Use of reasonable Force and

Physical Intervention Policy

It was reviewed and adopted by the Governing Body on : / December 2017
This policy will be reviewed : / November 2018
This policy will be reviewed by: / Vice Principal, PDBW & SENCO


1. Rationale

2. Principles: When to use reasonable force

3. What constitutes reasonable force?

4. Staff training

5. Monitoring and recording incidents

6. Relevant regulations

1) Rationale:

Mark Hall Academy aims to provide an environment where all students and

staff are safe and secure. This is achieved by all members of the community being

aware of, and following the academy’s Culture for Learning and Anti Bullying policy. This policy is also linked to the safeguarding/child protection, health and safety and equalities policies.

It is accepted that there may be occasions within the academy where the use of reasonable force may be appropriate.

The academy policy on the use of reasonable force follows the guidelines set out in the DfE non statutory guidance ‘The use of reasonable force, advice for Headteachers, staff and Governing Bodies’ (July 2013)


2) Principles:

When to use reasonable force?

The use of force should be avoided whenever possible and should only be used in specific circumstances. In accordance with the DfE guidance, teachers may use ‘reasonable force’ to prevent a student from:

·  committing a criminal offence

·  injuring themselves or others

·  damaging property

·  behaving in a way that disrupts an academy event, trip or visit

·  acting in a way that is counter to maintaining good order and discipline in or out of the classroom.

3) What constitutes ‘reasonable force’?

Reasonable force covers the broad range of actions used by most teachers at some point in their career that involve a degree of physical contact with students.

Force is usually used to either control or restrain. This can range from guiding a student to safety by the arm through to more extreme circumstances such as breaking up a fight or where a student needs to be restrained to prevent violence or injury.

‘Reasonable in the circumstances’ means using no more force than is needed. Schools generally use force to control students and to restrain them. Control means either passive physical contact, such as standing between students or blocking a student’s path, or active physical contact such as leading a student out of a classroom by the arm.

Restraint means to hold back physically or to bring a student under control. It is typically used in more extreme circumstances, for example when two students are fighting and refuse to separate without physical intervention.

4) Staff Training:

There may be a need for staff who work with students with additional needs to access specific training. This will be reviewed on an annual basis. All staff will be briefed on ‘The use of reasonable force’ through training and ‘nugget’ sessions, and will be made aware of the policy on using reasonable force as part of their induction process.

5) Monitoring and recording incidents:

Detailed and up to date records should be submitted to the Principal immediately following an incident. (see Appendix 1)

Records of any incident should include:

·  the name(s) of the student involved

·  when and where the incident took place

·  why the use of force was deemed necessary

·  details of the incident, including all steps taken to diffuse the situation

·  the student’s response

·  the outcome of the incident

·  a description of any injuries suffered by the pupil and/or any property damaged by the incident

Where force has been used and a report has been submitted, a member of the Academy leadership team should inform a parent/carer of the student involved.

6) Relevant regulations:

DfE ‘The use of reasonable force, advice for Headteachers, Staff and Governing Bodies’ (July 2013)

Appendix 1 – Record of physical Intervention

Name of student
SEN / Yes /No
Home Group
Date, time and location of incident
Names of staff involved ( directly or as witnesses)
Details of any other students involved
Response of the student
Description of incident, including any attempts to de- escalate and warnings given that force might be used
Reason for using force and the type of force used
Any injury suffered by staff or student and any medical attention required
When parents/carers were informed and by whom