MINUTES of Beechwood Netball Club AGM

17th March 2014
Quayside, Runcorn
Sarah S
Paula B
Melanie M
Jen B
S Bignall
Julie Southall
Tracy Broome
Jane Hayes
Donna Annesley
Natalie Clarke
Jan Fisher / Apologies:
Jessika Maddox
Patsy Ridd / Circulation:
No of pages TBC
Club AGM 2013 Period / Action / By
1 / Meeting commences at 7.12pm. Welcome from M Morris (chair) advised no AGM in 2013 due to a restructure of Snr & Jnr elements of the club. Reviewed last minutes and ran through these before sign off.
MM to provide a list of the schools the club now has links with
Minutes proposed – S Bignall
Minutes Seconded – J Bignall / MM to send school list / ASAP
2 / Finances – S Bignall covered this in the absence of J Maddox
  • Hand out provided with agenda showed the Income and Expenditure for 2013 calendar year.
  • Subs were covered and are to remain the same as they were for 2013. This was also shared that we are probably cheaper than most clubs who pay subs and then to train, but as a club we are happy with this.
  • Increase when moving up age groups referenced as SO should be increased accordingly.
  • Also covered off that Faster Payment is not correct this should be a Standing Order
/ None / N/A
3 / CAPS – Covered off by J Bignall
  • Jen outlined where this was up to and the criteria as a club we needed to fulfil in order to achieve Bronze. However she also advised that as we had Snr before Jnr this meant that we could almost straight away go in for our Silver once we had our Bronze.
  • This will also help with funding for the club once we have this and allow us to be part of club Halton as soon as we have this.
  • Complaints procedure to be added to website
  • Roles & responsibilities for Committee and club members also to be shared on website
Safeguarding – Covered off by J Bignall
Jen flagged that if there are any issues with the club, coaches, players etc then they are to be reported to Jen B and then if necessary this will be shared with the committee members and All England. / Complaints procedure & roles etc to be shared on website / JB
4 / Presentation Night – 25th April 2014
Sharon B provided an updated as to where planning for this was up to.
6pm start – We have room till around 12pm.
Juniors are able to stay with parents until any time this year in a change from last year.
DJ still required for this and Jan F took an action to speak to the resident DJ in Pavilions’ and advise SB.
Buffet same person as last year due to great quality and trophies are selected ready for names etc.
Screen required for slide show – Paula B took an action to ask school for the loan of theirs.
Tickets still available.
Name check – spelling required before final names are agreed and also check all members on listed as new ones may have joined. March 31st cut off date for trophies & Medals.
Jan F to do photographs again but not all night as per last year.
Jane H raised a point that Thunder won the Sandbach tournament and were the 1st junior team to win a tournament. They only got small medals so would like them to receive a trophy for this as recognition.
Mel has trophies which would potentially be suitable so is to share this with Sharon and we may just need to get the 9 names and events engraved. Committee agreed if this was not the case we would take additional money from club account and pay for these.
SS advised that there is a whole element of presentation this year to highlight and showcase achievements for Jnr and Snr teams and this was definitely on the list. / SB to continue with plans
PB – Screen request
JF – DJ update
SS/SB – to finalise names list before printing and trophies
SB – To look into Thunder trophies for sandbach tournament / 16/04/2014
5 / Fundraising – List of events provided in hand out on night showing a schedule of plans for 2014.
June Bag pack to be cancelled as the club both Jnr & Snr have events every weekend in June and it is just not possible to complete this.
JB to look at if we can have a date later in the year. Possibly October with a purpose of Condover Hall for the Juniors who are going. This is to be discussed nearer the time.
Bag Pack Note – Adults and Juniors need to do this together. Anyone who is unable to attend this then we will decide on scratch card and if required a % closer to the time. Slots etc all to be discussed and co-ordinated as per last time.
Sponsorship Scale to be drafted to ensure when we get sponsors we have a guide as to what this can/will cover. Draft to be reviewed with committee at 1/4ly meeting (date tbc).
As a club we need to understand do we have any seniors or parents who work for companies that will ‘match fund’ also also need to bear in mind the matching is done on what employee raises not the club!
Tornado Parents Question raised by Jane H – What do Juniors get out of fundraising. Explained that the hoodies for juniors were all paid for by a sponsor and before and after each event the ‘CLUB’ would share what it was for.
Bag Pack – Example it was decided that % would be for presentation (£600) then the rest would be split for kits and then coaching and equipment. Actual figure per player to be agreed and shared with team managers who will be allowed to decide if they want this off something off the kit list (which is to be agreed before end of April) or would like to suggest another use of this.
Bottle holder was purchased by parents of Tornado and committee explained if we had been asked for this for the team we would have been able to provide this.
Kits – working through the list of what we as a ‘Club’ need and then there will be a Team coach/Manager review of this Chaired by SS for our opinions and required changes. Date to be confirmed once samples are available.
Also requested if there are any ideas people have to share this as per the email addresses on the hand out. / Meetings to be set up once products are available.
% share to be publicised with everyone / Ongoing
6 / Tournaments – LL raised that they would like to only be entered into tournaments in the correct age groups.
Details of upcoming tournaments on the Club 2014 hand out and also the events page of the website. / Secretary / Ongoing
7 / Affiliations
Paula B advised that this would be started in July 2014 ready for submitting in August 2014.
New forms for all England will need to be completed and the club will have a strict rule which is if all 3 items are not returned there will be No Affiliation and No playing until such as time as this is completed.
We need to ensure we remain compliant with All England Rules. Also will be requiring a Photo ID for each player to ensure that we can make it easy for the player to be identified should this ever be required.
We will advise costs for Affiliations as soon as we can as we need to wait for the leagues to release their costs / PB & Team managers to collect paperwork
SS to collect Everything in and work with PB when August arrives / July – Aug 14
8 / Club update
Mel outlined a number of points which can be seen in the attachment to the minutes. This outlines all plans for future for both the club & Players individually. A few points were player records of achievement; Teams moving to regional competitions rather than local where we feel this is a good move. To be discussed with Team Managers & coaches as the Cheshire League was. / Progression of Club & Players / Ongoing
9 & 10 / Committee Roles – To decide if everyone is staying in the roles they were in or if other people would like to be these. Decisions made as follows:
Chair – Mel M to remain (1st Paula B; 2nd Jan Fisher)
Treasurer – Jess M to remain ( 1st Jen B; 2nd Louse L)
Affiliations Secretary – Paula B to remain(1st Sarah S; 2nd Natalie C)
Secretary – Sharon B stepped Down and Sarah S was proposed by Sharon Bignall (1st Sharon B; 2nd Paula B)
Junior co-ordinator – Jen B to remain (1st Natalie C; 2nd Sharon B)
Safeguarding Officer – Jen B to remain (1st Paula B; 2nd Mel M)
Social Secretary – Sharon B to remain (1st Jen B; 2nd Paula B)
Fundraising; Funding & sponsorship – Sarah S to remain (1st Sharon B; 2nd Natalie C)
All the below are to be agreed by the Committee before sharing names in Roles:
Additional Roles which were discussed or Sub-committees as follows:
Volunteer Co-ordinator – Jan Fisher to remain
Parents Representative – Emails of interest to be received this person will attend committee meetings to raise any points from parents.
Junior Representative – Emails of interest to be received
Sub Committees –
First Aid box monitor – Natalie Clarke said she would assist with this.
Team Managers & Coaches – All relevant people to be on this however Jen B & Jane H to chair and co-ordinate this. Minutes to be kept and shared with secretary. Jane H to attend Committee meetings representing this subcommittee and to share any questions and points.
Website & publicity – To be formed and then a common set of rules shared. List of teams to be added to with Coach or Parent who is going to be writing reports. Gray L & SS to be on this in some capacity.
Umpiring – Paula B to take ownership of this working with Mel
Tournament – Paula B & Mel M to start this then to engage with Volunteer Rep to help with planning this. / Subcommittees and additional roles to be set up asap / June 2014
11 / Website – covered this off as part of the new subcommittee and just that we need to get better at using and updating the brilliant website we have for both Junior and Senior teams.
Jane H took action to speak to Ciaran Clotworthy with regards to a contact at the local newspaper to get our results etc in the news/sport part.
Jane provided an update 18.03.2014 – Oliver Clay is the contact. R
SS – Sent email to both 28.03.2014 to ask how we go about getting Netball information in the paper. / Jane H / Complete
11 / AOB
Jane H raised a point that any decisions regarding Juniors should include team managers. Committee asked for her to elaborate on what points she felt this had not happened as we advised the committee make no decisions regarding juniors or seniors without prior discussion. Jane advised the bag pack money which we advised was a ‘Club’ decision rather than Junior decision and the split of what money was to be used for was shared. Also advised that the last decisions made around Juniors were done at the Junior coach meeting where we chose Winter leagues to enter. This was the last time this panel met and the intention was for the meetings to be every 2 months and issues raised via secretary who can share with everyone relevant. Fundraising was a club thing and as advised each event would be discussed and then shared with all concerned.
Subcommittees were to discuss matters at committee meetings where relevant and be included where relevant, as not all things discussed are for everyone.
Standardisation of training was discussed. Jane H raised the point that she does not want to be doing the register she would like to be training the players. Committee advised we are going to look at a nominated person for each register but the Risk Assessment has to be completed by the coaches. Names to be discussed for each session Jen B to look at all Junior ones. Senior Thursday to be discussed.
Paula B to draft a letter to be agreed with the committee around the concerns relating to the ball hall. Umpiring etc
Dates for meetings and names to be invited to be drafted in April ready for the New roles to be agreed and then subcommittee meetings to take place.
12 / Meeting closed at 9.30pm