Greenhill primary school

August 2017 Welcome Back

We hope you have all had a very good summer break and we are delighted to welcome the children and their families back to school. A very warm welcome especially to all our new families who are joining us. We are all looking forward to another very successful year at Greenhill Primary and recognise the support that all of our parents give us to help us gain that success.

Children are all looking very smart and have settled in extremely well to their new classes and routines. Can I remind parents that black jumpers and cardigans are not part of our school uniform; many thanks for your support in this. Anyone who wishes a spare school sweatshirt/cardigan or school jacket please pop into the office and look through the lost property box. We also have jackets left from last year ready to be collected- all items not collected will be donated to charity shops next week. Please remember to label all of your child’s clothing and personal items- helps us to reunite lost items with the rightful owners. As always any questions or worries, please get in touch with me, Mrs Dalziel or Mrs Alcorn, our Principal Teachers, via the school office. We are usually around in the playground at bell times too.

Our motto is:

Trying our very best to ensure everyone achieves success’

and we hope that over the year you will see that in operation.

HMIe Inspection Update

Our recent inspection reportis available online at the Education Scotland website I have issued a paper copy to all children as well as posting the link on Twitter. A further more detailed summary of inspection findings will be published in a few weeks on that same website. I hope you find it interesting reading and we would welcome any comments that you have. The identified points for action will form the basis of our school improvement planning this year. Many thanks to all parents who took the time to complete the online survey prior to the inspection visit. As a school we could not be prouder of our whole school community. Well done Greenhill.


To start us off this term all classes are focussing on an interdisciplinary learning theme based on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) through looking at the work of Inventors. They are working on different inventors and we would invite you in to see the children’s work on Friday 8th September at 11am. You will be able to pop into children’s classes and see what they have been doing so far and meet the new class teacher. All classes have set up their Class Charters in line with our Rights Respecting Schools programme. You may hear them singing our wee Rights tune when they come home! There will also be school information and a chance for you to share in our improvement processes by having your say.

Class teachers will be providing term letters for you which will give you a flavour of what is happening in the class this term and these should be with you shortly. We have updated the format to better reflect what we do in school and how you can help support children’s learning at home. PE times will be included on these as will class routines. PE kit is black shorts/white short sleeved T- shirt/polo shirt for indoor and outdoor kit should be all weather- track/jogging bottoms, t-shirt and a sweatshirt. No football colours/logos etc are allowed in line with NLC policy on this.There is also a strict no jewellery policy which we must adhere to- no jewellery of any description can be worn to PE. Thank you for your support in this.

Children bringing mobile phones to school do so on the understanding that these are switched off from entering the playground in the morning until after 3pm. The phones are not allowed to be taken into the playground at lunchtimes and the camera function should not be used. Many thanks for your support in this.

Primary 1 will receive their magnetic boards for practising at home very soon as well as information for parents on how these are used to support learning.

Our First Fun Friday of the year to reinforce our positive behaviour strategies in school and celebrate our HMIe Report will take place on Friday 25th August. I’m sure both children and staff will enjoy this!

For children who are receiving music instruction, the practice day is Thursday morning first thing and the new tutor is Mr Kane. Chanter and Violin will remain the same. (Mondays)

Healthy stuff

Lunchtimes so far have been running very smoothly with our lunch buddies helping our new Primary 1s to get to know the lunchtime routines. All children in Primaries 1-3 are entitled to a free school lunch each day. P1, P1a, P2 and P3/2 are first sitting with the other classes coming in at 1pm. School menu choices for each week can be accessed online at family who is eligible for free school meals but has not applied yet, please do so via the web link above or forms are available from the school office.

We are delighted to see the children choosing healthy snack and packed lunch items- thank you for suporting us in our health promotion programme. This year again, we are asking children to not bring fizzy drinks to school and would like to ask parents to support us in this. We also would like to

Head lice is a common problem in every school unfortunately. We would suggest regular head checks following guidance from NHS and treatment as required. Further information can be found at and

Again, welcome back. We are looking forward to a great year again at Greenhill Primary and continue to value your support. Thank you for working in partnership with us.

Lorraine McBride , Head Teacher

Dates for your Diary

Term 1
25th Aug- Fun Friday
30th Aug – Parent Council 6.30pm
7th Sep - PTA 6.30pm
8thSep - Meet the teacher 11am / 22nd- 25th Sep - School Closed (holiday weekend)
27th Sep- Parent Council 6.30pm
5th Oct – PTA 6.30pm
13th Oct – School closes 3pm
(School reopens 24th October at 9am)

PE Times Indoor Outdoor

Primary 1 Friday Tuesday

Primary 1a Thursday Wednesday

Primary 2 Wednesday Thursday

Primary 3/2 Thursday Tuesday

Primary 3/4 Monday Tuesday

Primary 4/5 Friday Tuesday

Primary 5 Friday Thursday

Primary 6 Tuesday Thursday

Primary 7 Monday Wednesday

School Holidays 2017-18

September 2017

September weekend holidays: Friday 22 September 2017 and Monday 25 September 2017

October 2017

October break: Monday 16 October 2017 to Friday 20 October 2017

November 2017

In-service day: Monday 20 November 2017

December 2017 - January 2018

Christmas and New Year holidays: Monday 25 December 2017 to Friday 5 January 2018 (inclusive)

February 2018

Mid-term break: Monday 12 February and Tuesday 13 February 2018 In-service day: Wednesday 14 February 2018

April 2018

Spring break: Monday 30 March to Friday 13 April 2018 (inclusive)* *Good Friday 30 March 2018 and Easter Monday 2 April 2018

May 2018

May day holiday: Monday 7 May 2018 In-service day: Tuesday 8 May 2018 Mid-term holiday: Friday 25 and Monday 28 May 2018

June 2018

School closes Thursday 28 June 2018

August 2018

In-service day: Wednesday 15 August 2018 In-service day: Thursday 16 August 2018 Pupils return to school: Friday 17 August 2018