Name ______ID ______

American Revolution Mini-Project

Ms. DiGiallonardo & Ms. Froman

Due February 27, 2012

Task: Create a “trading card” for the Revolutionary War figure you pulled out of the “hat.” By trading card, I mean a card the size of a baseball card or one of those cards from those games where each character has a certain power and value – you know what I mean, right? Good! The size of a standard card is 2.5 inches x 3.5 inches, but I’m allowing you to go as large as 4 x 6 inches. The card must be on heavier paper, such as index card thickness, or a thin cardboard. DO NOT hand it in on printer paper. That is not thick enough.


  1. Front of card:
  2. You need to have a picture of the person. If you like to draw, you can draw the person. You can also print one out from the Internet, or use a photocopier to copy one out of a book. Be sure to make it the appropriate size to fit on a card.
  3. Under the person, please write the FULL name in an appropriate font.
  4. In one of the bottom corners, place an appropriate symbol for the person. In this example, the baseball cap and ball MUST be replaced.
  5. There must be a border around the picture, just like this example. It can be a solid color, or it can be a pattern. Please no smiley faces or hearts. It’s the Revolution, not a birthday party invitation.
  6. At the top of the card, please indicate the “team” the person “plays for.” This should either be British or Patriot. You can also use any other name for the two sides – Redcoat, Continental Army, Minutemen, etc.
  1. Back of card: The back of the card must have the person’s “stats.” This includes many bits of information. The specific facts change depending on the type of person you have.
  2. Person’s name at top (again)
  3. Dates of birth and death
  4. Where the person was from
  5. What the person’s job title was (example: General or Nurse)
  6. A bulleted list of important facts (how the person is connected to the American Revolution)
  7. Anything else you feel is important! (wife, kids, fun facts, etc)

The project will be graded as follows:

  1. Picture of person: 10 points
  2. Appropriate symbol: 5 points
  3. Name on front: 5 points
  4. “Team” on front: 5 points
  5. Border: 5 points
  6. Name on back (again): 5 points
  7. Years alive: 5 points
  8. Title of person: 5 points
  9. Where the person was from: 5 points
  10. Important achievements/facts: 20 points
  11. Bonus material: wife, kids, husband, fun facts, etc.: 5 points
  12. Overall look of the card (neatness/layout): 5 points
  13. Sources on separate sheet: 5 points
  14. Your name/ID on back in tiny letters: 5 points
  15. Spelling, grammar, punctuation: 10 points

[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]