TPOA A1, A2, A4, A5, B1, B3, B5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C8, D1, D2, D7; NAEYC 1a, 1b, 1c, 3c, 4b, 4c, 4d
Teacher candidates will create an integrated learning center for the children in their field placements to use. Center activities should cross curriculum areas and embed specific IEP goals for at least one child. The candidate should address appropriate assessment for use of the center by all children, with specific attention given to assessment of IEP goals for at least one child.
On the due date, candidates should bring their centers to class. They will present their center activities and describe how children functioning at various developmental levels could use the center with special attention given to the child whose IEP goals are specifically addressed in the center development.
Blending Practices , pages 198-212, covers guidelines to consider when developing learning centers. Candidates will criefly address in a handout form for the instructor and their peers how the center addresses the following, based on the recommendations made in the Blended Practices text:
Integration of Skills
Children’s Interests and Abilities Considerations
LearningCenter is Engaging
Structure of Center Ensures that All Children Can Participate
Manipulate Environmental Variables
Encourage Peer Support
Adapt Materials
Use of Technology
Candidate’s Name ______
Section ______
Date ______
LEARNINGCENTER (30 points possible)
______The center includes a variety of activities across the curriculum that can be used by children at various developmental levels (6)
______The center activities are user friendly and directions/objectives are clearly stated (6)
______The learning center activities and materials are durable and attractive and reflect time, thought, creativity and effort (6)
______IEP goals and objectives are adequately and realistically embedded in the center for at least one child (6)
______Assessment system is developed to address progress in the center for all children with particular emphasis given to one child’s goals and objectives (6)
PRESENTATION (20 points possible)
______Activities for the learning center are demonstrated clearly and effectively (4)
______IEP goals are adequately described and rationale for inclusion of specific materials and activities to assist students in working toward those goals is clearly explained(3)
______Blending Practices guidelines for DesigningLearningCenters and Selecting Materials,
Pages 198-212 are addressed in handout form (7 pts)
______Assessment system is adequately demonstrated (3)
______Questions are answered effectively and confidently (3)