MATH 65 Elementary Algebra, CC 76
CRN: 40361
Instructor: Brie Wood
Office: WH220 or WOH103
Office Hours: TBA
Class Time: MTWF 1:00-1:50pm
Location: IA 201B
Course Description: This course expands upon the concepts learned in Introduction to Algebra (MTH 60) to explore more abstract topics and their applications. Topics include problem solving strategies, right triangle geometry, dimensional analysis, and exponents; as well as graphing and solving linear, quadratic, and exponential functions.
Required for this course:
Elementary Algebra for College Students,LBCC 2010 Edition
Elementary Algebra MTH 65 Course Materials Packet
Graphing Calculator (TI 83 or TI 84 recommended)
Graph paper (Recommended)
Grading: This course is graded as A-F. Points Breakdown:
Assignments/Quizzes @ 10pts each / 100pts / Final Grade3 Activities @ 25pts each / 75pts / A: 517-575 pts
B: 460-516 pts
4 Module Tests @ 100pts each / 400pts / C: 402-459 pts
D: 345-401 pts
Total / 575pts / F: less than 344 pts
If the above requirements are not met a WP or Y grade will be given
Tests: The four module tests are to be taken outside of the class lecture time, in the Learning Center. Deadlines for the tests are on the attached calendar. Module tests must be passed with at least a 70%.
What is needed to take a Module test:
A Ticket signed by me
Photo ID
Class Code Number (Written at the top of the Syllabus)
Late and Missed Tests: Tests may be taken after the deadline for a maximum score of 80%.
Retaking Tests: To receive a grade in the class ALL tests must be taken and passes with a 70% or better (a 60% is required for Module 4). You may retake a test once in order to improve your grade, with a maximum score of 80%. If you need to retake a test, please see me as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Final Exam: There is NOT a final exam for Math 65.
Proficiency Test: In addition to the 4 Module tests there is a proficiency test consisting of 10 questions over basic algebra. You must score a minimum of a 95% on the proficiency test. If you do not pass, you may retake the proficiency test in the Learning Center (up to two times per week). The proficiency test does not count toward your grade, but you must take and pass in order to earn credit for the course.
Homework and Quizzes:
I expect you to do the homework for a section after it is covered in class, and come to class the following day with questions. There will be Homework Quizzes given in-class throughout the term.These quizzes will be open note (i.e. class notes and homework), but closed book. You will be given onlythe section and problem number(s). To receive full credit on the homework quizzes, you must first be in-class, show all your work and have the correct answer, please circle your final answers. There will also be a few other assignments in addition to the in-class quizzes. Students are allowed (and encouraged) to work together on their homework and assignments, but must write up their own answers. There will be a total of 12 or more assignments worth 10 points each. The 10 best assignments will be counted towards your grade totaling 100 points.
Turning in Assignments: There are two options for getting your homework in on-time
- Turn the assignment in during class on the due date.
- Turn homework in at the Information Counter in the Learning Center. It must be turned in on the day it is due in order to be counted as ON-TIME. The Learning Center staff will stamp your work so that I know what day it was turned in. When turning your homework into the Learning Center, my name must be on the first page of each assignment, and it must be loose papers (i.e. not large notebooks or binders)
Late Assignments: Homework for a Module will only be accepted up to the deadline for that Module test, and will only be worth 5 pts.
Activities: Activities are applications of the material learned in class and will be done in-class on the scheduled days. You will work in small groups to collect data and then complete a report by answering the given questions.
Attendance: I expect you to be in class, on time and prepared every day; attendance is key to succeeding. Being prepared means that you have read the section being covered, have your class materials (i.e. paper, pencil/pen, notes, calculator, textbook, and homework). If you are not going to be able to attend class for any reason, you should contact me as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to get notes for the day you missed.
Calculator: A graphing calculator is required for this course. The TI-83 or TI-84 is recommended. Either of these calculators can be rented in the Learning Center for $25 per term. Make sure that you know how to perform basic operations and graph on your calculator. There is a free calculator workshop for the TI-83/84 offered the first week of the term. The TI-89 and TI-92 may not be used on any of the tests.
Students with Special Needs: Students who have any emergency medical information that I should know, who need special arrangements in the event of evacuation, or students with documented disabilities who may need accommodations, should make an appointment with me as early as possible, no later than the first week of the term. If additional assistance is required, the student should contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 541.917.4789. If you have documented your disability, remember that you must complete a Request for Accommodations form every term in order to receive accommodations.
Help: If you have questions, PLEASE come and see me. My scheduled office hours are given at the beginning of the Syllabus, but I will often be in the Learning Center between classes. Feel free to talk with me if you find me there. I work at both the Math Angle and Math Help desk in the Learning Center.
Resources Outside of Class:
Math Help Desk (drop in help for quick questions)
Math Angle (drop in help for Math 20- 95)
Tutoring Center (up to 3 hours free per week)
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Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayWeek 1 / 3/29 / 3/30 / 3/31 / 4/1 / 4/2
Course Introduction / Sections 1.2 / Section 1.3 cont. / Section 1.4
Section 1.1 / and 1.3
Week 2 / 4/5 / 4/6 / 4/7 / 4/8 / 4/9
Section 1.5 / Section 1.6 / Section 1.7 / Section 1.8
Week 3 / 4/12 / 4/13 / 4/14 / 4/15 / 4/16
Catch up / Module 1 / Module 1 / Section 2.1
Activity / Review
Mod 1 Deadline
Week 4 / 4/19 / 4/20 / 4/21 / 4/22 / 4/23
Section 2.2 / Section 2.3 / Section 2.4 / Section 2.5
Week 5 / 4/26 / 4/27 / 4/28 / 4/29 / 4/30
Section 2.6 / Catch up / Module 2 / Module 2
Activity / Review
Week 6 / 5/3 / 5/4 / 5/5 / 5/6 / 5/7
Section 3.1 / Sections 3.1 cont. / Section 3.2 cont. / Section 3.3
and 3.2
Mod 2 Deadline / Last Day for Mod 1 is 5/9
Week 7 / 5/10 / 5/11 / 5/12 / 5/13 / 5/14
Section 3.4 / Section 3.5 / Proficiency Test / Section 3.6
(Given in class)
Week 8 / 5/17 / 5/18 / 5/19 / 5/20 / 5/21
Catch up / Module 3 / Module 3 / Section 4.1
Activity / Review
Mod 3 Deadline
Week 9 / 5/24 / 5/25 / 5/26 / 5/27 / 5/28
Section 4.2 / Section 4.3 / Section 4.4 / Section 4.5
Week 10 / 5/31 / 6/1 / 6/2 / 6/3 / 6/4
Memorial Day / Section 4.6 / Module 4 / Module 4
Holiday / Activity / Review
Week 11 / 6/7 / 6/8 / 6/9 / 6/10 / 6/11
Finals / Week / Last day to test.
Mod 4 Deadline
You may drop this class online for a full refund until midnight Sunday, April 11.
You may withdraw from this class online until midnight Sunday, May 16.