Form 1/Single Project/2017
PSU General Grant
Project Application Form
Part 1: General Information
1.Project title
2.Research Program (if any)
3.PSU Research Network(if any)
4. The relation to the clustersof National Research University (NRU)
Innovative Rubber Technology
Value Creation for Sustainable Food Industry in Southern Thailand
Natural Resource Management of the Thai Peninsular
Material Research and Development
Innovative Technology for Medical and Public Health
Southern Border Studies
Palm Technology Cluster
Not related
5. The relation to the PSUResearch Strategies
5.1 PSU Research Strategies
Natural Resources in the Southern Peninsular
Health Sciences
Material Sciences
Natural Disaster and Climate Change in Southern Thailand
Southern Border Studies
ASEAN Community
Logistics and Tourism
Not related
5.2 Support student to do research as research assistant
His/her thesis relate to the research project: total……………..person
(Indicate the name, student ID No. and thesis title (if any)
Research assistant
Undergraduate student
Graduate student
Not supported
5.3 Have collaboration with researchers from other campus?
Part 2: Research Project
- Principle investigator and Co-investigator (s) information
1.2Position / Academic position
1.3Percentage of contribution in the project
1.4Department / Faculty / Institute / Address
1.5Telephonenumber and E-mail address
1.6Weekly hours intended to spend on this project
2.Have you ever supported by this grant within 3 fiscal years?
Yes, Form No. 17.1, No.18 are attached
3. If the employment agreement not covers the project duration, the letter of endorsement fromthe Dean of Faculty to follow up the report is required
4. Type of research
Basic research
Applied research
Experimental development
5. Research fields of National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT), in case of multidisciplinary, specify the main field
Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Medical Sciences
Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Agriculture and Biological Sciences
Engineering and Industrial Research
Political and Public Administration Sciences
Social Sciences
Information Technology and Communication Arts
6.Scopus Subject Areas
Life Sciences:
- Agricultural and Biological Sciences- Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
- Immunology and Microbiology- Neuroscience
- Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics- Multidisciplinary
Health Sciences:
- Medicine- Nursing
- Veterinary- Dentistry
- Health Professions- Multidisciplinary
Physical Sciences:
- Chemical Engineering- Chemistry
- Computer Science- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Energy- Engineering
- Environmental Science- Materials Science
- Mathematics- Physics and Astronomy
- Multidisciplinary
Social Sciences:
- Arts and Humanities- Business, Management and Accounting
- Decision Sciences- Economics, Econometrics and Finance
- Psychology- Social Sciences
- Multidisciplinary
7.Keywords (at least 3-5 words)
8. Background / Rationale
9. Objectives (specify clearly)
10. Scope of research
11. Theoritical perspectives / hypothesis development (if any) and research framework
12. Literature review / information related
13. Patents review
14. References
15. Expected outputs / implications
16. Technology transfer plan to the users
17. Methodology
18. Time schedule and work plan
19. List of any equipment is needed to facilitate your research project
20. Estimated budget
Provide a clearly each budget items and estimated amounts per fiscal year (eligible and ineligible) including salaries of student, equipments, rental costs, travel costs, materials and supplies and others
20.1 Expenditures are eligible for the PSU announcement
20.2 In case of the research assistant support, job descriptionmust be included.
20.3Generally, equipment is not supported by this type of grant, except for some cases where some specific equipment is absolutely necessary for the project, which will be considered by PSUon a case-by-case basis.
21.Key Performance Indicators(KPIs) (Form no. 16.1 is attached)
22. Will this proposal or related proposal be submitted to other funding agency/source?
Yes. Please give the name of the funding agency, name of the project and status of submission and also explain how the funded project need more fund or differ from this project
23. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are used
24. Other related documents such as the approval letter from the Human Ethics Committee or the Animal EthicsCommittee or document related to the Plant Varieties Protection Act (Form no. 19/Plant Varieties Protection)must be included (if applicable)
25.Principle investigator needs to be confirmed that
No reports for the finished research project are overdue
Other conditions specified in the proposal such as submission of reprints, research utilization document, etc., are fulfilled
26. Signature of principle investigator and co-investigator and date of submission
27. The endorsement and signature of Head of Department and Dean of Faculty (from both principle investigator and co-investigator(s) allowing researchers to use time, facilities and research equipment during conducting research
Part 3: Curriculum Vitae (CV)
CV of principle investigator and co-investigators are needed.
2.ID No.
4.Department / Faculty / Institute / Address
5.Education background
7.Research experience
8.Publications / outputs