The 5th Edition of the Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office was approved in September 2013 and contains extensive directions for completing an application for a new or revised degree/certificate. The complete PCAH is available here: The following fields are based upon the information required by the Chancellor’s Office for new and revised programs.

Proposal Type: Choose an item.

New Certificate or Associate Degree (excludes AA-T and AS-T degrees): Please complete the Saddleback College Policy and Process for New Program Approval (available on the CurricUNET homepage) prior to completing this application; only those programs that successfully complete this process may be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.

Non-substantial Changes to Existing Approved Programs include: title changes, a TOP code change to another TOP code within the same discipline-level, unit changes, and the addition or removal of courses from an existing program

Substantial Changes to Existing Approved Programs include: the goals and objectives of the program are substantially changed, the TOP code changes to a different TOP code at the discipline-level, addition/creation of a new program award (degree or certificate) or major/area of emphasis using an active proposal, the job categories for which program completers qualify are substantially different from the job categories for which they previously qualified, the baccalaureate major to which students typically transfer is different from that which they typically transferred to in the past

Program Award: Choose an item.

Program Title: Click here to enter text.

Program Goal: Choose an item.

CTE = prepares students for employment immediately upon completion of program and/or upgrades employment skills; if the TOP code for the program is vocational it must include a goal of CTE. Certificates of Achievement may only have a goal of CTE.

Transfer = prepares students to continue study in the same or similar subject at a baccalaureate-granting institution; all required courses in the program must be transferable. ASSIST documentation is required to demonstrate transferability (see Supporting Documentation section).

To identify the goal of an existing program you may perform a search using the programs report in the CCCCO’s Curriculum Inventory; please note that any change to the goal for an existing program is considered a substantial change by the state unless the erroneous goal of Transfer is being removed from a Certificate.

Effective Date: Click here to enter a date.

(The first day of classes in the next fall semester)

Justification Statement: Click here to enter text.

(For revisions to an existing program, please describe all change(s) and the rationale for those

changes—this statement will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office with your proposed program

modification. For a new program, please enter a brief description of the background and rationale for

the program. Please note that per the PCAH ‘student need’ will not suffice.

Units for Degree Major/Area of Emphasis (Minimum): Click here to enter number.

Units for Degree Major/Area of Emphasis (Maximum): Click here to enter number.

Identify GE Pattern(s): Choose an item.

(Programs with a goal of Transfer or CTE and Transfer must require students to complete the CSU-GE Breadth (37 units) or IGETC pattern (39 units). Programs with a goal of CTE may require students to complete the local GE pattern, however, the student should be strongly advised to select the appropriate GE pattern for his or her intended goal in consultation with a counselor).

Total Units for Degree Including GE (Minimum): Click here to enter number.

Total Units for Degree Including GE (Maximum): Click here to enter number.

(Must match total units identified in the course sequence table provided (see Narrative Item #3). If the degree requires more than 60 units for completion the Chancellor’s Office requires that you submit a justification statement (Narrative Item #4) to provide a rationale for the additional unit requirements; see the Supporting Documentation section below.

Annual Completers: Click here to enter number.

(Enter the number of students projected to be awarded the degree each year after the program is established and/or revised. The number must be greater than zero).

Faculty Workload: Click here to enter number.

(The number of FTEF that will be dedicated to teaching this degree during the first full year of operation – either new or existing faculty. Number must be entered as a decimal, for example 1.25).

Net Annual Labor Demand (CTE and CTE/Transfer only): Click here to enter number.

(The estimated number of annual job openings, minus the annual number of program completers of other programs within the counties of the college service areas. This number must be explicitly stated and consistent with the Labor Market Information and Analysis provided as an attachment. The figure must be greater than zero. See page 136 of the PCAH for a complete explanation of this field).

New Faculty Positions (if any): Click here to enter number.

(Enter the number of new faculty positions (both part- and full-time); if existing faculty are sufficient and no plans exist to hire new faculty enter “0”)

New Equipment (if any): Click here to enter text.

(If new equipment will be acquired for the program, estimate (in dollars) the total cost from all sources, including district and state funds. If no new equipment will be acquired for the program, enter “0”)

New/Remodeled Facilities (if any): Click here to enter text.

(If new or remodeled facilities will be acquired for the program, estimate (in dollars) the cost from all sources, including district and state funds. If no new or remodeled facilities will be acquired for the program, enter “0”)

Library Acquisitions (if any): Click here to enter text.

(If new library and learning resources materials will be acquired for the program, estimate (in dollars) the total cost for all materials. If no new library and learning resource materials will be acquired, enter “0”)

Program Review Date: Click here to enter a date.

(Enter month/year of the first/next scheduled review. NOTE: If program goal is CTE or CTE/Transfer, the program must be reviewed every two years pursuant to Education Code section 78016).

Distance Education %: Choose an item.

(Identify, as a percentage, the extent to which courses in the program are conducted via distance education.)

Supporting Documentation Required:

·  NEW Degrees and Certificates: Please refer to the PCAH for full instructions regarding how to complete all portions of the required narrative.

·  SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE to Existing Degrees and Certificates: Confirmation of the existing program goal can be found at under Reports/Programs Report.

o  EXCEPTION: Certificate of Achievements may change their goal from CTE/Transfer to CTE as a Nonsubstantial Change (see below).

o  NOTE: For all substantial change proposals, the same supporting documentation is required as would be required of a new program submission (page 180 of the PCAH).

Supporting Documentation Required, continued:

·  NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE (Revision) to Existing Degrees and Certificates:

o  AA/AS:

§  Narrative:

·  Any portions of the original narrative submitted to the Chancellor’s Office affected by the change, if available.

·  Narrative Item #3 (course sequence table) illustrating how a student can complete the program (including prerequisites, core requirements, and restricted electives) in two years. The Narrative Item #3 template is available as a link on the CurricUNET homepage.

·  Narrative Item #4 (only if the total units, including the identified GE pattern, exceed 60 units) to provide a rationale for the additional unit requirements (e.g. mandate, law, baccalaureate requirement, etc.).

§  Transfer Documentation (for those programs with the goal of “Transfer” or “CTE and Transfer”): One ASSIST Articulation Agreement by Major (AAM) report (including each area of emphasis if more than one) showing the required courses fulfill the majority (51% or greater) of lower-division units required for the baccalaureate major at a CSU or UC campus. Documentation must show a good-faith effort that students will not have to repeat courses after they transfer. ASSIST is found at Please contact the Articulation Office for assistance.

§  Documentation for Program Goal of “CTE “or “CTE/Transfer Only”:

·  Narrative Item #3 (course sequence table) illustrating how a student can complete the program (including prerequisites, core requirements, and restricted electives) in two years. The Narrative Item #3 template is available as a link on the CurricUNET homepage.

·  Narrative Item #4 (only if the total units, including the identified GE pattern, exceed 60 units) to provide a rationale for the additional unit requirements (e.g. mandate, law, baccalaureate requirement, etc.)

·  Transfer Documentation (if applicable)

·  Most recent Advisory Committee Recommendations that include identification of the committee members, the minutes highlighting approval of the revisions to the program, and a description of how the revised program aligns with committee recommendations

·  Net Annual Labor Demand documentation indicating there are more regional job openings than there are regional completers

o  AA-T/AS-T:

§  Revised original TMC and Narrative, with changes highlighted

Supporting Documentation Required, continued:

o  Certificates of Achievement (Nontransferable):

§  Any portions of the original narrative submitted to the Chancellor’s Office affected by the change, if available.

§  Narrative Item #3 (course sequence table) illustrating how a student can complete the program (including prerequisites, core requirements, and restricted electives) in two years. The Narrative Item #3 template is available as a link on the CurricUNET homepage.

§  Most recent Advisory Committee Recommendations that include identification of the committee members, the minutes highlighting approval of the revisions to the program, and a description of how the revised program aligns with committee recommendations.

§  Net Annual Labor Demand documentation indicating there are more regional job openings than there are regional completers

o  Certificates of Completion (Noncredit ESL Certificates):

§  Any portions of the original narrative submitted to the Chancellor’s Office affected by the change, if available.

§  Narrative Item #3 (course sequence table) illustrating how a student can complete the program (including prerequisites, core requirements, and restricted electives) in two years. The Narrative Item #3 template for noncredit programs is available as a link on the CurricUNET homepage.

Failure to provide complete and accurate information will prevent the Curriculum Office from processing program revision requests as all of the above information is required by the Chancellor’s Office for all revisions to existing programs (no matter how minor the revision).

The following signatories confirm that the information and data provided is accurate and complete as of the time of this submission:

Division Dean: ______Date: ______

Department Chair: ______Date: ______

August 13, 2014