Honors Geometry Syllabus


Instructors: Franny Apel and Mary Catherine Miller

Room: 306

Phone: 727-2061

Email: ,

Course Description: Geometry continues students’ study of geometric concepts building upon middle school topics. Students will move from an inductive approach to deductive methods of proof in their study of geometric figures. Two- and three-dimensional reasoning skills will be emphasized and students will broaden their use of the coordinate plane to include transformations of geometric figures. Topics for this course include points, lines, planes, angles; reasoning and proof; parallel lines and perpendicular lines; congruent triangles; relationships and triangles; proportions and similarity; right triangles and trigonometry; quadrilaterals; transformations; circles; areas of polygons and circles; surface area; and volume.

Goals and Objectives: Upon completion of this course students should be able to reason and communicate using mathematics, and work confidently, collaboratively, and independently to solve problems using various problem solving techniques and higher order thinking skills. Other goals include 80% Mastery of objectives, an increase in SAT scores and preparation for Honors Algebra 2.

Classroom Guidelines:

  1. Students must attend class, be on time, and come prepared. Per the R.J. Reynolds High School Handbook, more than six absences from a class during any quarter is considered excessive. A student is required to complete a grade/attendance waiver form for each class in which they have been excessively absent. If a student fails to submit a waiver form, they will automatically be given an F for that quarter. Two or more unexcused absences result in a denied grade/attendance waiver. Waivers are due two days before the end of the quarter. If a student follows proper attendance procedures and improves their attendance in the quarter following a denied grade waiver, they may have their prior quarter grade reinstated.
  2. Homework is assigned daily.
  3. Students must keep a math notebook daily.
  4. Students must exhibit a positive attitude and contribute to an overall environment of achievement and learning.
  5. It is the students’ responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work, tests, etc. after being absent. This is to be taken care of outside of the class period. Students who miss class because of field trips, school functions, athletics, etc. are responsible for class notes, homework, and due dates. Per the R.J. Reynolds High School Handbook, students are allowed one day per absence to make up any work missed. Therefore, students absent on the day of a test will be required to make up the test on the day they return to school or their score is a zero. All missing work is a zero until it is turned.
  6. Students will not be released to go to the phone, restroom, water fountain, office, guidance department, etc. unless it is emergent.
  7. Hats, electronic devices other than calculators, and food/beverages are not permitted. If they are visible, they will be taken up. Electronic devices will be delivered to the Main Office and a parent will be called to retrieve the device.
  8. Students are held accountable to the Honor Code.

Daily Course Requirements:

  1. Text: Geometry, McDougal Little4. Math Notebook
  2. Scientific Calculator (can be left at home)5. Loose-leaf paper
  3. TI-83+/TI-84+ Graphing Calculator (recommended6. Pencils and/or blue/black

for purchase but will be provided for classroom use) ink pens

Honors Projects:

Each quarter Honors classes must do one project. Students are given 3-4 weeks to complete the project. Students may come to tutoring to receive a sample grading of their work prior to the due date. Honors projects are the only assignment that will be accepted late. Every day the project is late is 10% off the project’s grade. (Absences do not equate with being late. If a student is absent on the project due date, the project must be submitted on the student’s next day of attendance.)

Evaluation Methods:

Grades will be determined based on the following breakdown for each quarter:

1. Class Work, Notebooks, and Homework10%

2. Honors Projects10%

3. Quizzes20%

4. Chapter Tests 40%

5. Quarter Tests20%

TOTAL 100%

*Please note that all students who score less than 80% on an objective assessed on a quiz or chapter test are eligible to retake the objective in tutoring. If the student achieves mastery the score in the gradebook will be the average of the original test and the retake. This policy does not apply to the honors project or quarter exams. Also note that I will not replace any test scores with the quarter exam.

Semester grades will be the average of the two previous quarter grades. All students enrolled in this class are required to take the final exam. At this time there is not a Geometry-specific EOC. Final grades will be calculated with first semester counting 37.5%, second semester counting 37.5% and the final exam counting 25%.

Grading Scale:

A = 93% – 100%

B = 85% – 92%

C = 77% – 84%

D = 70% – 76 %

F = below 70%

  • PSAT ~ The PSAT is a test that helps to prepare students for success on the SAT. All juniors at RJ Reynolds will take this test on October 13th. Geometry students are allowed to take the PSAT for practice, but must pay the fees involved UNLESS THE STUDENT IS A JUNIOR. The fees for freshmen and sophomores to take the PSAT are $14 and are due no later than September 22nd, 2011.