This announcement sets out the business days and trading hours for the London Stock Exchange over the Christmas and New Year period 2007/2008.

All times are GMT unless otherwise stated

Monday 24 December 2007 / Markets close from 12.30
Tuesday 25 December 2007 / Closed all day
Wednesday 26 December 2007 / Closed all day
Thursday 27 December 2007 / Normal business day
Friday 28 December 2007 / Normal business day
Monday 31 December 2007 / Markets close from 12.30
Tuesday 1 January 2008 / Closed all day
Wednesday 2 January 2008 / Normal business day

Monday24 December 2007 and Monday 31 December 2007

Market hours

Market hours for the Exchange’s trading services and markets will, unless stated otherwise, commence at their normal scheduled times and will close from 12:30 GMT (13:30 CET) on both days. Market Making obligations will remain firm until the later of this time or where relevant until the end of the closing auction.

Home Market Closed

For those services where the home market of the underlying instrument is closed there is no obligation to enter orders or display quotes at this time.

Trade reporting

The trade reporting period will commence at the normal time until the trade reporting system closes for all services at 13:15 GMT (14:15 CET). Transactions executed outside these times should be submitted immediately at the start of the next trade reporting period.

Regulatory News Service (“RNS”)

RNS will release announcements between the hours of 07:00 and 13:30. RNS will continue to accept announcement submissions 24 hours per day. Any announcement submitted outside of RNS release hours will be released on the next available business day.


The Infolect service will be available from 05:00 to 20:30 hours.

Johannesburg Securities Exchange (“JSE”)

JSE Christmas arrangements will be communicated by the JSE to their customers and can be found on the JSE website:


Indices derived solely from UK trading data will cease following closure of the UK markets.

For further information regarding the dissemination of all other indices, please contact FTSE on 020 7866 1810.

Message retrieval service

The message retrieval service will run from 05:00 to 20:30 hours. Idle polls will be broadcast as normal on all services until the close of operational hours.

Own order book download

The own order book download service will be available from 05:00 to 20:30 hours.

UK Official List

The UK Official Listservice will be broadcast by 14:00 hours.

SEDOL Masterfile (“SMF”)

The SMF telephone enquiries service, 09065 543210, will be available until 13:30 hours.

Market Supervision (“MSU”)

If you have any queries regarding the trading service hours please contact the Market Supervision Helpdesk on 020 7797 3666 (Option 1) or (STX 33666). If you have any other queries please contact your account manager or the Technical Information Desk on 020 7797 3939 (STX 33939).

Service Arrangements for Monday 24 December and Monday 31 December 2007

The trading schedule for SET1, SET2, SET3, AMSM, STMM, SSMM, SSMU, SFM1, ETFS, ETCS, ETF2, ETC2, ETCU & ETFU on the two days will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
PMMP / Pre order book trading / 07:50
SMMP / Mandatory Trading Period / 08:00
SMMM / Mandatory Trading Period / 12:20
SMCC,CATC * / Closing Auction Call / 12:30
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12:35
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

* Dependent on the sector.

The trading schedule for AIM, AIMI, STBS and CNVE will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
PMQP / Pre mandatory quote period / 07:30
MQP / Mandatory quote period / 08:00
EMQP / End of mandatory quote period / 12:30
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for SETSqx segments SSQ4, SSX4, ASQN and ASXN will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
ATOA / Opening auction call / 07:50
ATIA / Intraday auction call / 08:00
ATCA / Auction Closing auction call / 11:00
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12:35
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for SETSqx segments SSQ3, SSX3, ASQ1, ASQ2, ASX1, ASX2, SFM2, SFM3 and SFM4 will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
PMQP / Pre mandatory quote period / 07:30
PMOC / Pre mandatory quote period and auction call / 07:50
MQIA / Mandatory quote period and auction call / 08:00
MQCC / Mandatory quote period and closing auction call / 11:00
EMQC / End of mandatory quote period and auction call / 12:35
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for IOB & IOBU will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
POBT / Pre order book trading / 08:50
IOBT / Order book trading / 09:00
VWT1 / Volume weighted trading 1 / 12:00
VWT2 / Volume weighted trading 2 / 12:20
CCAL / Closing auction call / 12:30
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12:40
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for IOB & IOBUauction only trading will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
AOOC / Auction call / 08:50
AOCC / Auction Call / 11:00
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12:40
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMIN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for ITBB & ITBU will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
IBPM, POBT * / Pre order book trading / Dependant on the sector but no earlier than 08:15
IBCT, IBOT * / Order book trading / Dependant on the sector but no earlier than 08:30
VWA1, VWPT * / Volume weighted trading 1 / 12:00
VWA2 / Volume weighted trading 2 / 12:20
IBCC, INCC * / Closing auction call / 12:30
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12:40
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

* Dependent on the sector.

The trading schedule for ITBB & ITBU auction only trading will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07.00
AOOC / Auction call / 08.45
AOCC / Auction call / 11:00
CAUC / Market Post Closing Auction / 12.40
OBC / Order book close / 13.00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13.15
ADMIN / Administration period / 13.16
EOA / End of administration / 13.30

The trading schedule for Eurosets will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time / Start time
OPEN / Trading System Open / 06:29 / 07:29
DPTC / Pre Order Book Trading / 06:30 / 07:30
DOBT / Order Book Trading / 08:00 / 09:00
DBT2 / Order Book Trading / 12:18 / 13:18
DCAC / Closing Auction Call / 12:25 / 13:25
ICPC / Imported Price Auction Call / 12:30 / 13:30
DPIM / Imported Price Auction Match / 12:40 / 13:40
OBC / Order Book Close / 13:00 / 14:00
CLOS / Close / 13:15 / 14:15
ADMN / Administration Period / 13:16 / 14:16
EOA / End of Administration / 13:30 / 14:30

The trading schedule for the sectors below in INSD/LVSD:

TRAK / Trackers
YLDE / Yield Enhancements
CAPP / Capital Protected
CVWT / Covered Warrants
CFDS / CFD Securities
REVT / Reverse Trackers
MTN / Medium Term Notes

Will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
PCPP / Pre mandatory committed principal period / 08:05
CPMP / Mandatory committed principal period / 08:15
EMCP / End of mandatory committed principal quote period / 12:30
OBC / Order book close / 13:00
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for the sectors below in INSD/LVSD:

OFIN / Off Order Book Investment Products
OFLV / Off Order Book Leveraged Products

Will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:00
PCWC / Pre covered warrants closingprice period / 12:55
ECWF / End covered warrants closing price frozen / 13:10
CLOS / Close of trading system / 13:15
ADMN / Administration period / 13:16
EOA / End of administration / 13:30

The trading schedule for EQS will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:15 / 08:15
PMQP / Pre mandatory quote period / 07:45 / 08:45
MQP / Mandatory quote period / Dependant on the sector but no earlier than 08:00 / Dependant on the sector but no earlier than 09:00
EDMP / End of mandatory quote period / 12:30 / 13:30
CLOS / Close of trading system / 12:45 / 13:45
ADMN / Administration period / 12:46 / 13:46
EOA / End of administration / 13:15 / 14:15

The trading schedule for ITR will be as follows:

Period name / Period description / Start time / Start time
OPEN / Trading system open / 07:15 / 08:15
CLOS / Close of trading system / 12:45 / 13:45
ADMN / Administration period / 12:46 / 13:46
EOA / End of administration / 13:15 / 14:15

Service Announcement (Live) 108/07

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