Teacher: M. Otero Week of: 9/4/17 – 9/8/17 Subject: Pre-AP English 10 Periods: 1st & 2nd TSW: The students will…

TUE / ·  TSW be able to perform textual analysis in the context of preparing for and having a classroom discussion. / ·  Classroom Discussions/Socratic Circles 31-33 / 1.  DGP
2.  Socratic Circle: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathan Edwards / 1.  Vocab Flash Cards for Lesson 2 will be due the next time we meet
2.  2nd Period: Complete the Intro and Body Paragraph using the Packet’s Prompt / 1.  Assessment Grade: The students’ annotations, discussion participation, and analysis writing will be graded as follows:
a.  Packet/Annotation 20
b.  Socratic Circle 30
c.  Intro/Body 50
THUR / ·  TSW improve their academic, domain-specific, and general, college-level vocabularies.
·  TSW improve their reading comprehension and textual analysis skills. / ·  Vocabulary 40-42
·  Rhetorical Analysis Writing 10-26, 30 / 1.  DGP
2.  Vocabulary Lesson Activities 2.1-2
3.  Mini-Lesson: PETER Paragraphs reviewing the mini-essays the students wrote on “Sinners”
4.  Read/Annotate the Preface to Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass together / 1.  Study Vocab Lesson 2 for the Quiz on 9/14-15
2.  Students will Closely Read and Annotate Chapters I and II of FD by Friday / 1.  The vocabulary and PETER Paragraph review activities are formative assessments.
I / ·  TSW improve their reading comprehension and textual analysis skills. / ·  Rhetorical Analysis Writing 10-26, 30 / 1.  DGP
2.  Analysis Writing Practice
a.  Annotating and Writing the 2 Prompts as Questions
b.  Writing Both Intro Paragraphs
c.  Writing One Body Paragraph / 1.  Study Vocab Lesson 2 for the Quiz on 9/14-15
2.  Students will Closely Read and Annotate Chapters III by Monday, Chapter IV by Wednesday/Thursday, and Chapter V by Friday. / 1.  Assignment Grade:
a.  Intro 1: 25 Points
b.  Intro 2: 25 Points
c.  *Body: 50 Points
*PETER Paragraph – Each part of the acronym will be scored on a 1 – 10 scale.

DGP: Daily Grammar Practice – TSW improve their grammar, punctuation, and language usage for standardized testing, editing, and composition – Grammar, Punctuation, & Usage 37-39