Publish your Passion™


I.  Manuscript review

A.  Working title

B.  Author

C.  Content – by giving the author what the reader picked up as their premise/point/thesis of their manuscript then they will know if they conveyed their message as desired.

D.  Response evoked from reader

E.  Use of reader

F.  Marketability – based on the market as defined by 3CrossPublishing, historical data and on the niche level of the book

Marketability chart –

Easiest to market Most difficult

II.  Technical considerations

A.  Format requirements

1.  Digital file in Microsoft Word / NO major formatting / raw text only OR hard copy printed / handwritten

2.  Do NOT add page numbering, headers or footers, special fonts

3.  Remove ALL breaks / page breaks, section breaks

4.  Remove ALL automatic content tabling, indexing, footnotes, endnotes, and/or table of contents

5.  DO include italics, bolding, underlining where desired. DO include all chapter headings in the text.

6.  DO submit the entire manuscript in Times New Roman / 10, 11, or 12 point.

7.  DO submit book as one complete text IF POSSIBLE (send in chapters as you go as option if book outline is complete)

8.  DO submit a separate page for explanations / notes, special fonts, style requests

B.  Design

1.  Done by 3CrossPublishing DOCUMENT TEAM

2.  Author will be connected directly with document team to speed process / document team coordinator as facilitator

3.  Style sheet will be created and will be based on input from author / author submits samples of desired page elements (copies of pages of other books)

4.  Support pages developed as desired by author / title page, copyright page, forward, introduction, appendix, table of contents, tables, definitions, prologue, epilogue, etc.

C.  Copyright, Library of Congress, ISBN

1.  Copyright to be owned by author or his/her delegate. 3CrossPublishing will receive permission to publish for the author / author will complete necessary forms for copyright registration with the US Copyright Office if so desired / 3Cross will facilitate

2.  Library of Congress requires two copies of all published works for registration. 3CrossPublishing will forward two copies as required by author as a service. These copies and the Library of Congress forms will be forwarded to the US Copyright Office

3.  An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) will be issued as an additional service. The sole purpose of the ISBN is for identification (barcode) for books to be sold through traditional channels

III.  Manuscript to Finished Book

A.  Manuscript sent to 3CrossPublishing with AUTHOR APPLICATION form / non-disclosure returned to author

B.  Manuscript read and evaluated

C.  Manuscript formal review and proposal sent to author

D.  Author returns proposal (contract) along with fees

E.  3CrossPublishing DOCUMENT TEAM begins work on manuscript

1.  Editing / soft or hard (author choice) / copy and content together (save time / money)

2.  Design / cover and text

3.  Layout of text / headers, footers, style sheet, book elements

F.  Print production / option for author

G.  Marketing / option for author

H.  Fulfillment and distribution / option for author