For immediate release

Less Sleep Could be a Killer that Increases Risk of Stroke and Cancers

According to a recent article, less than 6 hours of sleep can have a profound effect on major health conditions such as strokes, obesity, diabetes and cancer. Author, Dr David Johnson says “We need to open up our eyes to the value of closing them.” And a pioneering clinically-proven treatment can help us do this. Cranial electrotherapy stimulation is currently helping many suffering with chronic sleep problems, making them less at risk from these types of life-threatening conditions...

In his recent US article on Medscape, Dr. David Johnson explains how sleep deprivation has a ‘profound impact on multiple disease states’. If you get less than 6 hours sleep, epidemiologic studies show that you’re four times more likely to have a stroke, more likely to become obese, develop diabetes, memory loss, osteoporosis and heart disease, with a four times overall increase in mortality. [1]

In other words, virtually all of the systems of the body are affected by a profound lack of sleep. Dr Johnson argues that instead of thinking of sleep in terms of "I only slept 2 hours last night," as a cool thing to say, instead we should be saying, "I’m going to do myself harm, so I’m going to improve my sleep.” Dr Johnson says “We need to open up our eyes to the value of closing them.”

To help dramatically increase their chances of getting a good night’s sleep, many people in the US with sleep problems are now turning to cranial electrotherapy stimulation via a small, portable microcurrent device called the Alpha-Stim® AID. The alpha brain waves go up significantly whilst using the Alpha-Stim, leaving the user more relaxed and less worried. Using the Alpha-Stim for 20 minutes at least 3 hours before going to bed, normalises the electrical activity of the nervous system, leaving you more relaxed and less worried without feeling drowsy.

A study presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, showed that anxiety centres in the brain were deactivated from the Alpha-Stim® treatment, so less worries equate into more sleep [2]. And a pilot study showed that there is an increase in alpha activity (relaxation brain waves) with a simultaneous decrease in delta activity (sleep brain waves) after using Alpha-Stim® for 20 minutes [3].

Results of 2,500 patient’s self reports show 90% seeing an improvement of over 25% across all conditions including insomnia.

The treatment involves using imperceptible microcurrent levels of electrical stimulation applied across the head via transcutaneous electrodes. Ear clip electrodes, moistened with a conducting solution, are applied for 20 minutes to an hour or more on an initial daily basis for a week or two, followed by a reduced frequency of 2 or 3 treatments a week until the insomnia is resolved.

The Alpha-Stim® AID retails at £399 and is available from


Notes to Editors

The Alpha-Stim AID has FDA approval in the US.

Please note that you can’t use the Alpha-Stim when pregnant.


[1] David A. Johnson, Professor of Medicine and Chief of Gastroenterology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, MDDisclosures, February 19, 2014

[2] Bystritsky, Alexander, Moody, Teena, Hembacher, Emily, Hoffman, Jordan, Moller, Hayley, Feusner, Jamie. Effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation on brain activity in the resting state. Poster presented at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP), Hollywood, Florida, December 8, 2009.

[3] Kennerly, R., QEEG analysis of cranial electrotherapy: A pilot study. Journal of Neurotherapy, 8(2):112-113, 2004.


Dr Jo Krystyna Zagorska MA. M.Sc. Ph.D(Psychology). Chartered Psychologist BPS, Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist BABCP, Occupational Psychologist, Certificate in Occupational Testing Level A&B BPS.

Dr Bob Lister BSc (Hons), PhD,CBiol, FBS, FRSM, FLMU, Former Chairman of the Institute of Brain Chemistry and Human Nutrition, London Metropolitan University.

Dr. Lesley Parkinson - Consultant, Clinical-Psychologist, Specialist in Neuropsycho-Physiology

Possibly the UK’s most experienced consultant clinical-psychologist in BioFeedback, Neurofeedback, Hemoencephalography and quantitative electro-encephalographic assessment (qEEG) and brain health.

Caroline Carr - Caroline Carr Dip Adv Hyp, BA (Hons) is a clinical hypnotherapist, best-selling author and life coach with over 20 years’ experience helping people overcome depression, anxiety and confidence issues. Her consulting room is in Harley Street, London. For more information on Caroline see Caroline is also the author of LIVING WITH DEPRESSION, and HOW NOT TO WORRY. She has appeared on national television and radio including This Morning, ITV1 and Woman’s Hour, BBC radio 4. She also appears regularly in the national press.

Richard Morley - Richard Morley is one of only a few Certificated NLP and Health Practitioners in the UK, and a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP. He is also a Practitioner of Clinical Hypnotherapy, Full Member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis, a Tutor and Supervisor with the London College of Clinical Hypnotherapy and an approved therapist for the National Smoking Cessation Institute. See

Further Information

For more information, case studies and images call Ian and Jenny Liddle, Excellart, on: 01761 413 022 email: , Website: