Draft agenda and logistical guidelines for the e-EIONET work conference 2004
The EIONET working day and the Enviroinfo2004 link will take place from October 20th through 22nd 2004 in Archamps, France and Geneva, Switzerland

a)  Draft agenda

Start: October 20th 2004 – 12.00 - 13:00

The agenda will consist mainly out of four 90 minutes sessions, addressing the following topics:

Wednesday, October 20th afternoon

- Welcome

- Session 1: EEA/EIONET information technology strategy (Sigfus Bjarnason, Hermann Peifer, Stefan Jensen)

Incl. overall strategy, data policy, GMES linkages, brief intro to BPR project

- Session 2: Networking issues in practise (Hermann Peifer, Soren Roug, Sheila Cryan, Stefan Jensen)

Incl. Sofia follow-up, NRC nominations, CIRCA issues, IT user groups, national usage of tools, EIONET portal

- Evening reception invited by the region of Haute-Savoire

Thursday, October 21st morning

- Messages by EEA Executive Director Jacqueline McGlade

- Session 3: Current and future Reportnet IT tools and practises (Stefan Jensen, Soren Roug, Sheila Cryan, ETC/W, consultants)

Incl. final presentations of the achievements under the past framework contract, developments and upcoming developments, water example

- Session 4: “Environment in my neighbourhood” applications (Tim Haigh, Sigfus Bjarnason, ETC/TE (tbc), country presentations)

EEA is planning a preparatory and feasibility project on the European scale. Countries are encouraged to discuss ambitions and present possible contributions to the citizen-oriented approach. ETC/TE opinion

Thursday, October 21st afternoon

The group moves to the CERN premises to attend the Enviroinfo2004 conference (www.enviroinfo2004.org). Jacquie will give a keynote speech first thing after the lunch break.

Participants will be able to join the conference from then onwards. Issues of relevance for EIOENT will largely be discussed at the Ecoinformatics invited session. Ecoinformatics is the international partnership EEA has with the United States Environment Protection Agency and other international players.

Invited sessions at EnviroInfo2004 on Ecoinformatics:

Friday, October 22nd morning

(For details see the special Enviroinfo2004 agenda)

- The eEIONET reporting and information system (about the initiative, data quality, business process reengineering ambitions)

- The US-EPA and other US data exchange networks (EPA federal and state, USGS)

Friday, October 22nd afternoon

-  Ecoinformatics technologies (web services, Windows to my Environment)

-  Elements of the ESDI (INSPIRE, Image 2000, CORINE)

End: October 22nd evening

Participants with APEX tickets can freely attend Enviroinfo2004 also on Saturday October 23rd.

b)  Logistical information


It is recommended to register by September 15th, using the dedicated EIONET registration page at http://www.eionet.eu.int/events/eEIONET2004.

Please do not register through the Enviroinfo2004 website. EEA will take care of all the matters relating to your participation in this wider conference.


EEA has reserved sufficient hotel rooms at the Best Western Archamps – a very nice and new hotel in the business area around Geneva but located in France. The first day will also be hold in the conference facilities next to the hotel.

Please make reservations directly with the hotel by September 15th. You need to specify “EIONET” as booking code as well as your arrival and departure date! No rooms are guaranteed after this date!


Site d'Archamps


Tel : 0033450311606

Fax : 0033450312971

E-mail :

Room prices: Single € 76, Double € 84, Breakfast € 10

Please remember to keep your hotel bill for reimbursement purposes.


A shuttle bus will be offered from Thursday to Saturday to travel from the hotel to the CERN and back.

Airport transportation has to be organised by participants. Geneva international airport is closely located. The start time of the meeting allows travel into Geneva on October 20th.

Pre-ordering of tickets and re-imbursements:

Participants, who are the nominated representative of their country, qualify for this. They must use the forms provided in the logistics section of the meeting library. They need to order their ticket through the EEA mission office and a copy of the ticket and original boarding passes will have to be included when asking for reimbursement. Copies of tickets will also have to be provided during the October meeting. Invited participants from EEA member countries will not receive cash reimbursement. The mission is treated as a mission to France.

(http://eea.eionet.eu.int/Public/irc/eionet-circle/eionet-telematics/library?l=/activities_ittag/2004-10-20th_archamps/logistics )

Link with Enviroinfo2004:

The participation in the conference is organised in the following way:

-  We move our meeting to the CERN at lunchtime on October 21st.

-  The official EIONET meeting closure is on the evening of the 22nd but eEIONET participants will be entitled to attend the Enviroinfo program also on Saturday the 23rd, provided they make use of an APEX ticket.

-  Participants are entitled to all meals and refreshment throughout the conference including the conference dinner.

-  For a reimbursed participant, this will lead to a deduction of your per-diem of €140, which is your reduced conference fee. This deduction will be applied no matter if participants leave Friday already or stay - using an APEX ticket - until Sunday.

-  Other participants registering through the eEIONET site and staying at the eEIONET event are entitled to the reduced conference fee of € 262 – even for late registration) – the fee will be collected by the Enviroinfo2004 organisers.

Draft agenda v.01 - 5.8.04