Wednesday March 7th 2007.

Present: Dr P Main Chair

Dr N J Morison Vice Chair/Secretary

Dr K Barter Sessional doctor rep

Dr P Fielding LMC Rep

Dr C Burgess Treasurer

Dr M Nicholas Academy Lecturer representing Undergraduate Medicine

Ruth Thomas, Academy Development Director


Ruth Fitzjohn

Kate Bartlett

Jackie Huck, Director of Primary care Commissioning, Gloucestershire PCT

Papers previously circulated

·  Minutes Jan 07

1 / Apologies and Welcome
Dr Paul Main welcomed everyone to the fourth meeting of the Executive Committee of GGPET.
2 / Minutes of 3rd meeting (January 2007)
Approved, with clarification that Nurse Practitioners (NP) joining GGPET should have a Nurse Practitioner qualification, the same fee rate applying as for Doctors
3 / Matters Arising
·  GGPET is now formerly registered with the Charities Commission
·  Jackie Huck, Director of Primary Care Commissioning, Gloucestershire PCT, was elected to the Executive Committee in her absence
·  JM explained that the concept of reciprocity between neighbouring Education rusts in Severn & Wessex had gained acceptance from Bristol, Swindon & bath, but no Wessex (WEGPET). There is an impending deanery split, Gloucestershire remaining with Severn (to include Wiltshire, Avon and Somerset) while Wessex split. The committee agreed therefore that Education Trust members from Wessex wanting to come to GGPET events should be charged. The matter would be reviewed at the next GP Tutors meeting.
·  The website ( is now live.
4. Membership Update
·  163 as at 28.2.07
·  The proportion of Sessional against Principal members was equivalent to the County as a whole
·  Membership was skewed towards the Centre and South of the County with very few from the extreme South-West (Forest o9f Dean) and relatively few from the Northeast of the County. JM reported that this had been predicted given that most activities were centrally based, and that it was still proving administratively difficult to locate educational sessions in these areas
6. Financial report
·  Tabled. CB reported a predicted end of year surplus of £4K
·  Hazelwood’s (accountants acting for the postgraduate centre) were proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to act as trust accountants and prepare the annual accounts for submission to the Charity commission
·  Discussion took place concerning the admission of doctors in training. It was agreed to admit Registrars, but to withhold membership from more junior doctors for the time being. The Committee agreed a proposal from JM for a bulk membership purchase of £1000 for all GP Registrars which would give them membership to the end of March in the year that they completed their training. CB would submit this proposal to the VTS Course Organisers
·  The Committee agreed to publish the Income and Expenditure Account summary on the website
7. Report on educational activities
·  JM reported the current series of workshops nearing completion, the programme for the String of Pearls would be published imminently, dates had been agreed for family planning and dermatology sessions, and were still waiting on Paediatric session dates
·  KB asked if the family planning sessions had FFP approval. JM would explore what criteria were required
·  Flyers for the Edward Jenner lecture (& AGM had gone out, but as yet had generated little response) / KB to action
CB to action
KB to action
JM to action
8. Agenda & venue for AGM
·  The draft agenda submitted by JM was acceptable
9. AOB
·  JM had received a request for expenses that was contrary to that minuted in September 06. On reflection the wording had been ambiguous. The committee agreed that expenses should be at current LMC rates.
10. Date of next meeting
·  Next Committee meeting 5 September 2007, SEC 1-2pm

See Below

Financial Report


The secretary was unclear from his notes whether Nurse Practitioners would be accepted as members in their own right, or only as part of a group practice application. Furthermore, the reduced level of fee for lower rate taxpayers had been agreed for doctors – to clarify whether this was the case for nurses.

Income / Direct Expenditure
Subscriptions to GGPET / 14,235.00 / Legal Fees for Charity Commission / 1,455.58
String of Pearls Course Fees / 3,193.75 / ENT Course / 375.00
Sponsorship SoP / 2,950.00 / String of Pearls / 4,722.33
CPD / 200.00 / GP Workshops / 2,222.88
PDP / 120.00 / Lecture Fees / 140.00
Workshops / 360.00 / Website / 650.00
ENT / 420.00
Expected Expenditure
Administration costs / 7,200.00
Income to date / 21,478.75
Less expenditure / 16,765.79 / Expenditure to date / 16,765.79
Funds carried forward / 4,712.96