Stage 18 Eutychus et Clēmēns
I can…
· translate a passage using Stages 1-18 vocabulary
· give English derivatives of Stage 18 vocabulary
· correctly pronounce words in Stage 18
· make an adjective agree with the noun it is modifying
· decline and translate nouns in all declensions.
· answer questions about the characters in Stage 18
· explain why Egypt was famous for glassmaking
· explain why Egypt was an important Roman province
· explain how Egypt changed once it became a Roman province
Glassmaking / Egypt
· shaping
· free-blowing
· casting and cutting
· mold-blowing
· glassblowing
· Nile River valley
· Giza plateau
Stage 18 – Eutychus et ClēmēnsLatin Word / English Meaning / Derivatives
audeō, audēre
caput, capitis, n.
---, ---, coepī (defective verb)
cognoscō, cognoscere, cognōvī
dea, deae, f.
dēmōnstrō, dēmōnstrāre, dēmōnstrāvī
discēdō, discēdere, discessī
fortasse (adv)
ibi (adv)
libenter (adv)
manus, manūs, f.
mīles, mīlitis, m.
nam (adv)
obstō, obstāre, obstiti (+ dative)
pars, partis, f.
petō, petere, petīvī
posteā (adv)
prō (+ ablative) preposition
quo? (adv)
recūsō, recūsāre, recusāvī
soleō, solēre
Declensions and Gender:
Neuters: The 2nd and 3rd declensions also have neuter nouns.
The nominative and accusative of neuters are always the same…
1st Declension 2nd Declension 3rd Declension
feminine masculine
sing. pl. sing. pl.
Nominative -a -ae -us -ī Genitive -ae -ārum -ī -ōrum Dative -ae -īs -ō -īs Accusative -am -ās -um -ōs Ablative -ā -īs -ō -īs
sing. pl.
--- -ēs
-is -um
-ī -ibus
-em -ēs
-e -ibus
Nominative / -us / -ūs / -ēs / -ēsGenitive / -ūs / -uum / -eī (ēī) / -ērum
Dative / -ui / -ibus / -eī (ēī) / -ēbus
Accusative / -um / -ūs / -em / -ēs
Ablative / -ū / -ibus / -ē / -ēbus