Dear Parents,
I am so excited to be your child’s third grade teacher! I am looking forward to this year and I want it to be great! This letter includes information that you will need to help make this year go smoothly for you and your child. Please take the time to read it carefully, and return the last page signed.
Supplies – The supply list was posted on the school’s website and facebook page. This list was a general list for the third grade, if there are any additional supplies that your child needs throughout the year I will send a letter to you in your child’s binder. Also, I have plenty of school supplies that I have purchased, and the children may have these too. I have very little space for storage this year because our new reading program materials have taken up most of my closet and cubby space. Therefore, I will ask you to keep all of your child’s extra supplies at home until they need them. Please only send the supplies your child will need in their supply pouch, binder, dividers with pockets (3) (or I have dividers to give them, and notebooks for journals to school on the first day. I’m sorry, but I don’t have the space to store any extra things this year. Please don’t send any extra things like tissue or germex at this point; I have some right now, and I will let you know if I need any in the future.
Rules and Consequences – In order to keep the classroom a safe and fun environment, students are expected to follow directions, stay on task, be safe and respectful. To keep each student accountable, consequences are arranged as follows: Every day each child begins on “Ready to Learn” on our behavior chart. They may be rewarded by moving up to “Good Choices”, “Great Job”, or “Super Student”. They may have negative consequences by moving down to “Think About It”, “Teacher’s Choice”, “Parent Contact”, or “Office”. Teacher’s Choice includes silent lunch, silent snack, or cool down time.
Conferences – I would love to stay in contact with you throughout the school year. I will send home a weekly homework sheet with information on it to keep you informed. I am available for conferences during my planning period. Also, feel free to call me on my cell phone at 334-372-4849 or at home at 334-496-2116.You may also email me at .
New Reading Program – We have a new reading program this year. It is named Core Knowledge Language Arts. Please be patient; I will be learning about the program as I teach it, and I will send home information as I gain it.
Lunch – Every student receives FREE lunch and breakfast this year!! No application process is required.
Snack – Students will need to bring a snack every day. Carbonated drinks are not allowed. Snacks can be brought from home or purchased in the morning. Juice and Water is available for $1.00 and snacks are available for $0.75.. I also keep snacks in the classroom if your child forgets theirs. Please write your child’s name on their snack. If you want to send any treats to school for your child’s birthday, feel free to do this. We can eat them at snack time.
Coming in the Building – If you drop off or pick up your child we ask that you do not come in the building. You may walk your child to our classroom during the first week of school. After that, please allow your child to come in the building and to our room by himself/herself. Your child and I need to know your afternoon pick up plan in detail.
Money – Send all money to school in an envelope or zip-loc bag with a label stating what it is for and your child’s name.
Attendance – Attendance is very important in order for your child to learn. If your child must be out, please send an excuse to school when he/she returns to school. According to our board policy, students that miss over twenty days of school can be retained. Please limit checking your child out.If you do need to check your child out, please go to the elementary office. They will notify us when you check your child out. For safety of the children we cannot release a child that has not been checked out through the office.
Tardies – The lunchroom and 2nd grade hallway are open at 7:15 each morning. Students are released to their classroom at 7:30. School begins at 7:40. Any student that is not here by 7:45 is tardy. Snacks will not be sold after 7:45, and students that are tardy will not have an opportunity to buy a snack. If your child is tardy, please take him/her by the elementary office to get a tardy slip.
Visitors – For the safety of our children, visitors on campus must check in with the elementary office. No one can be in the building without a visitor’s pass. Please bring a picture I.D. in order to receive a visitor’s pass.
Folders – Each child will have a home/school binder. Anything that needs to be sent home will be sent on the home side of this folder. This will include homework, announcements, and letters. Please check the folder every night for important information. If anything needs to be returned the school, it should be returned in the binder. Please make sure that your child’s folder is returned to school each day.
Weekly Performance Folders: This will go home every Tuesday. This folder contains their behavior for the week and also their graded papers. Please sign and return the performance folder by Wednesday. We ask that you sign and return any graded papers that receive an F; all other graded papers may be left at home.
Buses – If your child rides a bus, I need to know which bus and driver. If your child needs to ride a different bus than normal, please send a note to me. Your child will not be allowed on a different bus without a note. Someone in the office will initial the note, and I will give it to the bus driver that afternoon. If your child rides different buses on different days, please send me a note with that information on it. The children sometimes forget by the end of the day which bus to ride. Mrs. Johnson will not accept any bus changes after 2:00p.m.
Grading Policy – Your child will receive grades this year in reading, language, math, science, and social studies. Papers will be sent home with a number and letter grade.
In compliance with the Crenshaw County Board of Education policy, grading for third grade will be:
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
59 – 0 F
I look forward to a great year with the class! If you need anything please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mrs. Corbitt
Third Grade Teacher
I have read and understand the beginning of school letter that discusses supplies, conferences, lunch, snack, coming into the building, attendance, check-out, tardies, visitors, folders, rules and consequences, homework, buses, and grading policy.
Student’s Name: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______