Student BYOD Resource Page

M/J COMPREHENSIVE SCIENCE 2 Course Code: 200207001

Pacing / Date(s)
Traditional / 8 Days / 08-31-16 to 09-12-16
Block / 4 Days / 08-31-16 to 09-12-16

BODY OF KNOWLEDGE: P: Physical Science; N: Nature of Science

TOPIC II: Heat Energy

A.  Heat and Temperature
1. Thermal energy
2. Heat
B.  Heat Flow
1.  From hot to cold
2.  Review of heat
a.  Conduction
b.  Convection
c.  Radiation
C.  Change of State
1. Melting point
2. Boiling Point
3. Molecular motion
4. Melting
5. Boiling
6. Evaporation
7. Condensation / ·  Distinguish among heat, thermal energy and temperature
·  Use data to prove that adding heat to or removing heat from a system may result in a temperature change and possibly a change in state
·  Describe the motion of molecules when heat is added or subtracted from a system.
·  Cite evidence that heat flows in predictable ways
·  Interpret everyday examples of how energy is added or released to cause a change of state
·  Investigate the various changes of state as heat energy is added or removed
·  Compare and contrast instances of conduction, convection and radiation within Earth’s systems. / Core Text Book: Pearson Interactive Science Florida Ch. 10.2 – 10.3
Vocabulary: heat, temperature, liquid, solid, gas, state of matter, evaporation, melting point, boiling point, condensation, molecular motion, Celsius, Fahrenheit, kinetic energy, conduct, conduction, convection, radiation
1. Pearson My Science Online
2. BBC/Bitesize: Behavior of Matter
3. Study Jams: States of Matter, Heat, Solids, Liquids and Gases
4. BRAINPOP: Matter Changing State, States of Matter, Heat, Temperature
5. Phase Change Virtual Lab
SC.7.N.1.2 / Heat Transfer by Conduction / Phases of Water
Temperature and Particle Motion
Phase Changes
Conduction and Convection
Standard: SC.7.P.11.1 / Recognize that adding heat to or removing heat from a system may result in a temperature change and possibly a change of state. Assessed as SC.7.P.11.4 (Cognitive Complexity: Level 1: Recall)
/ Video / An Overview of Heat
Heat and Temperature
Temperature and Heat
Chemical Properties of Matter: Reactivity
Chemical Properties of Water
Density: A Physical Property Relating Mass and Volume
Physical Properties / Physical Properties
Phase Changes
Phase Changes- and Time Temperature Graphs
Kinetic and Potential Energy in Phase Changes
Phase Changes and the Endothermic and Exothermic Process
Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions
Phase Changes in Matter: Adding or Subtracting Heat
/ Image / Melting Point /

Phase changes; processes

/ Exploration / Sink or Float? / Changes of States
/ Interactive Glossary / heat
gas / evaporation
physical change
chemical change
/ Reading Passage / Matter Timeline
/ Science Content Collection / Heat and Temperature
Standard: SC.7.P.11.4 / Observe and describe that heat flows in predictable ways, moving from warmer objects to cooler ones until they reach the same temperature. AA (Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts)
/ Video / Metals and Non-metals
Characteristics of Matter
Mass and Weight / Volume
Physical Properties of Matter: Conductivity
/ Image / Density, Definition / Energy in chemical reactions; exo-/endo-
/ Reading Passage / Heat Is Happening
/ Science Content Collection / Convection
Conduction / Radiation
/ All activities are hyperlinked.
/ Video / Scientist Norman Haber Discovers Way to Move Molecules, Pull Gold from Ore
Arctic Ice Melt: Unplugging Earth's "Refrigerator"
The Chemistry of Chocolate / The Chemistry of Cheese
Photography Process Shows How Heat Affects Air Movement
Geothermal Power: Using Earth's Heat to Heat Homes
/ Image / Ice Cream Science / Fact or Fiction?: Glass Is a (Supercooled) Liquid

Division of Academics – Department of Science Page 3 of 3

First Nine Weeks