9/21 BBA minutes

Bill S called the meeting to order at 7:00PM

Secretary’s Report: 1 correction from last month’s minutes regarding snack shed income. It was reported in the minutes that the income/expense figures were as of 8/18/09. The figures reported were actually for the spring 2009 season.

Jay made motion to accept with the 1 change, seconded by John Luhrs. Motion passed.

Treasurers Report:

Checking account $23424.91

F.M. account $30,804.01

Total $54,258.92

$12840.00 revenue

$9218.00 expenses

Motion to accept John Dee, 2nd Jose Fernandez – motion passed

Public Input:

Rich Hanson, grandparent of a player in the minor league expressed concern about how the league is run, and concerns he had about player selection for travel teams. He also felt that Bethel needs more fields and that Park & Rec should oversee Bethel Baseball. Explanations of how some of his concerns are handled were offered by John Dee, Bill Slifkin & Dave Bono.

League reports for the fall season

Jim Lacey – fall season is going well for Cal Ripkin

John Dee – fall season is also going well at the Babe Ruth level.


Bill S read a letter from Tom Liquiri stating his support for the formation of a 12U & 10U travel teams. He felt this would make Bethel travel more competitive at those levels.

Bill S. read a letter of complaint submitted to Park & Rec dated 9/21 from Mrs. Julie Zegray. The letter was regarding an on field incident during a game on 9/19 involving Craig Carlson, manager of the minor league team Nelson Roofing. After the letter was read Bill S. advised Ron Leinhardt to convene the DRB as dictated in the BBA bylaws for further review of the incident.


Bill S suggested that all travel team managers should be selected at the December meeting. Assistant coaches would be selected in March once the teams are picked. Any coach wishing to be considered for a manager’s position must have a letter submitted to the board by November 30, 2009. This was put in the form of a motion by Don Heibeck seconded by Brian Brod. Motion passed.

Bill S opened up further discussion about forming 12U & 10U district travel teams. After much discussion a motion was made by Trip Thunhurst to keep the teams as they are, seconded by John Dee. Motion passed.

Randy Vooris brought up the idea of forming an 8 year old team that would play in the I-84 league formed a few years ago. He felt this would give players an additional year to gain experience at the travel level. Additional information will be sought out; Bill S mentioned he was going to a State meeting in the next couple of weeks and could try and get additional information about the league.


Jose Fernandez, owner of Frozen Ropes training center presented a program for off season training at all levels. Last year BBA spent $11,685.00 for training. Jose’s proposal would reflex an increase at the rate of $14,300.00 from September 2009 – September 2010. Details of the proposal attached.

Randy Vooris made the suggestion that since we’re already through September that line item should be dropped which would reduce the cost $2400.00.

John Dee made a motion to increase fees $15.00 across the board to help off set some of the cost of future training programs. Seconded by Randy Vooris. Bill S. called for a show of hands from the voting board members in attendance. Motion passed by a vote of 6 for the motion, 4 against.

Coaches training:

Discussion regarding mandatory coaches training / clinics done by Frozen Ropes. Anyone wishing to manage or assistant coach at all levels would be mandated to attend these training sessions. Randy Vooris made the motion to require this, 2nd by Don Heibeck Motion passed.

Along with the coaches training, Ron Leinhardt made a motion that all coaches must attend a minimum of 6 meetings during the year to make sure they remain current with all league activities. Motion 2nd by Bill S. Motion passed.

During the meeting Bill received a letter of resignation from Craig Carlson resigning from all BBA positions he previously held. All minor league coaches will assist his assistant coaches for the balance of the year when they have an off week.

With this development Bill advised Ron L that he would no longer need to convene the DRB regarding the letter of complaint against Craig Carlson submitted by Julie Zegray.

Babe Ruth / Jimmy Fund

Bill Pullan reported that he is still short donations that would bring him to the 1 million dollar mark he has been trying to reach.

John Dee presented Bill with a check in the amount of $2500.00 from the I-84 League.

Next Meeting will be the nomination meeting and will be held October 19th, at 7:00PM.

Meeting adjoined 8:55PM