Zero to 40 Spring 2013 Curriculum Summary
Monday and Wednesday 8:00-10:00*Note: Curriculum is adapted each semester to meet students needs and interests
Intro and Orientation to class
Financial Aide Dave S: Review Financial aid release requirements
Retention Specialist Kathie J- contracts, overview of class,
ABE Instructor Kelly B. ABE information, overview of study topics
Fill out MARC’s forms, address questions about Zero to 40, students turn in syllabi from all classes
Pre-testing TABE survey 9D Math and Reading
Pre-testing TABE survey 9D Math and Reading
Study Skills Lesson; D2L discussions: make-up testing, missing MARC’s info
GPS LifePlan: Career: Assessing Yourself: Personality: 1Jang Typology Test
Speaker; President Anderson, his life story and class discussion
Goal Setting: Complete Goal Steps document
Fraction Math game, complete 20 math questions in teams. 18/20 correct earns cookies
D2L discussions, homework
Skills tutor Orientation: complete work readiness and share one thing you learned
Discussion: If you can get away with it, should you? Students talked about things they do, they shouldn’t
Sign-up for conferences
Using EXCEL to create a Budget/Homework/study
Short Lesson: learning in context, how important it is to relate learning to what you already know. See puzzle and code in notes, then study day
Introduction to STAR reading strategies
March 18-22 Spring Break
Directions for day: Check FDLTCC email, complete discussions on D2L, create a study plan Mon-Sun for this week, work on homework, studying
Class 8-8:30 check in, discuss missing items, homework
Students arriving after 8:30 had the opportunity to sign in at library for class credit
Inspirational Movie “Undefeated” low-income, low academic football team success Manassas, Tennessee
Finish movie, discussion questions
Post Test TABE Survey 10D
Make up Post tests, prizes for those who made level change, independent study, and true/false trivia game for t-shirt.
Independent study/Individual tutor
Make-up post test
Independent study: reviewed Tobacco video. Make up TABE post test
Independent study: Jeopardy competition
For fun-football trivia, Lesson: time management, calculating how you use the hours in a week and identifying time wasters, independent study
Individual study and tutor
Complete Zero to 40 end of year survey
“Dude, Where’s my time” Time management lesson
No school FDL Memorial Day
Study for finals
Favorite Activities
Balderdash: Using a Balderdash game card choose one word and ask students to create a bogus definition. Read all definitions and see who can choose the correct answer. Kudos to those students pick the correct answer or who get their incorrect answer picked.
Goal Steps: Have students brainstorm a goal for a few days. During the next class have students complete a Word document that includes steps with text boxes. Students fill in the steps needed to meet their goals.
Logic Puzzles: Class challenges to solve. This site has varying degrees of difficulty and gives hints. It helps students identify the differences in how people think about solving problems and develop new strategies for problem solving.
D2L Discussions: The D2L discussions were new for 2012-13. The feedback from students helped us learn the student personalities and needs. It also helped students build relationships with others. Feedback from the end of year survey indicated students would like to continue some of those discussions in the classroom. We will plan to incorporate this in Fall 2014