Board meeting August 22nd2017
Minutes from Board meeting no 7-2017
Date & time / Tuesday August22nd2017 at 10:00 GMT
Location / Telephone conference.
1 Opening
Topic / Notes / Action
Members attending / Croatia:
Aland: / Lise Thilleman Sørensen
Svea Aavik
Pia Prost
Camille Dressler
Anetté Larm Johansson
Christian Pleijel
Chair / Camille Dressler
Approval of agenda / The agenda was approved
2 Approval of minutes from last Board meeting 6-2017
Topic / Notes / Action
Approval of minutes / The minutes were approved
Topic / Notes / Action
Update / The cost per person for food, accommodation and travel within Orkney is 300€ per person (350€ for Greece since they have booked a hotel, not a B&B).
This does not include the flight to Kirkwall which is about 225£.
We have decided to not have a public liability conference insurance.
4AGM 2017
Topic / Notes / Action
Board meeting
Appointment of chair, treasurer and vice chair
General Secretary
Statutes / From Estonia Leo Filippov and one more person.
From Åland Kristian Packalén?
We will have a meeting with the new board right after the AGM, either 1230-13 or in the afternoon, before dinner.
Camille is willing to continue as chair.
Anetté is willing to continue as treasurer.
Christian is willing to continue as general secretary if the task is divided between several (at least two) people. As Lise pointed out, preparing and taking minutes at meetings is about 9 hours work per month (!).
The statutes of ESIN needs some changes. / Christian makes a proposal
5Territorial Cohesion
Topic / Notes / Action
ESIN on Territorial Cohesion Policy Post 2020 / Based on the CPMR Policy position, Camille has prepared a paper on Territorial Cohesion (attached) / The paper was approved with some minor changes.
6Next meeting
Topic / Notes / Action
Date and time / Just after the AGM.

Camille Dressler

ChairmanChristian Pleijel
