English 1A/5 Ben Miles

Professor Siebers December 6, 1998

The Resulting Effects of Class

Relationships and Struggles

Throughout literary history, many critics have contemplated the significance of parallel relationships in William Shakespeare's plays. These relationships reflect the socioeconomic status of the different characters, represented in specific confrontations between classes. The Tempest explores and illustrates the effects of these confrontations. Because of the social backgrounds each character in the play represents, plots and schemes to dethrone one another from the socioeconomic pyramid take center stage in this epic. The play revolves around a setting in which a group as whole, at the onset, gets split up in a shipwreck. Despite their different stations in life and their isolation from society, each group has similar objectives and motives, each one striving to move up through the social ranks. Shakespeare brings into relief the universal quest for social advancement by contrasting the struggles of the two groups.

Shakespeare creates a parallel between two groups of characters in The Tempest. This parallel deals with the tyrannical intentions and motives to overtake another group’s position in society. Prospero, the right Duke of Milan and the main character of the play, creates a tempest, “a violent commotion or disturbance,”[1] and causes a ship at sea to crash and disperse its members among the island Prospero dwells and rules upon. The members of the boat include, Alonso, the king of Naples; Sebastien, his brother; Antonio, Prospero’s brother and the usurping Duke of Milan; Ferdinand, the son of Alonso; Gonzalo, an honest councilor to Alonso; Trinculo, a jester; and Stephano, a drunken butler. The group is split up so that Ferdinand is separated from his father and the jester and the butler are separated from the group as well. The king, Sebastien, Antonio, and Gonzalo, members of the royal, wealthier class, are together. The jester and the butler eventually meet up with each other. Trinculo and Stephano also associate themselves with Caliban, a savage native and deformed slave who might be considered part of the lower end of the social structure on the island. Caliban has a personal vendetta against Prospero for enslaving him and treating him poorly, feeling that it is he who should be ruling the land because of his initial presence on the island. “As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant, a sorcerer that by his cunning hath cheated me of the island.”[2] At this point, two parallel confrontations are presented.

The first confrontation involves Antonio and Sebastien plotting to kill the king of Naples and Antonio taking his place as king. The other confrontation is Caliban’s attempt, aided by Trinculo and Stephano, to dethrone Prospero as ruler of the island. Both situations arise from greed and the constant to need to improve upon social status. However, both conflicts falter when Ariel, an airy spirit who answers to Prospero, causes madness among both groups and interferes with any potential actions by either group. Shakespeare creates the parallel relationship between these two groups in order to show how people from different socioeconomic backgrounds can carry the same motives and ambitions.

The actions of each character in the play are distinctly reflective of his or her upbringing and social influences. However, Shakespeare shows in the play how differing social upbringings and influences still lead to the same results. The character Caliban is a brute savage who might be considered part of the lower end of a normal social spectrum. He is tamed by Prospero’s magic and is restricted to duties of mindless manual labor and other such activities. Caliban was raised on the island and never given the amenities someone like a prince might receive or demand. Therefore, he is uneducated not only academically, but socially as well. However, like any other being with a functioning mind and desire to improve the self, Caliban seeks a higher place in society. “A plague upon the tyrant that I serve! I’ll bear him no more sticks, but follow thee, Thou wondrous man.”[3]

The present society on the island is a microcosm of a society anywhere else, thus there is still the urge to improve one’s place in the social structure. Caliban’s motives can be compared to those of Antonio, the brother of Prospero. After running Prospero out of Milan and assuming the role of Duke, Antonio now feels the need to further his rank among society. He pursues these impulses by plotting to kill the king of Naples, thus dethroning Alonso and promoting himself as king. Presumably, Antonio was raised in an attentive and pampering environment and was given all the resources for a successful life. Although he assumes the role of Duke unjustly, his life has nevertheless led him to success. The parallel between these two characters is created not only to provide the audience with similar subplots leading to a single eventual result, but also to prove that similar goals can be aspired to and attained no matter what the personal background is.

In Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the playwright illustrates that similar ambitions and goals can be shared by different socioeconomic groups. Although both characters did not achieve all they were striving for, most of the characters' needs are fulfilled. Prospero forgives all and assumes his rightful position as Duke of Milan.


[1] Definition produced from www.dict.org.

[2] William Shakespeare, The Tempest. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 158.

[3] William Shakespeare. The Tempest. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 150.