Philosophy of Education
Arkansas State University
Samantha Fowler
Since I was a very young girl, my dream has always been to become a teacher. I want to have a fulfilling job that makes a difference in our society. I want to have that feeling each day that I helped somebody become a better person, and teach them the skills needed to be a productive individual. It is a challenging opportunity, but a rewarding position that holds a lot of responsibility. A teacher can mold a person and even change a person’s understanding by building a foundation that will be used the rest of their lives. I want to form a bond with my students so even when social interaction is not in the classroom, that they view me as someone that inspired them to become a professional. I can not imagine another job that would be more fulfilling or satisfying for me. I envision me teaching twenty and thirty years from now, because it is a different story being made each and every day. What other profession can actually profess to having that much difference for the future. A teacher touches so many lives. I want to be a part of making our future.
Every teacher needs to strive to be professional at all times. I want my students to not only see me as Ms. Sammi, but also a role model that inspires them. I will listen and communicate, and teach my students using an age appropriate level. I will also teach my students that hard work always pays off. My dad has always told me, “Hard work never slowed anyone from success.” It is my belief he is absolutely right. As a teacher, I will teach my students simple ethics and morals by enforcing fundamental classroom rules. They will understand lying, cheating, and stealing will not be tolerated in my class. The most important rule will be respect. This will include other students, as well as all teachers. My students will treat me with respect, just as I will respect them. Bullying will not be tolerated. Students should not come to school and be physically or emotionally bullied. Every student needs to feel safe at school. In addition, I will be loyal to fellow teachers, my principal, and my superintendent. I will support their decisions and follow the school handbook from the pedagogy in my classroom, to the word of the principal, under any circumstances. In order for us to educate the students to their full potential we have to work together.
In addition to a professional identity, a teacher must understand the topic of diversity. As an educator I understand sociological and democratic factors that play into my profession. Due process is an important principle that protects teachers. I understand what is right and what is wrong, but because of due process, I cannot be wrongfully punished for something I did not do. I intend to treat my students using an age appropriate level, with the same right when it comes to discipline issues in the classroom. I also understand my employing school will be liable for my mistakes. In order to offset this problem I understand the tort laws. Tort laws are used to protect students from other students and even teachers. I will never neglect any of my kids or degrade them in any manner because I will treat them as if they are my own. That’s how I would want my child’s teacher to be. Children and teenagers are very fragile and growing into their future self. This is a very important time in their life. I understand teachers can’t stop every wrongful action from taking place at school, but I will try my best to prevent any accident from occurring in and outside the classroom. Furthermore, child abuse or sexual harassment are two issues I feel very strongly about. I understand accidents happen at the child’s home but I will immediately inform my principal to get a second opinion if I suspect of any inappropriate behavior. Another issue is civil rights and all the court cases and laws that prevent treating someone unequal. I will never treat a student differently because of sex, race, age, or religion. Everyone is human and that is how we should view it. Additionally, I am aware of the Buckley Amendment and will not give any information about a student without the parents’ permission. That is the parents’ private information about their child and it should not be disclosed with anyone that the parents do not wish so. Moreover, I am a very religious person and I understand there are strict laws about religion in schools, especially public schools. I will neither state my personal religion nor beliefs to my students, but they will understand the social standards of what makes a good person. Along the same line as religion falls the theory of evolution. The court case Epperson vs. Arkansas’ main issue was over teaching evolution to the students. I believe the students need to understand the theory behind evolution and that it is just a theory. A better word they we might use in the class is “adapt” because every organism has to adapt to its’ surroundings. For example, when it is cold outside humans adapt by wearing warmer clothes and putting on jackets. I agree with the outcome of the Kitzmiller vs. Doover School District when it comes to Darwin’s theory of evolution. It needs to be taught because the students will be tested over it. However, I will stress that fact that it is a theory therefore it has not been proven. The real origin of mankind is a personal belief that the students’ parents will be in charge of teaching their child.
Accompanying the issues of professional identity and diversity, ecological dimensions are possibly the most important part of teaching. Ecological dimensions are the actual teaching of the students. I will fully commit to helping my students learn in the classroom. Every child is different, which means every child will learn differently. To offset this I will tend to my students with the special care they need, and do to the best of my capabilities to teach in their own learning style if they are having trouble. I will teach in a visual, auditory, and kinesthetic manner to accommodate the learner. I will have my students break up into groups for group lessons and centers because the faster learners can help the slower paced students. When in groups, students can solve problems on their own level. If a child is an exceptional learner they need to be given harder material at times to keep their learning growing but never tested on different material than the other students. I will give my students the correct positive reinforcement for good behavior and excellent work so they know that I have noticed their hard work and effort. Also, I will get the parents involved so we can work together to help their child and discuss fun learning strategies.
In conclusion, I want to help my students not only learn textbook information but to watch them form into young respectable adults that are always striving to learn. I want to make learning an enjoyable experience rather than a boring lecture followed by a test. I want my students to be thrilled to have me as their teacher and when they look back they can say I impacted their life in a positive manner.