Theinformationaboveis for contact purposesonly.
Traditional andSocial Mediarecognition
Fiveminutecommercial duringopeningkeynote session
Companylogoto appear on conference website,emails andprogramcover
ComplementaryFull page fullcolor advertisement insideprogram with 300word description
Companybanner (provided byyourcompany)will beplacedinsidetheconference
Four(4) meal passes (breakfast/lunch) andTwo (2) conference registrations
Exhibit space (approximately8’ X 10’) – given first choice of exhibit space location
Logo linkfromBigBendSHRMwebsite
Companylogoto appear on conference website andemails (social mediamention)
Complementary½page coloradvertisementinside programwith 100 worddescription
Two(2) meal passes (breakfast/lunch) and One (1) conference registration
Exhibit space (approximately8’ X 10’) – second priority after platinum in choosing exhibit space location
Complementaryacknowledgementbefore the noon keynote
Logo listedonBigBendSHRMwebsite
Companylogoto appear on conference website andemails
Complementary¼pagecoloradvertisementinside programwith 75word description
Two (2) meal passes (breakfast/lunch) and One (1) conference registration
Full display table (approximately8’ X 10’)
Companynamelistedon theBigBendSHRMwebsite
Skirtedhalfdisplaytable forpromotional display and handouts
Two (2) meal passes (breakfast/lunch) (This level does not include a conference registration.)
Complementaryacknowledgementin program
Breakfast/Lunch/Snack Sponsor (NEW)Full or Partial Cost of Food
Company Sign at Buffet Tables.
Complementaryacknowledgementin program and before the morning and keynote speakers
Recognitionatclosing. Company representative may assist at breakfast, lunch, and/or snack break to meet members
Additional benefits may be negotiated depending on the level of donation.
Water Sponsor (NEW)$200
Company Sign at water station. Donation covers water bottles for conference attendees throughout the day
Complementaryacknowledgementin program
Conference Bag Sponsor (NEW)Cost of Canvas Bags
Company Sign at registration and company logo on bags. Bags must be approved by conference chair.
Complementaryacknowledgementin program
Recognitionatclosing and during registration. Company representative may assist at the registration table.
TheHR Tallahassee ConferenceandExposition,BigBendSHRM’slargestannualeventprovidescompaniesandorganizationsthe opportunity tomarkettheirproducts andservicestoapre-qualifiedaudienceoftop-leveldecisionmakersatthe12th AnnualHR TallahasseeConferenceandExpo.BigBendSHRMhasbeenservingthebusinessandhumanresourcecommunityintheTallahasseearea for 32years. Our over200 active members represent numerous industries and companies in the Big Bend region.
SPONSORSHIPSPlease indicate level of sponsorship:☐Platinum ($2000)☐Gold($1,000)☐Silver ($550)☐Table-Top($300)☐Water($200)
☐Breakfast/Lunch Sponsor (Full or Partial Cost of Food) ☐Bag Sponsor (Cost of Bags)
☐Table-TopDisplay(DoorPrize: ______)
$25.00/ Additional Attendee:Attendees 1#: Attendees #2:_
☐ ½pageColor$150
☐ ¼ page Color$75
☐ BusinessCard$50
Terms of Payment for Sponsorships: All applications for sponsorship must be accompanied bythe total cost of the sponsorship. See page 3 for terms and conditions.
Total $
We, the abovesigned company, having readand agreed to the Terms and Conditions, contract for sponsorship as indicated above for theHR Tallahassee Conference scheduled June 8, 2016. Exhibitspacewillnot be assignedunless the contract is signed.
Authorized Signature: Title Date Accepted by: Big Bend SHRM Booth Assigned Date ______
Description ofProduct/ Service:
SHRMFoundationSilentAuctionGift – We are asking each sponsor to donate a silent auction item to help raise funds for the SHRM Foundation which funds scholarships to further the education of deserving HR professionals.
☐SilentAuction (required)(Item Provided:______)
☐GoodieBag Contents (optional)(Item Provided: ______)
Contactustoregisteronline andpaybycreditcard. / Big Bend SHRMUSE ONLY
totalcost _deposit balance due check# date _account#
Terms and Conditions
1. TERMS OF PAYMENT.All applications andcontracts for sponsorshipmust be accompanied by full payment for each
space rented.All payments must be received by May 23, 2016. Failureto make finalpayment constitutes acancellationof this contract. Requestsforcancellation and refunds must be in writing. Failure to notify us in writing will affect future participation.Norequests for refunds will be granted after May 30, 2016.
2. SPACE ASSIGNMENTS.Space issold on a first-come first-served basis. Sold onlyto two competitors per category or industry type. Big Bend SHRM will make every effort to assign competitors’ booths in different parts of the exhibitor area.
3. CANCELLATION OF CONFERENCE.If Big Bend SHRM should be prevented fromholding theconference for any reason beyond Big Bend SHRM’s control (suchas, but not limited to,damage to building, riots, strikes breached byexposition location, actsof government or acts ofGod) then BigBend SHRM has therightto cancel theconference orany part thereof, withno further liability tothe exhibitor other than arefund ofexhibit fees less a proportionate share ofthe exposition cost incurred.
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