating strategies and designing our ‘curation engine’ to not only addresses user needs, but also surpass their expectations.

We’re currently looking for talented software developers, investors, mentors and anyone willing to support our cause of creating an online experience where users can truly learn any subject at anytime, 100% free. If you’re interested and feel like you could help, please contact me below.

Kevin Lewis - Founder

cell: 808.264.0388
