Renew Constitution

Article I

Section 1- The name of this student group is Renew.

Section 2- Renew is a student lead group at Ohio State devoted to encourage the university to divest entirely from fossil fuels.

Section 3- Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and the entirety of its membership shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or veteran status. In solidarity we will succeed.

Section 4: Sexual Misconduct Policy: As a student organization at The Ohio State University, Renew expects its members to conduct themselves in a manner that maintains an environment free from sexual misconduct. All members are responsible for adhering to University Policy 1.15, which can be found here: If you or someone you know has been sexually harassed or assaulted, you may find the appropriate resources at or by contacting the Ohio State Title IX Coordinator at .

Article II – Membership

Section 1- Active membership is restricted to students currently enrolled at Ohio State, and is granted to those who show interest in attending group meetings or events.

Section 2- Honorary membership is openly granted to non-students, faculty, alumni, professionals, etc. who show interest in attending meetings and events. All are welcome and encouraged to attend, but honorary members cannot take part in voting within the organization.

Section 3- Renew is to remain student-initiated, student-led, and student-run.

Article III – Leadership

Section 1- The president of Renew has the authority to set meeting dates and is obligated to: give notice of meeting agendas to all members in advance of meeting dates; find a meeting location for each meeting; and represent the group at other functions. Any task of the president may be fulfilled by another member who volunteers as long as the president accepts the offer.

Section 2- The vice president of Renew has the authority to supervise the activity of the group or any committee within the group. The vice president will assume the roles of the president in the event that the president is unable to fulfill their duties.

Section 3- The treasurer of Renew is obligated to make purchases and use of funds in the manner that the group has democratically decided. The treasurer is obligated to maintain an accurate budget. The treasurer will also submit applications for funding.

Section 4- Advisors positions, whether standalone or part of an advisory board, are granted by approval from a majority of active members. Advisors are expected to offer support for the group, and may attend meetings at their discretion.

Section 5- Other positions, such as secretary, or any other position, may be created upon a majority vote within the group. Any active member within the group may propose a new position. An election will promptly be held to select a member from those who volunteer for the position.

Section 6- All powers not specifically invested in the leadership is reserved to the general membership.

Article IV – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members

Section 1- If a member or officer acts inappropriately, engages in behavior detrimental to the success of Renew, or violates the Code of Student conduct or Renew’s by-laws, a decision to revoke their membership may take place pursuant to the organization by-laws

Section 2- Officer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and any other official positions to be determined by the group) are elected for a term of one year. Elections are held annually during during the Spring Semester in a fashion pursuant to the organization by-laws.

Section 3- Recall elections may be held at any point pursuant to the organization by-laws.

Section 4- If members feel as though an officer position needs to be created or changed, it may be done so pursuant to the organization by-laws.

Article V – Method of Amending Constitution

Proposed amendments must be in writing and read at a general meeting; an election on the proposed amendment will occur at the following meeting. Approval requires that at least two-thirds of active members be present. Amendments will pass with a majority of present members.

Article VI – Method of Dissolution of Organization

Should Renew become inactive (i.e. hold no meetings or events) for one full year, the dissolution of our chapter will ensue. Debts must be repaid before the dissolution of the organization.


Article I - Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the above Constitution shall govern the organization in all cases to which they are applicable.

Article II – Membership

Section 1- Active membership is restricted to students currently enrolled at Ohio State, and is granted to those who show interest in attending group meetings or events. In order to remain an active member students must attend at least one meeting a month.

Section 2- Honorary membership is openly granted to non-students, faculty, alumni, professionals, etc. who show interest in attending meetings and events. All are welcome and encouraged to attend, but honorary members cannot take part in voting within the organization.

Section 3- Although we encourage and welcome collaboration from outside sources like local, state and national governmental and non-governmental organizations, Renew is to remain student initiated, student led, and student run.

Article III – Leadership

Section 1- The president of Renew has the authority to set meeting dates and is obligated to: give notice of meeting agendas to all members in advance of meeting dates; find a meeting location for each meeting; and represent the group at other functions. Any task of the president may be fulfilled by another member who volunteers as long as the president accepts the offer.

Section 2- The vice president of Renew has the authority to supervise the activity of the group or any committee within the group. The vice president will assume the roles of the president in the event that the president is unable to fulfill their duties.

Section 3- The treasurer of Renew is obligated to make purchases and use of funds in the manner that the group has democratically decided. The treasurer is obligated to maintain an accurate budget. The treasurer will also submit applications for funding.

Section 4- Advisors positions, whether standalone or part of an advisory board, are granted by approval from a majority of active members. Advisors are expected to offer support for the group, and may attend meetings at their discretion.

Section 5- Other positions, such as secretary, or any other position, may be created upon a majority vote within the group. Any active member within the group may propose a new position. An election will promptly be held to select a member from those who volunteer for the position.

Section 6- All powers not specifically invested in the leadership is reserved to the general membership.

Article IV – Method of Selecting and/or Removing Officers and Members:

Section 1- If a member or officer acts inappropriately, engages in behavior detrimental to the success of Renew, or violates the Code of Student conduct or Renew’s constitution or by-laws, a majority vote will be required to revoke their membership. Such a vote may take place if any active member shows concern about some member’s behavior, and other members of the group agree to vote on the issue.

Section 2- Officer positions (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and any other official positions to be determined by the group) are elected for a term of one year. Elections are held annually during the 10th week of the Spring Semester.

Section 3- Elections for leadership positions will take place during regular meeting times and in the same location as regular meetings. The election date will be determined by the group several weeks ahead of time. Members interested in running for leadership positions must indicate their interest ahead of time. Leaders will be selected by a plurality vote.

Section 4- Recall elections may also be held at any point, but will require a petition bearing the signatures of at least one third of the general membership. Grounds for recall elections may include offensive behavior, such as that which may be deemed racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, or ableist. If an officer continues to behave offensively after removal from their chair, they may be subject to removal from the general membership by the procedure explained in Article III - Section 1.

Section 5- If members feel as though an officer position needs to be created or changed and are able to produce a petition bearing over 50% of group membership, they may hold a provisional election to appoint an officer to that chair.

Article V – Method of Amending By-Laws

Proposed amendments must be in writing and read at a general meeting and a vote will be had on the proposed amendment at the following meeting. Approval requires that at least two-thirds of active members be present. Amendments will pass with a simple majority or present members.