Library Research Skills II

Class Syllabus 2013-14

Mrs. Jill Frederick, Librarian

Course Content Overview

Library classes for eighth grade students will provide a broader look at the research process and learn about different research databases available at NBC. Eighth grade students will also learn about some of the audio visual equipment as well. All students will be expected to do silent reading in class and complete a reading journal.

Materials Used

There are no textbooks for this course, students will be provided with library/media related worksheets and written materials. Many print materials are available in the library, as well as, technology providing access to on-line reference sources.

Teacher Expectations and Requirements

All of the work required throughout this course should be completed in class where the resources are available. Students are expected to contact the teacher/librarian for missed class work if they are absent.

Students are expected to keep a folder, which is kept in the classroom and complete and turn in assignments on time. The teacher will give grades based on observation and completion of work assigned. Grades will be based on a point system and the students’ final grade will be a percentage of the points the student earned out of the total possible points.

Classroom Rules

Students are expected to:

·  Be on time.

·  Be prepared. (Have all necessary materials)

·  Follow directions the first time they are given.

·  Be respectful to those around you.

·  Work quietly in the library.

·  Make up any missed work.

·  Use library computers and equipment in the manner with which they are instructed: Individual Internet use by teacher approval and No Email.

Library Projects

Course projects include, but are not limited to: review of library materials, using POWER Library, public service pamphlets, public service announcements/commercials, and possibly other research projects.

Parent Signature: ______date:______

Student’s Name: ______