Information Sheet:

Carroll L. Wilson Awards for 2017


The Carroll L. Wilson Award provides an opportunity for one or more MIT graduating seniors to pursue a challenging international activity aimed at making a tangible and transformative impact in society. The Award particularly, but not exclusively, supports topics that will address challenges in energy, health, technology, the environment, sustainability, and/or science.

The Award honors the legacy of the late MIT professor Carroll L. Wilson who throughout his career sought solutions to important global problems through the application of scientific, engineering, economic, and political analysis to programs of action. The underlying goal of his work was the improvement of relations among countries and the strengthening of their institutions and people. The Carroll L. Wilson Award embraces and celebrates these principles.

This prize – amounting to a base of $25,000, with add-ons as appropriate for the project and/or location – will be awarded to a graduating senior in any department at MIT on the basis of a competitive evaluation of proposals by the CLW Selection Committee. Applicants may propose a new project that will occupy most of an academic year to develop, or a continuation and expansion of work already initiated during undergraduate study. Part of the purpose of granting this Award is to offer time to gain experience in an area of your interest, with a view to focusing later on graduate work or employment.

Proposals will be ranked and a group of finalists selected for interviews by the Committee. Interviews of finalists will be conducted during the day onSaturday, December 2, 2017. The winnerwill be selected and notified on the interview day, and be invited to attend the Carroll L. Wilson Circle reunion dinner later that evening at the MIT Faculty Club.

The Carroll L. Wilson Award has been funded by corporate contributions and by colleagues and friends of the late Professor Wilson from all over the world. For more information about the award, please visit our website at:

Application Instructions

Deadline: Friday, October 20, 2017

The application should be submitted electronically via email to and must consist of:

1. Completed application form (see page 3) including a statement by the student giving an account of the relationship of his or her proposal to the aims of the Wilson Awards.

2. A one-paragraphexecutive summary.

3. Project proposal not to exceed 5 pages. Proposals should include information about the project, the community you propose to work with, the impact on the community, and any other considerations relevant for the Committee.

4. Budget* (see following page for more details about how to prepare your budget).

5. A one-page resume

6. Signed release form (see page 4).

7. Confidential letters of support from both the faculty advisor and one person from outside MIT who knows the applicant well. These letters should make clear the specific qualities of the candidate and his/her proposal in relation to the objectives of the Wilson Awards. A letter from an affiliate in the host country would also lend strength to your application, but is not strictly required. Please have your recommenders email their letters directly to Kimberly Benard at .

*Please note: While drafting your budget, note that the award will be considered to be taxable income, which the student is required to report to the IRS. Please budget accordingly. Non-resident aliens will automatically have 14% of the Awardmoney withheld.

Application materials should be submitted in PDF format with items #1-6 in one comprehensive PDF document.

Applications and Recommendation Letters must be received no later than 5:00 PM on Friday, October 20, 2017.

Finalists for interviews will be notified by email on Monday, November 27, 2017. All other candidates will be notified by e-mail the same day.

Please submit your application to: Kimberly Benard,

Carroll L. Wilson Award — Budget Guidelines and Sample Budget

The budget in your proposal should detail the projected expenses that you anticipate will be incurred while performing the research outlined in your proposal. The Carroll L. Wilson Award is not meant to be a stipend and is intended to cover only operating expenses. The total expenses listed in the budget represent the amount of money that you are requesting from the Wilson Awards Committee. In the event you request less than the Award amount of $25,000, your total requested amount is what will be awarded. In the event that you request more than $25,000, you may be awarded the full amount requested subject to Committee approval. Two items that will not be supported by these Awards are equipment purchases (capital items costing $500 or more) and salary/stipends; you may, however, propose to rent equipment.


Item Unit Cost # of Units Total Cost

Air Transportation (using MIT-approved travel agent) $XX

Round-trip (Boston-Malaysia) $XX$XX

Ground transportation $XX$XX

Food & Lodging $XX

Malaysia $XX20 days $XX


Cell phone SIM card $XX1$XX

Cell phone minutes$XX/min1000 mins $XX

Supplies $XX

Digital camera $XX$XX

Film prints$XX$XX

Stationery $XX$XXPhotocopying & Printing $XX $XX



Translation Service$XX/day10 days$XX


Cost per respondent$XX250$XX

U.S. Tax (estimated)$XX

Total Amount Requested $XX

Amount Supported by Award$XX

Application Form: Carroll L. Wilson Awards for 2017

Name: ______Home Tel No. ______

Email: ______MIT Tel. No. ______

U.S. Citizen or Residential Alien: Yes ____ No ____If no, type of Visa ____ Country ______

Tax Treaty? ______

Term Address: ______


Permanent Address: ______


Department: ______Degree Program: ______

Expected Date of Graduation: ______

Proposal Title: ______

Letter of Recommendation I from: ______

Recommender I Email address: ______

Letter of Recommendation II from: ______

Recommender II Email address: ______

Student’s Statement of How the Proposal Relates to the Interest Areas of the Late Carroll L. Wilson

(Attach additional sheet, Word doc or PDF format)

Release Form: Carroll L. Wilson Awards for 2017

Please sign and send to Global Education via scan to:

The following release form is a short-form permissions agreement, to allow the MIT Global Education and Career Development to distribute your proposals to Committee members for review, as well as to archive and display them on its premises.

I the undersigned, for all materials submitted for consideration of candidacy for the Carroll L Wilson Awards (“Program”), including application form, personal statements, resumes, recommendation letters, and research proposals, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, hereby irrevocably grant to the MIT Global Education and Career Development and to the Awards Committee (“Committee”) the right and permission to archive and display the materials described above (“Materials”) and any other material provided by me. I further irrevocably grant the MIT Global Education and Career Developmentand the Committee the right to use my name, likeness, biographical and other information, as well as my proposal title and topic, in the MIT Entrepreneurship Center’s discretion, to publicize, display, exhibit, distribute, transmit, broadcast, promote and advertise the Program and any materials derivative of, supplemental to or related to the Program.

I hereby indemnify the MIT Global Education and Career Development, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Committee, their agents, employees, licensees, directors, officers, and anyone using the Material from any and all claims, losses, demands, damages, liability, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees and costs) arising out of, or in connection with, the use of my name, likeness, or materials in connection with the Material, or in the accuracy, alleged breach or actual breach of any representation, warranty or undertaking I have made herein or in the Material.


Name: ______



Signature of Applicant Date