Grade level: 6th Time Frame: 10 days/40 min.

EQ? How does imagination, writing skills, and art elements and principles connect to complete a work of art?

How did students meet standards through this project?

The students used knowledge of the Elements of Art to design and complete the project. Prior to designing their composition the students completed a two week study on the elements of art.

GA VAQCC 6-1 Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing

Standard: Plans and creates artworks using the principles of design to organize the elements of art for creating a composition.

The students creates a character and story line which mimics the art of writing style of Theodore Geisel (AKA Dr Suess). The students also used their knowledge of the element and principles to demonstrate the mood, moment, and movements in the story line.

GA VAQCC 6-2 Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing

Standard: Creates artworks to depict a mood, emphasize the effects of light as reflected off surfaces and within the atmosphere, or demonstrate proportion.

Through the completed producct the students demonstrated craftsmanship in watercolor and color pencil techniques.

GA VAQCC 6-3 Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing

Standard: Uses art materials and techniques.

The students demonstrated their understanding of the element of space through a landscape in the background. Some students demonstrated their knowledge of linear perspective (element space) within the design of their composition. All students used the element of color and technique of blending to produce Arial perspective (element of space).

GA VAQCC 6-4 Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing

Standard: Produces interpretations of the same landscape in both atmospheric (aerial) and linear perspective.

With in a safe environment students demonstrated proper care of the art materials, supplies, and furnishings.

GA VAQCC 6-6 Topic: Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing

Standard: Demonstrates proper care and safe use of art materials and tools.

The students connected this unit to Social Studies and Language Art Standards through the study of elements within in the art and or writing of Norman Rockwell, Chris Van Allsburg, Theodore Geisel, etc. The students connected this unit to language art through art critiques.

GA VAQCC 6-7 Topic: Connections

Standard: Applies concepts and ideas from another discipline and its topics as sources of ideas for own artworks.

Through an art Critique the students completed the following standards. A critique challenges the students to describe the art work, examine the elements used and the effect the elements has on the viewer, hypothesize the artist intent on creating the artwork, and judge the art. Students must first understand the era and/or the environment in which the art was produced prior to a critique.

GA VAQCC 6-8 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Describes the properties of color (hue, value, and intensity) and the color schemes of monochromatic, analogous, and complementary.

GA VAQCC 6-9 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Judges an artwork based on how successfully it expresses aspects of the society in which it was produced.

GA VAQCC 6-10 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Examines selected artworks based on questions related to art theories such as:
Does the intent of the artwork seem to be to imitate? (Realism).
Is the artwork primarily concerned with design or composition? (Structuralism/Formalism).
Is the work trying to express a feeling or emotion? (Expressionism/Emotionalism).

GA VAQCC 6-11 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Compares and contrasts the features and characteristics of linear perspective and atmospheric (aerial) perspective in selected artworks.

GA VAQCC 6-12 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Identifies the interrelationships between elements of art and the principles of design in artworks and the environment.

GA VAQCC 6-14 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Recognizes how artists use selected subject matter, including symbols or ideas, to communicate a message.

GA VAQCC 6-15 Topic: Critical Analysis and Aesthetic Understanding

Standard: Describes the expressive quality (feeling/mood) of artworks.

GA VAQCC 6-19 Topic: Historical and Cultural Context

Standard: Uses timelines, graphs, and visuals to trace important historical developments of the Americas, Europe, and Oceania using indigenous artworks.


·  Guided Worksheets

·  Illustration style examples

·  Dr. Seuss books

·  Check out these sights

Best children book illustrators-

Young Writing and illustrators Guide-

Illustrators biographies-

Materials Needed:

·  Word Processing Program/Computer/Scanner or Camera

·  Paper/ Binding Materials

·  Water Colors/Brushes/Color Pencils


Students will research illustrators to recognize styles.

Students will read Dr. Suess books to recognize unique writing styles and character.

Teacher will demonstrate creation of a crazy character development through a class drawing activity.

Students will design their own character.

Students will brainstorm to create a story line for their character

Students will write a creative story of their character

Students will design and complete illustrations for their short story with consideration to the effectiveness of the elements of art and principles of design.


2o pts.………………… Class Participation

20 pts………………… Character creation checklist

100 pts ……………… Brainstorming Checklist

100 pts………………. Art/illustration Rubric

50 pts………………… Short Story Rubric

10 pts……………….. Presentation Rubric/ Peer Evaluation