Children’s Ministry FAQ’S

What Is The Vision, Mission and Values of Children’s Ministry? Vision – Children will live morally, pray consistently, and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Mission – Children’s Ministry will create opportunities to help kids live with morality, learn how to pray, and grow as disciples, helping children develop spiritual habits that will lead them into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Values – Faith is a journey not meant to be traveled alone. Knowing this, Children’s Ministry values the following:

•  A partnership with parents in the development of their child’s faith formation

•  A personal, yet, public relationship with God and the Roman Catholic faith

•  Authentic and accountable relationships between children, teens, parents and adults

•  Authentic worship experiences

•  A deeper understanding and familiarity with God’s Word

•  Involvement in the local and universal church

•  Using one’s time, talents, and treasure to further God’s Kingdom

•  Love and service to those outside of the Christian faith

What do you offer for Babies/Toddlers/2’s?

Babies (starting at 6 months), Toddlers, & 2’s worship in Kidzone, across from our Café. Kidzone meets for the duration of the Mass, and provides your child with a warm environment for him/her to play, connect with an adult and other children, and worship through song and Bible Story. There is no previous sign up or payment required; however, a check-in account is necessary for Kidzone check-in. If you do not have an existing account you can create one at the time of check in.

What do you offer for Preschoolers?

Preschoolers worship in All Stars 3’s or All Stars 4’s, program in our Children’s Wing. All Stars meets for the duration of the Mass, and provides your child with a fun environment for him/her to play, worship through song/story, hear a Bible truth each week, and learn about God’s love. There is no previous sign up or payment required; however, a check-in account is necessary for All Stars check-in. If you do not have an existing account you can create one at the time of check in.

What do you offer for Kindergarteners?

Kindergarteners worship in our All Stars Kindergarten program, in our Children’s Wing. All Stars Kindergarten, meets for the duration of the Mass, and provides your child with a fun environment for him/her to play, worship through song/story, hear a Bible truth each week, and learn about God’s love. Kids in All Stars Kindergarten will begin the process of being


Children’s Ministry FAQ’S

involved in an “informal” small group, as they participate in activities facilitated by leaders each week. There is no previous sign up or payment required; however, a check-in account is necessary for All Stars check-in. If you do not have an existing account you can create one at the time of check in. Check in is required for our Kidzone and All Stars programs.

What do you offer during Mass for Elementary Kids (grades 1-5)?

Time Travelers is our Mass program that focuses on providing a worship experience for kids. Held during the Liturgy of the Word (when adults listen to the Gospel and message), kids are invited to our Children’s Theater, where they participate in songs, see an engaging presentation of the Bible Story, and hear a message designed just for them, consistent with the adult series, but on a “kid level.” Children attending Time Travelers begin in the church with their families, leave for Time Travelers, and return before Communion (Liturgy of the Eucharist). There is no prior sign-up or registration required for Time Travelers – just show up and follow the leader to the theater at the appropriate time in Mass. To gain a complete worship experience, kids are encouraged to worship in Time Travelers AND attend a small group (see below).

What do you offer for Elementary Kids (grades 1-5) to go deeper in their faith?

We invite your 1st- 5th graders to join a Kids Small Group. We believe that spiritual growth and faith formation happen most effectively when they happen relationally. “Small Groups” is our faith formation program for kids that provides a supportive environment where kids can have fun with their peers while they are learning about God, developing good habits for life, and growing in their relationship with Christ. 1-2 adults, as well as teen ministers facilitate each small group, staying with the same group from 1st – 5th grade. Our program includes a presentation of Bible stories, inspiring learning activities and conversations, and a message that is designed to reinforce faith- based habits and stay consistent with the series adults experience at Mass.

What do you offer for kids with Special Needs?

Our Buddy ministers help children with special needs access all of our children’s programs. If you would like a buddy for your child, please contact the Director of Children’s Ministry.

Is there a cost for any Children’s Program?


Children’s Ministry FAQ’S

There is no cost for Kidzone, All Stars, or Time Travelers; however, there is a cost for Small Groups. The parish underwrites many of the costs of your child’s religious education. However, the entire cost of Small Groups cannot be supported in the parish’s operating budget and it is therefore necessary to rely on tuition. This cost includes a Bible for children to use during their Small Group, as well as resources and supplies to run the program. There are no additional costs, fees or fundraisers.

Tuition for Small Groups is:

• $135 per child

As always, if you have difficulty with the cost, please let us know. We would never want cost to hinder your child’s involvement in our program. We greatly value this investment in your children.

What is involved with the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, and first Communion?

·  Baptism

If you would like to have your child (infant-4th grade) Baptized, please sign up for 1:10, our Baptism Ministry. If your child is older than 4th Grade, please contact the Director of Student Ministry.

·  First Reconciliation/First Communion Requirements

In order to begin the Sacramental Preparation process, a child must be at least 7 years old, and enrolled in a Kids Small Group and our Sacramental Preparation program. Additionally, he/she must be baptized by water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Note: This may or may not have occurred in The Roman Catholic Church). First Reconciliation precedes First Communion. Usually, a child receives his/her First Communion and Reconciliation in 2nd Grade; however, we encourage you to wait until your child is ready. It is never too late for your child to receive his/her Sacraments. Once it is determined that a child is ready to received his/her Sacraments, he/she begins the formal Sacramental Preparation Process.

·  First Reconciliation/First Communion Sacramental Preparation Information.

Our Sacramental Preparation program is designed as a faith journey for kids in Grades 2-5 - and their parents - to take together. All children enrolled in Sacramental Preparation need to:

§  Be enrolled in a Kids Small Group.

§  Attend four Sacramental Preparation Workshops throughout the year with a parent/guardian.

§  Complete the required Sacramental Preparation Materials, presented at the workshops.

Typically, First Reconciliation preparation occurs in the fall, culminating in January with our Group First Reconciliation. The process repeats itself in the spring, ending with our Group First Communion in May. If your child attends a Catholic school, he/she may still receive his/her First Communion at Nativity; however, your child must be enrolled in a Kids Small Group and our Sacramental Preparation program in order for this to happen.

How do I become more involved in Children’s Ministry? Parents Who Want To Know More Parents who wish to go deeper with their kids can do so in the following ways:

•  Visit Our Facebook page – “Church of the Nativity”

•  Utilize our take-home resources each Series.

•  Get Involved: Adults.

Adults wishing to serve in Children’s Ministry must apply through the main website. There they will be contacted by the First Serve Coordinator of a specific ministry who will set-up an opportunity for them to test out the ministry. This opportunity is called a First Serve. After the First Serve an adult will complete all paperwork, undergo training and orientation. Once paperwork is filed and completed the applicant will be notified to begin serving.

·  Get Involved: Teens.

Teenagers interested in serving in a Children’s Ministry at Church of the Nativity go through a similar process as adults. They apply through the main website, attend a first serve and then attend orientation. After a teen as completed the application process, they are tracked, supported and encouraged through Student Impact.
