University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business

Course Information

§  Course title: Enterprise Systems Concepts and Issues

§  Course number: Bus Adm 537

§  Semester: Fall 2014

§  Prerequisites: Junior standing and Bus Adm 335 (grade of “C” or better)

§  When it meets: Thursday, 5:30 to 8:10 PM

§  Where it meets: Lubar Hall N333


§  Course format: Lecture

Instructor Information

§  Name: Bob Ayvazzadeh

§  Office: Lubar Hall – N338

§  Office hours: Thu 4:45 to 5:30; and by appointment

§  Office phone: 414-229-6196

§  Mailbox location: Lubar Hall 4th Floor

§  E-mail address:

Materials and Textbook

·  Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems, Simha R. Magal and Jeffery Word, Wiley, 2012, ISBN 978-0-470-47844-8. (MW)

·  ERP Simulation Game with SAP ERP, Léger, P.-M., Robert, J., Babin, G, Pellerin, R., Wagner, B, 2010/2011 Edition. Each team member will need to purchase one copy of this eBook for $43 Canadian. Do Not Buy It Yet. (PML) – If you’ve “subscribed” to this via another class, you will be able to use that subscription and not need to purchase another.

Course Description and Prerequisites

·  537 Enterprise Systems Concepts and Issues. 3 cr. U. Introduce concepts in ERP and integrated nature of business processes, and all major components of SAP R/3 and Enterprise Portals interface. Prereq: jr st (excluding Pre-Bus srs & Univ Special Students with no undergrad degree); grade of C or better in Bus Adm 335(P).

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will:

·  Understand the concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning and be able to contrast it to traditional functionally oriented information systems

·  Gain hands on experience using SAP, the worldwide leading Enterprise Resource Planning software

·  Gain an appreciation for the new cutting edge tools features being offered in future Enterprise Resource Planning systems

·  Learn how to use an Enterprise Resource Planning system to manage a make-to-sell company

Course Learning Objectives

·  Learn the major components of an Enterprise Resource Planning system

·  Carry out hands-on lab exercises using the SAP software product

·  Examine and present analysis of new cutting edge technology

·  Play the HEC ERPsim simulation game

Grading Policy

·  The course grade will be determined by the following components:

Exam One / 50
Exam two / 100
Homework / 100
Game (Team Activity) / 100
Presentation (Team Activity) / 50
Attendance / 50
Total Points / 450

·  Homework: A number of lab exercises will be given during the semester. While interaction among class members is encouraged during the course, these assignments are to be individual efforts and are not to be done jointly. Unless otherwise noted, they are due at the class period following the assignment. Late homework will received 50% of the normal score.

·  Teams: The first night of class you will be asked to form teams of size 5 or 6, following an opportunity to get to know each other.

·  Presentation: Each team will be required to make a presentation during the first half of the course that deals with a current topic in the area of ERP. A list of potential topics will be provided by the instructor. The presentation should be 20 minutes long, should involve the use of PowerPoint and possibly demonstrations. Each member of the team should participate in the presentation.

·  The Game: At the end of the semester, after learning how to use the SAP ERP, the teams will complete using the ERPsim game. The performance in the game will be used to allocate this portion of the game. The manufacturing game will take two class periods and will be treated as the final exam.

·  Attendance: Attendance will be taken each class period at the end of the class period. You begin with 50 points and 5 points are subtracted for each class you are absent.

Course Drop/Withdrawal Deadlines

·  Sept 29 – Last day to drop full-term classes with partial refund or withdraw without notation of "W" on academic record (withdrawal fee assessed).

·  Oct 24 – Last day to drop or withdraw from full-term classes.

Examination Information

§  The final exam will take two class periods and will be open notes and open book. It will take place during normal class hours on December 11 and December 18.

Lecture and Assignment Schedule

Sept 4 Course Overview, Team Formation MW-1

Business Processes

Sept 11* Intro to SAP, Data, Navigation MW-2, GBI-02


Sept 18 Intro to Enterprise Resource Planning, GBI GBI-01 & 03

Sept 25 Exam 1 and Special Topic

Oct 2* Accounting – FI MW-3, GBI-07


Oct 9* Accounting – CO MW-3, GBI-08


Oct 16 Procurement MW-4, GBI-05

Team 1 & 2 Present GBI-MM

Oct 23 Fulfillment MW-5, GBI-04

Team 3 & 4 Present GBI-SD

Oct 30 Production MW-6, GBI-06

Team 5 & 6 Present GBI-PP

Nov 6 Human Capital Management GBI-09

Team 7 & 8 Present GBI-HCM

Nov 13* Exam 2

Nov 20 Company Overview, Intro Game PML 0 & 1 & 2

Dec 4 Play Manufacturing Introductory Game

Dec 11* Financial, Operational, Decisions, Reporting PML 3 - 6

Play Quarter 1 and 2 of Manufacturing Game

Dec 18* Play Quarters 3 to 5 of Manufacturing Game

* All labs will be held in N234B

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business

Statement of Academic Misconduct

Chapter UWS 14, entitled “Student Academic Disciplinary Procedures,” of the Wisconsin Administrative Code contains rules enacted by the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents that apply to all University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee students. Section 14.01 states, “The Board of Regents administrators, faculty, academic staff and students of the University of Wisconsin System believe that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education and of the University of Wisconsin System. The University has a responsibility to promote academic honesty and integrity and to develop procedures to deal effectively with instances of academic dishonesty. … Student who violate these standards must be confronted and must accept the consequences of their actions.”

Statement of Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is reprehensible and will not be tolerated by the University. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the careers, educational experience, and well being of students, faculty, and staff. The University will not tolerate behavior between or among members of the University community which creates an unacceptable working environment.

Discriminatory Conduct

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee remains steadfastly committed to the principles of academic freedom. This commitment requires an equally strong obligation to foster respect for the dignity and worth of each individual. Without this respect, the principles of academic freedom become meaningless. Moreover, relationships such as student-faculty and employee-supervisor have inherent power differences that compromise some persons’ ability to protect their own rights. Therefore, this University must provide an environment that respects the value of each individual and which does not tolerate discriminatory conduct of any kind.

University Policies Regarding Change of Registration/Adding and Dropping or Withdrawal from Classes

After initial registration, students have the opportunity to modify their class schedule by adding, dropping or withdrawing from classes during specific periods prior to the start of the semester. Such changes can be made without financial penalty until shortly before the start of the term (or before the start of a particular summer session). However, significant financial penalties can apply for changes made beyond the appropriate deadline, and some departments have unique deadlines and approval requirements governing how and when students may add and drop particular courses. Some academic programs also require their students to obtain specific approval for adding or dropping courses. Consult the most recent Schedule of Classes for dates, deadlines and procedures or contact the Business School Undergraduate Student Services office.

University Policies Regarding Repeating Courses

Unless a restriction is stated in the Schedule of Classes, undergraduates may repeat any course only once. Under exceptional circumstances, one more repeat may be allowed following approval of a written appeal to the advising office of the student's school or college. Except in the case of courses with variable content (which may be repeated for credit as often as permitted for that particular course, as specified in UWM Bulletins), both grades earned for repeated courses will appear on the student's academic record, but only the higher grade will be calculated into the grade point average. Students illegally repeating courses will be dropped, and "WR" will be assigned to the course on the student's academic record.

Students who took a course as a repeat prior to Fall 1988 are entitled to one additional enrollment. Transfer students who did not previously take a course at UWM are entitled to one repeat at UWM of a course taken at a previous institution.

In courses of limited enrollment, qualified students who have not taken the course previously have priority. It is generally advisable for any student to consult an advisor before registering to repeat a course.

University Policy Regarding Incompletes

An Incomplete may be given to a student who has carried a subject successfully until near the end of the semester but, because of illness or other unusual and substantiated cause beyond that student's control, has been unable to take or complete the final examination or to complete some limited amount of term work. An Incomplete is not given unless the student proves to the instructor that s/he was prevented from completing course requirements for just cause as indicated above.

A course marked Incomplete must be completed during the next succeeding semester, excluding summer sessions and UWinteriM. If the student does not remove the Incomplete during this period, the report of "I" will lapse to "F".

University Change of Grade Policy and Procedures

The following is from UWM Faculty Document No. 1927, May 12, 1994, entitled “Policies on Grading and Grade Records”. Grade or Record Changes. Instructors may not change a semester grade after the grade sheet has been submitted to the Registrar except for an inadvertent error in determining or recording the grade. Any change in a student’s grade or record, including retroactive change to drop, withdrawal, or incomplete, must receive the approval of the Dean of the School or College in which the student was enrolled at the time the course was taken.

Special Accommodations

If special accommodations are needed in order to meet any of the requirements of the course, please contact the professor as soon as possible. Students will be allowed to complete examinations or other requirements that are missed because of a religious observance.

Bus Adm 537 – Enterprise Systems Concepts and Issues Page 1 Bob Ayvazzadeh/Fall 2014