Plant Life Cycle Interactive Vocabulary

Assignment Instructions

  1. Sign into your Discovery Education account.
  2. Do a search for each of the “Plant Life Cycle Vocabulary”words listed below. (Sample entry: cone glossary term) or do a search for the Plant Life Cycle VocabularyStation 1Board Builder.
  3. Watch the animation, read the definition, and watch the video to learn about each word.
  4. In your science notebook, create a Plant Life Cycle Mini Dictionary section. Include each of the 10 vocabulary words. Also, include something that shows the meaning of the word- the definition, an example of the word, a picture or sketch. Be creative!

●cone(Glossary Term)

●conifer(Glossary Term)

●fern(Glossary Term)

●fertilize(Glossary Term)

●germination(Glossary Term)

●mature(Glossary Term)

●pollination (Glossary Term)

●seedling(Glossary Term)

●seed(Glossary Term)

●spore(Glossary Term)


Reading Passage: The Life Cycle of Plants

Assignment Instructions

  1. Create a 4-column chart for taking notes in your science notebook. The chart should look like the one below and should fill the entire notebook page! Label it The Life Cycle of Plants.

Plant / Stage / What happens / Why it’s important
  1. Get a copy of the reading passage titled: “The Life Cycle of Plants” and readit.
  2. As you read, try to identify each stage of the oak tree’s life cycle. Use the information to fill out the chart.
  3. Answer these questions in your notebook on a page labeled The Life Cycle of Plants Station # 2 A.
  1. What conditions does an oak tree seed need to germinate?
  2. How does a plant get its energy once it has grown into a seedling?
  3. How do acorn seeds spread to a new location?


Board Builder Media Resources

Assignment Instructions

  1. Sign into your Discovery Education account.
  2. SearchLife Cycle of Seed PlantsStation # 2 B Board Builder.
  3. There are two videos on this board that explain plant life cycles.
  4. As you watch the videos, look for each stage of the plant's life cycle.
  5. Create a page in your science notebook and label it Life Cycle of Seed Plants Station # 2 B
  6. Then choosefour questions from below to answer. Record responseson the notebook page created.
  1. What do seeds need to be able togerminate?
  2. What are the three main parts of a flower? Draw a diagram with labels.
  3. Why are flowers brightly colored?
  4. How do insects help with pollination?
  5. What are three ways seeds get dispersed?
  6. What are three things plants provide uswith?


Discovery Ed.Board Builder on Pollination

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Create a page in your notebook labeled Pollination Station # 3A Activity # ____.
  2. Sign into Discovery Education. Search for the Pollination Station 3A Board Builder.
  3. Choose one of the two activity choices given on the board to complete. Record all responses in your notebook or journal page created.

Activity # 1 Complete the Flowering and Reproduction Exploration. Then answer the following questions in your notebook:
1.What are the possible characteristics that plants should have to be

easily pollinated by wind?
2. Explain how aquatic plants are pollinated.
3. A plant has attractive flowers that produce nectar. Explain how this

helps with the pollination process.

Activity #2Open a new tab and copy this link: to open Biology of Plants: Pollination. Record all responses in your notebook or journal.

1. Read the Pollination section. Then define pollination.
2. Read How Do Plants Get Pollinated? Then describe two or more ways plants

are pollinated.
3.Click on the Hummingbird photo. Then describe what you observed.

Explain how the hummingbird assists with the life cycle of this plant.
4. Look in the blue column click on the blue flower under the heading Find Out

More about Pollinators. Choose two or more pollinators to read

about. Describe what type of flower they each pollinate.
*Optional: Click on the Sing a Pollination Song! Icon and sing the song.

STATION #3BFlower Pollination

Assignment Instructions:

1. Get a copy of the Student Exploration sheet for Flower Pollination

2. Complete the Vocabulary, Warm-up.

3. Now sign into find

Flower Pollination

4. Complete Parts A & B. When done, fold the activity page and tape or

glue it into your notebook.

Station # 4 Teacher-directed

Flower Dissection Lab

Materials: hand lenstape plastic knife flower (recommend Alstroemeria - Peruvian Lily)

Flower Dissection Steps worksheet

Parts of a Flower Dissection Table worksheet


You will be dissecting a flower! Use the diagram of the flowers parts to review the parts of the flower.

Lesson: Why are flowers so colorful?Exploration: Click on the link below.

STATION #5 Examining a Bean Seed

Materials: hand lensrulerbalancegram cubes

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Create a page in your notebook labeled Station #4 Examining a Bean Seed.
  2. Pick up a soaked lima bean seed and examine it. Sketch it and write down qualitative and quantitative observations.
  3. Carefully rub the seed between your thumb and fingers. The seed coat will crack and slip off the seed easily. Observe it. Hold it up to the light. Write down your observations.
  4. Discuss with your group what you think the purpose of this seed coat is.
  5. The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed. Split it open into 2 halves.
  6. Observe the inside bean parts using a hands lens.
  7. Draw an illustration of what you see.
  8. Identify and label the cotyledon. This is the large oval part of the seed containing the food the seed needs before it grows into a seedling and starts the process of photosynthesis.
  9. Identify and label the tiny plant called an embryo.

10. What are the names of the three basic seed parts?

11. What do seeds need to germinate?

Station # 6Ferns- Choose Station 6A or 6B.

Station 6A Assignment Instructions:

1. Get a copy of the reading passage titled: “Exploring Ferns” and readit.

2. Get a copy of the reading passage titled: “Getting to Know: Ferns” and readit.

3. Create a page in your notebook labeled Ferns Station # 6AActivity.

4. After reading the passages, answer the following questions in your notebook created page.

  1. What is a botanist?
  2. Describe what ferns look like.
  3. What are the leaves of ferns called?
  4. How does a fern reproduce? (Explain stage 1 and stage 2)
  5. What type of habitats do ferns live in?

Station # 6B FernsAssignment Instructions:

1. Create a page in your notebook labeled Ferns Station # 6BActivity

2. Sign into Discovery Education. Search for Ferns Station 6B Board


3. Complete the activities listed and record all responses in your Station 6Bnotebook page created.

4. Answer these questions in your science journal:

1. What are the physical characteristics of ferns?

2. What are the leaves of ferns called?

3. What do the habitats do ferns live in?

4. How does a fern’s reproduction compare to the reproduction of

flowering plants?


Practicing Plant Life Cycle Vocabulary

Assignment Instructions

Go to and Create a Quizlet Account if you don’t already have one. Then search for Plant Live Cycles Vocabulary created by css9628

Next do the Study Activities for Plant Live Cycles Vocabulary:

  • Cards
  • Learn
  • Speller
  • Test (Assess yourself)

Then try the Play:

  • Scatter
  • Gravity

Repeat the Study and Play Activities as needed.

Storyboard Station (REQUIRED)

Assignment Instructions

Use the template provided to complete a storyboard that shows the life cycle of a plant. Include a picture/sketch/diagram of each process and a written description below each process.

Be sure to include at least 4 stages. Use the following terms: adult or mature plant, flower, fruit, fertilization, germination, pollination, seed, seedling

You will use the storyboard in #8 Assessment so be complete!

STATION #8 Assessment

Choice # 1 Activity: Poster Presentation

Assignment Instructions

1.Use your responses from the Storyboard to draw a diagram to show the life cycle of a Florida flowering plant such as an orange tree, sunflower or bean plant.

2.Be sure to include and label the following with descriptions: adult or mature plant, flower, fruit, seedling, seed, germination, pollination and fertilization.

3.Be sure to include a title and your name on the top of the poster.

Choice # 2 Activity:Board Builder Presentation

Assignment Instructions

1.Use your Storyboard Planning form and Board Builder on Discovery Education to create a poster of a Florida flowering plant life cycle such as an orange tree, sunflower or bean plant.

2.For each lifecycle stage, include a photo (images from the glossary) or use the picture from your storyboard by taking a picture and importing it.

3.For each stage, include a short description and the name of the stage using Text Boxes.

4.Include at least 4 photos and descriptions.

5.Be sure to include a title and your name on the top of the board.

Station 9Elaboration

Hands-on Activity: Examining a Frond

(Discovery Education resource)

Materials: frond, hand lens, ruler

Assignment Instructions

  1. Create a page in your notebook labeled Station # 9 Examining a fern frond.
  2. Examine a frond and write down your observations both qualitative and quantitative.
  3. Draw a diagram of what you see and include both the upper and lower surfaces and labels.
  4. Post your diagram.
  5. Observe other group member’s diagrams.
  6. Identify similarities and differences.

Station 10Elaboration

The Great Plant Escape – Case 3

Assignment Instructions

Click to open

You should be at Case 3 Is it dust, dirt, dandruff or a seed?

  1. Start with the Case Brief or click on the arrow.
  2. Create a page in your science notebook labeled Case Brief 3.
  3. As you click through the presentation, answer these questions in your science notebook:
  4. What are some forces that allow seeds to move to a new location?
  5. Define germinate.
  6. What are some structures in a seed that help protect the embryo or tiny plant?
  7. What does a seed need in order to germinate?
  8. Describe what happens after a seed germinate?

STATION # 11 Elaboration

Exploration: Life Cycle Stages

Assignment Instructions

  1. Sign into your Discovery Education account.
  2. Go to assignments. Find the Exploration titled: “Life Cycle Stages”.
  3. Read the introduction and complete the Exploration. As you work through the activity, complete the handout. You might need to go back and do the exploration again more than once.
  4. When you have finished, fold your handout and put it into your science notebook.