How to Google

Google matches search terms with web addresses. This is why Wikipedia always pops up first. The exact search term is in the Wikipedia web address.

Google is a search engine. It will only give you things that already exist.

In a study on student research, 3 out of 4 students couldn’t use Google to perform a search and find the information they need.

Operators – search terms that narrow down your results. You can search Google Operators to find a complete list. The ones below are some of the more useful operators.

Operator / What it does
Site: / Only searches pages of that site type. For example: .gov or .edu
Filetype: / Searches only results of the file type you designate. For example: pdf, doc, etc.
Link: / Tells you what sites are using material from the site you searched. For example: link:
Useful for validating research material.
Intitle: / Only shows results with the word in the title. For example: Intitle:velocity
Author: / Will show results by the author you specify instead of searching for words with the authors name. For example:

Other helpful tools for searching with Google:

To include in search / What it does
“search term” / Searches for the exact phrase instead of each word individually
~search word / Searches for synonyms of the word as well. For example: ~college, would also search university and higher education
-search word / Excludes this information from your search results. For example: If you are looking up test scores for freshman entering college, but don’t want SAT scores -SAT
Year..year / Shows results in the designated time range.
* / Replaces itself with common terms in your search. For example: *swallow will give you results of all types of swallows

Countries are designated by 2 letters on the internet. Search “Country Code” for the list of country ID letters. Use site: followed by the country code to find results from that country. This is a great tool to use when you need sources from two different perspectives.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut / What it does
PC: ctrl+F
MAC: Command+F / Highlights all instances where the word or phrase is used in the document
PC: ctrl +/-
MAC: command +/- / Zooms in or out on the screen
PC: ctrl + L
MAC: command + L / Highlights the address bar
PC: Ctrl + the key above tab on the left side
MAC: Command + the key above tab on the left side / Cycles through different windows that you have open
PC: ctrl + tab
MAC: command + tab / Cycles through different applications
PC: ctrl + shift + 3/4
MAC: Command + shift + 3/4 / This will allow you to capture a screenshot (images of what is on your screen)
Using the number 3 captures your whole screen
Using the number 4 lets you draw a box around a specific area of your screen that you want to capture


Wikipedia is a good place to start. It is not a source. However, it is a good place to start looking at sources.

How to use Wolfram Alpha

Below is a link to tour Wolfram Alpha.

Wolfram Alpha is not a search engine. It is a computational knowledge engine. It creates data by making decisions from several sources.

Wolfram Alpha is to be used only as a way to check your work. It should NEVER do the work for you!

When test day comes, I will know how you used Wolfram Alpha.

Remind 101

Remind 101 is a one-way text messaging and email system. With Remind 101, all personal information remains completely confidential. Teachers will never see your phone number, nor will you ever see theirs. Signing up for Remind101 will allow you to receive reminders for physics class.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a great resource for topics covered in class. They have videos covering all different topics.

If you are struggling with a concept in Physics and need to be introduced to the material in a different way, look it up in the Khan Academy.


Social media gives the world its first impression of you. The following are things you should consider when using Facebook or other social media sites.

What you post matters / Don’t start fights
Be mindful of your personal opinions (it is a public forum)
Pictures, Videos, etc. / Everything needs to be appropriate.
Nothing Illegal or under the influence of anything
Personal Information / Don’t give it out
Don’t post your vacations
Don’t keep it on Facebook
Security Settings / Use these to control what you are tagged in, posted in, what others can see, etc.

Remember!! – Jobs and colleges check your Facebook before hiring/ accepting you. Your Facebook is a representation of who you are and gives a first impression. Make sure it is a good one.